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Volleyball drills for technique passing / defense / reception

  • The players stand in a diamond in the field.
  • On the other side of the field, the hoops are in the corners.
  • The trainer/trainer serves easily to the other side.
  • On the other side, they try to pass 3 times and then try to drop down into the hoop.
drawing Find the corners with attack game
  • 3 people in the serve pass at 5, 6 and 1 + 1 reserve behind the court.
  • 1 playmaker starting at 2/3.
  • The rest with ball on the opposite side.
  1. Serve on the passers, bring pass to position 2/3.
  2. Then the playmaker plays a ball to position 4 where a basket is set up.
  3. Ball played in an acceptable ball trajectory against the basket is 1 point, ball directly into it is 2 points.
  4. Push the team to actually go for as many points as possible.
  • You can choose to have a fixed playmaker, or rotate. In that case the passer --> playmaker --> server --> reserve --> passer.
  • With a large group you can use 2 sides, with a small group you can also cut the number of passers.

drawing Set-up the basket in
  • Field A.
    • Players lined up at 6 meters and 1 player on p2
    • Reserve on p2
  • Field B:
    • Trainer with ball carrier at 3m
    • Players on p1 and P5 and reserve on p6
  • Trainer throws ball up high.
  • Player on p6 passes to P2 gets setup on 3m line and plays the BH to p5 or p1
  • Underhand play up and catch at Trainer.
  • Run: P6 to spare P2; P2 to spare P6
  • P6 takes the place of P1 or P5 and these go to field A P6
drawing Playing arch ball underhand
  • Divide the team into two groups and have them form two rows facing each other on the 3-meter line.
  • Have the players play over the net and then walk around the cone to join the other group.
  • On 1 side, parallel to the sideline, place a speed ladder and before joining the line, have the players do a drill through the ladder.
  • On the other side, place pawns where they have to slalom, turn around.
  • Importantly, the ball should not fall to the ground, communication is important.
  • Optionally add a penalty if the ball falls to the ground. Head roll, Back roll.
  • First with underhand throwing and catching - then overhand. Catch and push change to toss up and over-key.
drawing Warm up with ball
Field with 8 players.
  • Per 2 players, 1 of which has the ball.
  • Players without ball stand in the middle.
  • Players with ball each stand in a corner of the field.
  • When TR says yes, players without ball move sideways low to the side of the field so they are in front of their teammate
  • Receive a pass from the players from the corners and key back.
  • Then they walk back to the center of the field.
drawing Pace reception
  • 1x 3-team on back line 1 side of field
  • 1x 3-team on back line other side of field
  • 1x 3-squad --> waiting room
  1. TR --> gives slap on the ball, both 3-talks run to the net and TR throws the ball into the field where the waiting room players are also standing.
  2. Ball is defended, must be in threes, and then over the net
  3. This 3-tal passes immediately to the side where the ball was played to as waiting room
  4. Immediately the waiting room 3-squad enters the field.
  5. 3-tal other side also plays the ball in threes and over the net, also runs through to the other side chasing the ball to waiting room.
drawing Playing in 3 teams
  • TR stands on the other side of the net.
  • Players stand in 1 row behind each other -position 6-.
  • TR throws balls at pace and players pass them to 2/3 -catcher-.
  • If there are enough players then one or 2 declarer-s- These give the ball to the trainer and then join the passers.
  • Catcher ball in ball box --> becomes declarer.
  • New catcher --> from waiting room in --.
  • Passer --> out of waiting room catcher.
On pace!

drawing Rally pass-through exercise
  • 1 SV at mid position 3
  • 1 player on position 2
  • 1 player at position 4
  • 2 passers backfield
Exercise starts
passer position 5 starts --> ball BH to SV - as soon as the SV sets this ball to position 4, the passer at position 1 plays the ball BH to SV.

  • passer at position 5 --> BH to SV
  • SV setup to player position 4
  • passer at position 1 --> ball BH to SV
  • SV setup backwards to player position 2
At 6 players --> see drawing top field BUT then SV plays only 1 way.
At 7 players --> see drawing top field and on bottom field then SV plays only 1 way.
In case of 8 players --> see drawing of upper field.
In case of 9 players --> see drawing of upper field and lower field.
In case of 10 players --> see drawing of lower field.
In case of 11 players --> then a substitute player as defender.
drawing Cooperation passers and playmakers
15 minutes basket ball throwing

Exercise 1: throwing
  • run-up from cone position V to position III side A.
Exercise 2: throw 1 arm
  • run-up position II and catch ball with outstretched arm.
Exercise 3: with keys and intermediate key OH & TT.

Exercise 4: TB are replaced with ball , player runs on and keys to player at position 2.

Exercise 5: player at position 5.

Exercise 6: player chooses 2 or 5 - overplay to where he is not.
drawing Warming up
Divide the group into two.

TR stands on the passers' side and catches the pass --> who has 15 points first
  • Team A serves starts
  • Other team B passes --> 2/3 here stands the TR
  • Change of servers and passers. Pay attention because now the TR is also going to catch on the other side of the net.
Point count
  • Good serve that scores --> + 1 point
  • Good pass that TR catches and scores --> + 1 point
  • Wrong serve that goes out or enters the net --> - 1 point
  • Foul pass --> - 1 point
drawing Serve and pass with change from both sides
  • Pairs are made.
  • Each pair tries to play over for as long as possible without the ball hitting the ground.
  • After a few minutes, the pairs become 4-pairs.
  • The 4-pairs again start playing over without allowing the ball to fall to the ground.
  • If the step from 2 to 4 is too big, this can also be done first in 3-pairs.


  • Make duos and place 2 duos on each side of the field
  • 1 duo has the ball


  • 1 duo serves
  • The other duo passes the ball
  • The non passer plays the ball with a backhand over the net
  • After 10 serves change positions
Emphasis is on the pass, so the service is secondary