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Volleyball drills for technique general

  • Learning to pass to playmaker (position 2) with movement towards the ball.
  • Line up at position 1.
  • Players there have a ball in their hands.
  • Player A plays to player B at position 3.
  • Player A moves sideways to position 6.
  • Player B plays the ball back to position 6.
  • Player A plays the ball (preferably) BH to the korf basket at position 2.
  • Player B catches the ball and joins the line at position 1.
  • Player C moves into position player B.
  • Player A moves to player C's position, position 3.
  • On the other side of the net you can practice the same.
  • Later on, alternate with player instead of basket, place of throw, position of return and position of pass.
  • To learn to always pass to the distributor.

drawing Pass to playmaker (M. Kool)
  • On one side of the field there is a six in full formation.
  • On the other side are 3 players.
  • Behind the 3 players stand the servers.
  • Exercise:
    • Servers serve the ball, the 6 team defends this ball and plays out the rally.
    • The 3-man team may defend and also rally.
  • Point count:
    • Service error, 1 point for the team that was set up.
    • Ball on ground by the 3 team, point for the essayed team.
    • Good service, but rally won by 3-player, point for 3-player.
    • IF 3-TAL has 3 points three move on, if TEAM has 12 points, 3-tal and all servers must push up 5x.
drawing 3 against 6 (practise rallying)
  • This exercise can be done in 3 or 4 teams.
  • Minimum number of players is 6 and maximum 8 per available field.
  • In a 4-player team, two players on each side of the net.
  • Use during the exercise half a net width per 3-4 team.
  • In a 4-player team:
    • 2 players on each side.
    • The ball is thrown over the net at the start.
    • Player A plays the ball for himself and at the 2nd contact he gives a set-up for player B.
    • Player B tips the ball over the net with 1 hand.
    • Player C plays the ball for himself and then gives a set-up for player D.
    • D tips the ball over the net.
    • After a team has played the ball over the net the players change places.
  • In the case of a 3-player team:
    • 2 players on one side of the net and the other player only on the other side.
    • Player C has the ball and throws it over the net to the 2 team.
    • Player A plays the ball for himself and at the 2nd contact he gives a set-up for player B.
    • Immediately after giving the set-up, player A goes under the net.
    • Player B tips the ball over the net with one hand.
    • Player C plays the ball for himself and gives a set-up for player A.
    • Player C goes to the other side of the net immediately after giving player A a set-up.
    • Player A tips the ball over the net to player B.
    • Player B plays the ball for himself and gives a set-up for player A.
    • After giving the set-up player B goes under the net.
  • Expansion:
    • Possible mandatory blocking of tip ball by player not doing the passing.tip-ball-over-the-net
  • Objective:
    • Increase responsiveness.
  • Place one player in the corner of the field.
  • Have at least 4 players stand around him in a quarter circle.
  • Each player has his own ball.
  • Throw the ball in tempo (tight) on the knees of the player in the corner to pass back underhand.
  • After passing, immediately throw the ball to the next player in the quarter circle.
  • Player in the corner so consecutive balls in underhand pass back:
    • Important to stay low.
    • Expect the ball.
    • Respond regardless.
  • About 5 rounds and then replace the player in the corner.
drawing Handling reaction balls in the corner (M. Kool)
  • Two players stand behind each other.
  • About half a meter apart, facing the same way.
  • Another player stands 3 or 4 meters away from them and has a ball and throws it to upper hand.
  • The one who throws throws randomly on player 1 and 2.
  • Player 1 or 2 calls loose if he thinks the ball is for him and plays overhand back.
  • About 20 balls in a row.
  • Then the group of 3 changes position until everyone has been there.
  • After that again, but now without talking.
drawing Loose calling, responsiveness (M. Kool)
  • 3 tally, that means the teams change every time, since there are 10 players.
    • Don't make a fuss when getting the players ready, I don't want to see the same teams every time. Everyone counts for himself.
  • Trainer puts the ball in play, on the side where points are made, this can be done in different ways.
  • Also, the ball is put into play at a high pace when the teams need to rotate.
  • The trainer stands in the middle near the net.
  • One player stands in the field.
  • The trainer throws the balls all over the field.
  • The player is only done when he/she has touched/played three balls in a row.
  • When the player misses the second or third ball the trainer starts the count again.
  • Exercise to make several quick movements in a row and play high enough.
  • Every child stands with the ball one meter from the net.
  • Throw the ball over the net with a forearm movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throw the ball over the net with an overhead movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throwing the ball over the net overhead and catching it for yourself at the other side with forearms.
  • If necessary, make it more difficult by varying height and distance.

  • Organisation:
    • Trainer with ball carrier on P6.
    • 1 player starts at P3.
    • Other players stand around the field and take care of ball safety and returning the ball to trainer.
  • Execution:
    • Trainer throws the balls randomly into the field in a calm tempo.
    • Player must try to play the ball, but must touch it as little as possible.
    • After 10 times success change.
  • Throwing the ball over the fence with pairs, overhead and underhand, meanwhile moving sideways:
    • Each pair a minimum of 6 times throwing and moving the ball sideways - 2 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball overhand at least 6 times - 4 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball underhand a minimum of 6 times - 4 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball with one arm at least 6 times - 1 round.
  • When everything is over, start again until it's time.
drawing Exercise 2 - Corona training
  • Training for upping
  • At position 4 (outside attack) korfball pole with hooptied . (with sturdy velcro)
  • Upper at position 2get ready. (lay down dot)
  • Reserve uppers in a line on position.
  • Trainer at position 5, throws the ball to upper.
  • He picks up the ball through the hoop.
  • Behind that, an attacker is ready to catch the ball and puts it in the trainer's ballcar.
  • Catch is in the line at position 6.
  • Upper is going to catch.
  • Variation:
  • Uppercut back to outside position.
  • Throw the ball from the other side and pass to position 2.
  • Have the distributor step in from position 1.
  • Points of attention when upping:
  • Getting under the ball, the ball should fall on your forehead.
  • Hands in the shape of the ball (make sure the hands are not too far to the side; like catching an inu)
  • Right foot more forward than the left.
  • Face towards position 4.
  • At ball contact, slightly bend the knees and push out the ball, stretching the legs.
  • When playing, the ball must remain in front of the upper. (Be careful not to arch your back)
  • When uppercutting backwards, bend the back along with the uppercut.

drawing Uppen (M. cabbage)
  • 2 teams, whoever can move the mat the fastest across the field to the other side.
  • They must all stay on the mat.
  • Pass the ball overhead.
  • A to C.
  • C to B. (A runs to the front),
  • B to D. (or A, depends on team size),
  • D to A. (or C)
  • The team that reaches the other side first wins.