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Volleyball drills for technique defense / passing / digging / diving / reception

Per 2 or 3 players.
  • Player at the net with ball on a mat, this is the zone to be played to.
  • 2 players in the backfield. Take turns playing the ball back to the net player.
  • After contact by the back player, the 3 meter line is touched with quick movement.
  • Overhand/underhand contact only.
  • No more catching the ball.
drawing Warm up and ball control
2 working groups:

Group 1 with trainer:
  • Make 2 Trios.
  • 1st trio goes behind 7 meter line on belly.
  • Trainer with ball carrier in corner of field.
  • Trainer claps on ball and immediately plays down field.
  • First ball must be played in 3 meter zone, non-reception player catches ball in pass position
  • other players stand on attacking home the moment ball is caught and call for pass.
Group 2
  • 3 players with ball at the net.
  • Others go to work, starting in corner of field
  • Get short ball first, far ball and back a short ball.
drawing Defense - attack home
1 player works, 4 pass balls.
  • Worker starts at the net in block position.
  • Block over net as start signal of exercise.
  • Worker makes 1st 3rd time move & ball is passed in from position 4.
  • Worker goes to retrieve short ball from position 1.
  • Worker taps player in position 2 and brings ball back that is thrown into the court.
  • Worker retrieves short ball from the ground from position 5.
drawing Condition and displacement
  • Players start opposite each other at the net with 1 ball.
  • Ball is thrown under the net during a lateral move. Staying low is important.
  • Blue player leaves towards the back line.
    • jumping exercise on the bench
    • Sprint between the 2 cones
    • Back towards the net through speed ladder
  • Red player departs diagonally to the back line
    • Dive to the corner of the field
    • Hopping step with high knees from cone to cone
    • Side plank movement across mat
    • Ball waiting for players under the net and continue around the court
  • Both players reconnect on the other side of the field and start another round.
3 - 5 rotations.
drawing overhand + V
  • Lined up in front of the three-meter line
  • Coach throws to player from the net
  • Player reception back in the basket at the net
  • Possibly also on the other side
drawing reception-oriented
Practice on defense, technical attack and drop balls.

  • Practice defensive techniques.
  • Improve technical attack techniques.
  • Practice with drop balls.
  • 1 side with block.
drawing Attacking exercise with 1-man block
  • Per group 1 ball
  • Per group at least 4 players, preferably 5 players.
Short description picture:
  • 1b plays ball to SV.
  • Who gives Set up to 1a.
  • 1a enters field to defend later.
  • 1a calmly attacks to 2a/b who defend.
  • The player not defending runs to the net.
  • SV gives Setup to 2 who in turn calmly attacks 1.
  • Then again. 1b goes under the net to help defend.
  • With 4 players the matching 2 to the next attack is matching 1.
  • Quiet attack alternate with prod balls.
drawing Inset pass defense
  • Trainer throws balls.
  • Players line up.
  • Ball is thrown left or right.
  • Players try to catch as best they can.
drawing Warming up
  • 4 players at the net with ball
  • The other players line up in front of the 1st player.
  • These go down the line 1 by 1.
  • Number 1 in line gets a ball from the 1st player at the net.
  • This player can choose to throw the ball near or far.
  • Once caught, throw it back to the 1st player and then to the 2nd player at the net who does the same.
  • This is done at high speed.
drawing Reception at pace
  • The players stand in a diamond in the field.
  • On the other side of the field, the hoops are in the corners.
  • The trainer/trainer serves easily to the other side.
  • On the other side, they try to pass 3 times and then try to drop down into the hoop.
drawing Find the corners with attack game
Group divide over both courts.

  • Play the ball in a maximum of 2 actions UNDERhand over the net.
  • After each net passage the team rotates one position.
  • If the ball falls on the floor or an opponent has to play the ball differently, the team that played the ball over the net scores.
  • In principle, the game does not have to stop.
  • Should this happen, the ball is brought back into play through an OH service from the backfield.
  • Who has the first 15 points?
Depending on the level, the 2nd ball out of position may be attacked from the backfield.

drawing Only by private treaty
  • Batted ball
  • Roll over and beaten ball
  • Jump over fence and batted ball
drawing Defense after action