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Volleyball drills for technique general

  • 3 against 3 or 2 tegn 2 (depending on number of players) on half court.
  • The ball must be kept in play on control.
  • Two players in the back of the court, the one who does not pass comes in for set up.
  • In case of 3 against 3, 1 player stands at the net and turns if the ball doesn't go over the net.
  • When they have passed the ball over the net 10 times in a row, they may go to the next level.
  • When the ball falls on the ground they start counting again.
  • Points of attention: on control, technical ball control
  • 1) attack out of position
  • 2) with jump - hit calmly and aimed - (withheld)
  • 3) with jump full force - hit aimed
  • 4) hit free from the trap.

drawing Level up!
  • Exercise in competition form, 2 teams of 3 players against each other.
  • 3 contacts before the ball is played over the net.
  • First contact is OH reception, second contact may be played with replacement technique (unlike normal first contact).
  • Replacement technique goes to SV.
  • SV makes high pass, which is tested over.
  • Control the ball 6 points in a row.
  • Formation with 6 players.
  • Trainer throws in the ball and the players have to finish 6 balls in a row.
  • Rotation - after each good ball you turn, otherwise you stay standing and the score is 0 again.
  • Extension: instead of throwing - save the rest of the team hard.

drawing 6 in a row
  • 2 rows behind the back line.
  • First 2 stand in the field.
  • Trainer brings in ball.
  • Pass left player towards position 2/3 then setup of right player.
  • The passer goes to attack on own side of the court.
  • The setupper does attack coverage.
  • The two teams rotate to form a new pair.
  • Extension: There are now 2 attackers at the net.
  • The rest do exactly the same as before.
  • Attackers come back from the net after the coach has brought in the ball.
  • The setup always goes to the opposite corner from the set-upper.
  • Pass from the right back, then left back setup on the right front.
  • Set-upper covers and takes the place of the attacker.
  • The passer remains standing and so does the non-offending player.
drawing Improve rally pass, takeover, set-up and attack


Basic exercise:

  • Trainer throws ball, player catches ball and puts it in the cart.
  • After this the player goes to the ladder. Here he goes through it and joins the next row.


  • Throwing the ball in a difficult way (left and right, front and back).
  • Playing underhand and catching for themselves.
  • Two players stand ready next to each other and have to call loose.
  • A setupper comes on and has to catch the underhand ball.
  • An attacker arrives and has to play the ball from the setupper over the net.

drawing CMV track

Players enter the field in pairs (or trios). Each pair or trio has a ball.

First exercise:

  • Ball is hit into the field by one duo or trio.
  • The others try to pass the ball on in 3 contacts.
  • If the ball is played to the player who is already holding the ball, this player must throw the ball to another player.
  • Goal = 10 points.

Second exercise:

  • Same principle as in the first exercise; but this time the ball must be overplayed with the ball they already hold.
  • (Bounce/push the ball against the ball). Goal = 10 points

  • Group split into two groups of 5, field divided into two halves'.
  • on each side a bench on the back line with cones on it. (opposite sides)
  • 3 players leave on the back line, 1 reserve, 1 service on other side of the field.
  • A serve is given to the three players: reception - pass - touch over net.
  • when the player has played the ball the players walk to the side where the bench is: reception - pass - hit to the cones
  • Which team hits the most cones off the bench?
drawing Knocking pawns off the bench
  • Split the group into pairs.
  • The pairs will work through a number of stations, where different tasks have to be performed.
  • Station 1: A slalom through several poles, with an underhand pass at the end of the slalom.
  • Move as fast as possible between the poles.
  • Station 2: One player lies down on the backline, while the other stands at the net with the ball.
  • Player at the net hits the ball.
  • Player in the backfield then stands up, and defends a hit ball at 7 meters, or a prik ball at the 3 meter.
  • Station 3: Player stands in front of a trampoline, behind player 1 stands a second player with 2 tennis balls.
  • One tennis ball is thrown into the trampoline, player 1 catches it before it hits the ground.
  • The second tennisball is thrown quickly after it.
  • Station 4: Simple, good block jumps, paying attention to the technique.
  • Station 5: Reflex training: player stands with arms outstretched, a ball in each hand.
  • Player 2 faces the other player, and reacts to the release of one of the balls.
  • Do not make the distance between players too great to begin with.
  • Each station has a working time of 1 minute.
  • The ball is played overhand along the net, after playing go around the pylon and join at the other side
drawing Warming up with ball
  • The ball is passed in the middle, after playing it, the player blocks it 2x, after that around the pylon play again
drawing Warming up with ball
  • On one side you attack with three attackers, on the other side you defend.
  • Trainer throws balls for the playmaker
drawing Defence attack (line-up)
  • Play a game of volley tennis against each other.
  • At lower levels the ball is allowed to bounce once, at higher levels it can be played in one go.
  • As soon as you lose a point you have to run circles around the court.
  • Until 2 remain, these play a final.
drawing Volley tennis