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Volleyball drills for technique passing / defense / reception

A team of servers and a team of passers

The passers work as follows:

  • 3 passers, 1 playmaker, 2 passers in the waiting room
  • Passers make a pass formation and pass the ball to the 2/3 position
  • Playmaker catches ball and rolls it to the players
  • The passer goes to the 2/3 position to catch the ball
  • The catcher tries to play the ball 2x for himself
  • The MA, if not passing, takes the position of the passer (LA or RA), if the MA is passing then RA/LA remain standing
  • The person in the waiting room takes the position of the MA

The server throws the ball up, catches it with one hand and throws it over the ball (DUS NOT SERVING).

After a certain amount of time, change positions and possibly serve the second round.

START: attack position 4 #STRAATMAT

  1. Position 3: pass
  2. Position 5 reception
  3. Position 4: attack
  4. Position 3: attack (centre)
  5. Position 2: pass

START: attack position 4 #diagonalMAT

  1. Position 3: pass
  2. Position 5 reception
  3. Position 4: attack
  4. Position 3: attack (centre)
  5. Position 2: pass

START: attack position 2 # streetMAT

  1. Position 2: attack
  2. Position 3: pass - back
  3. Position 3: attack middle
  4. Position 5: reception
  5. Position 2 opposite: pass

START: attack position 2 #diagonalMAT

  1. Position 2: attack
  2. Position 3: pass - back
  3. Position 3: attack middle
  4. Position 5: reception
  5. Position 2 opposite: play


  1. Player on position 3
  2. Player on position 6
  3. Position 5 -> attack at position 4
  4. Position 1 -> attack at position 2


  • 2 or 3 raisers position 5 - straight ahead
  • 2 or 3 raisers for position 1 - straight ahead
  • Mat position 1 - diagonal
  • Mat position 5 - diagonal
  • Mat position 2 short behind "block" = always point
  • Mat position 2 short slanted behind "block" = alwayspoint
  • Mat position 4 short slanted behind "block" = always point

Quiet storage straight ahead

  • Storage between position 5 and 6 // storage between 6/1
    • After reception Marie moves closer to position 1 to take the reception
  • Reception - pass - attack
    • Pass in turn
  • Position 5 and 1 attack position 4 and position 2


  • Ball does not fall to our side on attack = SOLVE
  • Bad pass = SOLVE
  • Taking risks is allowed

Per 3 one ball - starts on back line

  1. Ball is thrown short at position 4 - 3 - 2
    • 5 takes position 4
    • 6 position 3
    • 1 position 2
    • Going towards the ball and touching it is enough
  2. Immediately afterwards 2nd ball - from the back of the field
  3. On 2nd ball - reception - pass - attack
    1. Attack by the person who took the first ball
    2. Attack position 2 or position 4
    3. CALL


  • Block position 2
  • Block position 3
  • 2 with ball at position 6


  • 2 with ball at pole position 2
  • Player on position 3
  • Player at position 5
  • Attack position 4


  • Ball is passed to position 5
  • Position 5 brings reception - Position 3 makes pass
  • Attacker attacks in the street #compulsory
    • Matt at position 1
  • Block tries to block ball
    • Positions 3 & 5 in coverage
  • IF BAL IS BLOCKED = pos 3 & 5 have cover ball
    • Cover ball - pass - attack

  • Meanwhile position 6
    • Throw it yourself - attack behind 3 meter line position 6
    • Attack towards position 1 #REQUIRED
  • Turn over:
    • Attacker becomes block position 4
    • Block position 4 becomes block position 3
    • Block position 3 becomes reserve at position 6 (behind 3 attack)
    • The one who attacked behind 3 meter line, comes to play ball

Exercise for centre and corner: each player 10 times Per 2
- 1 group per 3

  • Person A with ball at the net - Person B on 5 meter line.
  • A passes ball to B
  • B plays ball back and comes forward in the meantime
  • A plays short tip ball to B and B plays back to A
  • A plays control ball
    • If too fast 2x control ball (= 3x keys)
  • B is meanwhile quickly backwards
  • A attacks to B and B plays back to A

Exercise for setter and libero - 5 times each part Referee's seat
: position 2 and position 4

  • Libero stands at position 3 and pass to 4 #forward
  • Libero stands at position 3 and pass to position 2
  • Libero leaves at 1 and pass to 4 #forward
  • Libero leaves at 5 and pass to 4 #backwards
  • Libero leaves at 5 and pass to 2 #forward
  • Libero leaves at 1 and pass to 2 #backwards
  • 2 groups.
  • one player at a time each.
  • trainer smashes the ball,
  • player plays ball to position 3,
  • catching the ball here,
  • close to the back.


  • If you put the opponent under pressure with your service and attack, the balls come easily over the net.
  • It is then a must to process these balls well and to set up a fast attack again.
  • Precision is of the utmost importance.
  • Responsibilities must be clear and must be taken by the players.
  • It must be clear who is responsible for the easy ball and who is going to pass it.
  • The place where the ball is passed to must also be clear.
  • The speed of the rally pass is also important.
  • Especially when the distributor is in front, you can pass the ball to the net a bit faster.
  • Closer to the net you will pass the ball a bit higher, so that everyone has time to get ready for the attack.

The exercise:
  • Coach throws in the ball to the six. They build up an attack.
  • The sixes have to score from the rally pass.
  • The foursome must prevent this by blocking and defending the ball.

There will be a change when the 6 team has 5 points.
  • For each score, the 6-team scores one pointEvery
  • ball defended or blocked by the 4-team, 1 point deductionEvery
  • bad rally pass, 2 points deductionAccents
  • Taking responsibilityUnder
  • the ball and playing it
  • preciselyGiving the
  • pass
  • , then moving for the
  • attackRecognizing and taking
  • chances
  • .



  • 3 players at the net with a ball.
  • The rest of the players start at the first post.
  • The first ball is thrown short, second ball long and third ball short.
  • The player passes the ball back and moves sideways to the next one.

Important that players move on the front feet and get ready to pass the ball.

drawing Pawns pass
  • On both sides players on position 1, 3 and 4.
  • Take turns setting up the ball.
  • Position 4 sets up the ball.
  • Ball setter hits ball --> passer runs in and sets up pass.
  • Position 3 gets loose from the net and plays ball diagonally across.
  • Other side makes its move!
  • Passer also moves backwards and makes a pass.
  • If successful, play on.
drawing Diagonal defense game form

Attack position 4:

  • Set up from the net to Marie
  • Marie brings reception to Lene - Lene gives pass
    1. Attack: centre or corner
    2. Attack to 5 hoops

Attack position 2:

  • Set up from the net to Marie
  • Marie brings reception to Lene - Lene gives pass
    • Attack: centre, corner or at position 1
    • Attack to 5 hoops
  • Player stands with hoop near the net, can move a little but max 1 step.
  • Trainer stands on the backline with a row of players with the ball next to him.
  • Trainer throws the ball randomly into the field and the player puts it in the hoop.
  • Make it more and more difficult.