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Volleyball drills for technique passing / defense / reception

Field is divided into 4 squares and in each square there is a pair; one behind the other.

The exercise expands and proceeds successively in this way:

On one side of the field everyone plays straight and on the other side everyone plays diagonally so that the ball "goes around.
  • Underarm passes within 3 meters and immediately pass overhead to the other side. Then run after the ball.
  • Same, only now the ball is not passed on, but instead a setup is given.
    • The 2nd person plays the ball overhand over the net.
    • The one who gave the setup runs on and the one who played the ball over the net goes back to pass.
  • Same, only now both persons are going to defend. The field runs to the double back line, 6 meters.
    • The ball is passed in jump to the opposite side. This may be long and short and it is up to the two defenders to solve this.
    • The one who jumps the ball goes after it.
  • Idem, only now the attacker is calm and defensible. Everything else remains the same, so the attacker rotates after the ball.
The pairs, as they stand now, stay together.
  • First a game is played on half-field straight.
  • Then the winners and losers play against each other on half field diagonally. Back line is 6 meters.
  • Games are played to 10 points.
  • Walk-through exercise at 3 positions underhand.
  • Always wait until row is finished.
drawing Warming up with ball
  • There is a team lineup. On the other side are the remaining players.
  • There is serving by the remaining players and a side-out is played with a tactical attack. Prick center or attack in corners; there are no defenders at that time.
  • This ball is followed by a rally ball from the trainer and must be scored "hard" and the rally must be won from the remaining players.
  • The 1st ball counts for 1 point, the 2nd ball counts as 2 points. For both sides. Which side wins?
  • Libero in position 5.
  • Ball is struck by SV 1 from position 4.
  • SV 2 runs in from position 1 and has a choice of 3 attackers.
  • Opposite 3 blockers or defenders.
  • After the rally Tr. serves and attacks again.
  • Then the playmakers change.
  • Another attacker is played twice.
  • Scoring 2x is 3 points, scoring 1x is 1 point and scoring 0x is exchange.
  • Who will have 15 points first?
  • Base is butterfly with fixed SV.
  • Two pass on side B.
  • Player throws ball on two pass.
  • Pass is P/L. possibly build out with middle attack.
drawing pass movement (2 action volleyball)
  • Pairs with one ball.
  • A plays overhand left next to B.
  • B move and plays underarms back to A.
  • Now the same to the right.
  • Play about 1.5 meters next to the person.
  • After 10 changes
Goal: move and turn in.
drawing warm-up exercise game
  • Place the basket underhand.
  • In the basket on the 2/3.
  • Play overhand from game position in the basket to the attack.
  • Under the baskets: 1 catcher.
Group in two, attack and defensive side

  • 1 player throws the ball up to the SV
  • SV plays to Diagonal and 52 (alternately)
  • Attacking

  • TR stands on 2/3
  • Defenders pass the attack to the TR --> pass MUST be good

  • Trainers with ball cart on field B
  • Players with hoop on field A on 7m-line
  • Players hold the hoop with 2 hands

  • Trainer throws the ball in an arc over the net
    1. Player comes in and puts the hoop on the spot where the ball is going to fall
    2. Same as 1, but catches the ball with 2 hands at navel height
    3. Same as 2, but now plays the ball underhand.
  • Red players start from the middle (fists against each other).
  • Walk/shuffle towards the sideline and pass the ball back to blue.
  • Then return to starting position (match element who is first to be ready again).
  • Fists together again and then the same round.
  • 4/5 rounds then
    • Blue -> red.
    • Red -> blue.

drawing inside out Passing
  • 1 player at position 2.
  • 1 player on position 3.
  • Coach or player on position 4.
  • Rest of the players in a line behind the back line at position 1.
  • Player at position 2 throws a deep ball.
  • Player passes back.
  • Player at position 3 throws a short ball inside the three meter line.
  • Player passes back ball.
  • Player/coach at position 4 hits or throws a deep ball.
  • Player passes it back and joins the back of the row again.
  • Don't forget to pass regularly!
  • 1 server, on the other side of the field 3 passers, with behind them again 3 passers who are ready.
  • The server taps the ball, the passers run to the middle line, run backwards and the server serves.
  • Play 3 times, everyone on the field.
  • Change positions.
  • Then with back to server, taps the ball, passers run into the field after which the server serves.