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Volleyball drills for technique passing / defense / reception

  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row on the right back
  • 1 SV
  • create with 3 pawns a virtual line where they should stand
  • Player stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field.
  • 1 of the 2 front rows calls LOS orI (agree on this) and plays the ball to SV
  • This one calls new SV
  • SV takes ball and puts ball in ball pit
  • SV joins one of the rows

  • Extension 1:
    • Setter plays ball back briefly to player who did not pass, pass back to setter
    • Setter hits ball (calmly) to player who did not pass

Two rows on the 3m line, edge of the field.

  • Pass the ball in a zigzag and follow through.
  • Overhand pass
  • 1 player overhead, 1 player underhand
  • In the lower hands 1x for yourself, pass in the upper hands
  • Mandatory 1x for yourself, controlled pass


Three players line up to pass (numbers 3, 4 and 5). Player 2 stands ready at the side of the same court. The other players are ready with ball to serve on the other side.

  • Player 1 serves the ball (and then runs straight to where player 2 is already standing).
  • A player passes the ball to the server on position 2/3. The server gives a setup. And the third player plays the ball over the net.
  • When the ball is over the net, the players turn: 2 enters the field (where 3 stood before) 3 goes to mid-back, 4 goes to the spot of 5 and 5 goes the serving spot of the other half.
  • Then the next player can serve, on the drawing this is player 8. Etc.

- 1 and 2 hold the net
- C plays ball in back field
- 1 defends on 2
- 2 sets up on 1 
- 1 hits to left or right back
- 3 and 4 the next



  • 1 raise, pass to S
  • S set-up at 3 meter on one of the passers
  • idem other side
  • rally
  • serve from the side where the ball hits the ground
  • 3 passers in the field
  • playmaker on the right front
  • middle and outside attacker
  • 3 servers
  • 2 blockers
  • It's all about the pass.
  • You may not be able to attack the ball.
  • The exercise is about passing the ball.
  • After 15 balls you can change positions.
drawing service pass

1. (everyone has their own ball) you are going to pass the ball for yourself underarm with the right technique.

  • You are going to pass the ball underarm by using the correct technique.
  • Now you are going to do the same but now with upperhands as well.

2. make pairs. per pair 1 ball

  • 1 person stands at the net and throws the ball to the passer. The passer passes the ball with the right technique into the hands of the thrower.
  • After 15 good passes you switch.
  • throw meter left and right 10 times and then change again.
  • The same but with overhand.
  • Pass the ball without catching it.
  1. With ball in the corner on position 1 and 5

  • Key to center
  • Key from center to position 4 and position 2
  • Catch for bots

  1. Player 1 at position 4 a.h. net & Player 2 at position 2 a.h. net - with ball in the corner at position 1 and 5
  • Pass to the centre
  • Pass from centre to position 4 and position 2
  • Catch

  1. Player 1 at position 4 a.h. net & Player 2 at position 2 a.h. net - with ball in the corner at position 1 and 5
  • Position 4 and 2 play short type ball

  1. Player 1 at position 4 a.h. net & Player 2 at position 2 a.h. net - with ball in the corner at position 1 and 5
  • Position 4 and 2 play attack 2x


  • Player A throws ball over the net.
  • Player B or C passes the ball over the net.
  • The other player quickly runs under the net and sets up the ball for the same player who passed.
  • This player tries to get a pawn off the bench with overhand play or a hitting move.

Which pair or team has knocked the most pawns off the bench after X number of minutes?

  • Exercise in competition form, 2 teams of 3 players against each other.
  • 3 contacts before the ball is played over the net.
  • First contact is OH reception, second contact may be played with replacement technique (unlike normal first contact).
  • Replacement technique goes to SV.
  • SV makes high pass, which is tested over.
  • field is divided in 2 parts
  • on side 1 are 1 playmaker, the libero and the middle attackers
  • on side 2 are the other players
  • there are on each side 1 attacker and 1 blocker and a server.
  • depending on the number of players there is 1 passer or 2 passers.
  • the purpose of this exercise is to get in agreement with the distributor which ball you want to play.
  • With the middle players we will practice on the 'rise' balls and other variations such as the 'neck'.
drawing coordination with playmaker
  • Trainer stands in the corner of the field at the net.
  • Two teams, one player on each side of the coach.
  • Trainer bounces the ball in the field, two players have to get the ball to the distributor.
  • Pay attention to the turn in pass attitude and I-call.
  • (If all goes well, distributor can give set-up to trainer or player of team).
drawing Pass, I call, insight