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Volleyball drills for technique general


Supplies: A stick about 2.5 meters long and 1 to 2 cm thick.

  • The group gets the assignment to put the stick on the ground but it has to stay horizontal.
  • The group stands up straight (see drawing) and stretches both forefingers to the front at shoulder width and the upper and lower arms are at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • The trainer places the bar on the forefingers pointing forward.
  • From this position, the group should try to bring the bar down to the ground.
  • The bar must remain horizontal and not be raised or lowered on any side.
  • The bar should not be grabbed either!
  • Individual exercise to improve ball feeling with one hand.
  • Each player has 1 volleyball, mini volleyball, tennis ball, juggling ball (or for advanced players a non round object; a light plastic container or light bottle for example, but can be used with anything).
  • The goal of the players is to keep the ball in the air by hitting it as many times as possible with only one hand.
  • Have the players count how many times they can do this per the 2 minutes per task.
  • Possible assignments:
  • - Underhand lobsmash
  • - Over your head
  • - Hit your leg afterwards with the hand you played with
  • - Clap your hands after touching them
  • - Lying down -> sitting -> standing (and back)
  • - Raising your knee/heel
  • - Against the wall
  • - In pairs one player under, the other over the net=
    Be creative! =
  • Possible exercise for several people. (see image)
  • One or more in the middle, the rest around it.
  • Setters play the ball somewhere around them, the rest have to make sure that the ball is returned to setters in X number of times.
  • Agree on how many times the ball can be played.
  • Exercise stimulates:
  • - Communication
  • - Reflexes
  • - Ball sense

drawing Ball pats 1 hand
  • F plays to B.
  • B makes reception to A.
  • A plays a short ball to F.
  • F plays back and A plays the ball to D.
  • D passes to G.
  • G to A.
  • A plays two short backs and G plays to C.
drawing Follow
  • Form several teams.
  • Winning team can go under the net.
  • Opposite team scores a point = stay put.
  • Other team makes point ==> change at the other side of the net.

2 children and 1 towel

The children catch and throw the ball over the net. The towel is between both children. Opponent also has 2 children with 1 towel. Points are just like regular volleyball

  • Making a circle,
  • The circle always consists of pairs of players.
  • In the middle of the circle there are exactly the number of balls minus 1.
  • The players stand behind each other,
  • At the start signal the player in the back jumps three times on the back of the player in front,
  • After 3 times this player runs 2 rounds on the circle, crawls between the legs of his buddy and takes a ball,
  • The last one to come has no ball.

Side a: formationSide
b: someone position 6 - position 5 and position 1

: Side a gets every ball against and tries to score from this situation

  • First ball: serve side b
  • Second ball: freeball coming from side b (side b builds up and tries to pass "difficult" freeball)
  • Third ball: attack position 6
  • Third ball: attack position 1

  • Side a is not allowed to place the ball in the 3m line at side b, everything behind the 3.
  • But side b is allowed to attack in the 3m line.
  • Let's see how easy it goes.

  • Divide the field in 2 halves.
  • 3 players per field.
  • A game is played on the diagonal,
  • The third ball is played on control.
  • First to the 10 points
  • 6 players in the field in position as if an attack is coming.
  • Trainer on the other side. Hits ball and calls free ball.
  • He throws the ball to the other side. Meanwhile, the players take up their positions.
    • The rest of the players start blocking for example.

The game is played with at least 4 players

  • 1 mouse who has a t-shirt or piece of cloth in the back of his trousers
  • 1 dog who has a tennis ball
  • 2 cats without attribute

  • the mouse runs around with the dog,
  • the cats try to grab the tail of the mouse and bring it to their cone
  • But the dog can tap the cat with the tennis ball and it will do a punishment of its choice in the camp.
  • If there are more players a group can be created and 2 games can be played together.
  • 4 against 4
  • up to 15 points
  • 3 games

6-team plays out the rally:

Trainer plays:

  1. free ball over the net.
    • At that point, everyone runs according to the arrangements.
    • Left and right forwards who are at the net, ready for the block, walk to the back, to help with the pass, and to be ready for the run-up attack pass.
  2. ball to SV in own half.
    • This divides the game to the left and right.
    • Opposing team (6 team) responds to the attack.
    • SV connects with li/re in front to block. li/re who does not need to block moves to the back.
    • Libero covers the block.

  • Changeover, free ball/attack.
  • Turn over, turn over with fixed SV.