Volleyball drills for technique serving
- Players each have a ball and stand ready on the back line.
Game flow:
- Player tries to hit all 4 mats as quickly as possible from position 1 or 5 of the back line

- players divide into teams of 2
- one player from the same team stands on each side of the field.
Course of play
- Player B moves to a position of his choice on the field.
- Player A passes to player B, who tries to catch the ball.
- The ball is then reversed.
- Save from position float.
- Save from position spin.
- Jump storage float.
- Games are played on a half court
- 1 person in storage
- 1 person with ball at the net
- 2 people in reception
- 1 pass
- After a certain time, the game changes to another formation (mirror image)
Course of play
- Ball is served over towards 2 reception players
- Reception is taken towards pass
- Pass plays a short ball towards the reception line
- Reception goes back to pass and pass to attacker
- H & O attack from outside
- M attacks 1 or 2 at poor reception
- Player with ball at the net throws a deep ball over the net, it comes back to the pass and attacker (sowiso on corner) attacks
Pass Storage - Reception - Reception - Storage

- Divide group into 2, each on a side.
- On one side the team will pass and on the other side will serve
- Serve alternately to win
- Every ball that is both passed and caught is 1 point
- Then switch
Extra: a ball that can be caught on P2/3 is 2 points
Goal of the exercise:
- Quickly handle two balls being saved.
- Play 2 balls in quick succession and then move 1 position.
Explanation of the exercise:
- Passer learns to pass diagonally backwards a deep ball and immediately afterwards a short ball (this is how the passer learns to make large angles).
- Playmaker must look for the next ball immediately after the first set-up.
- Attacker, after landing, must go backwards as quickly as possible to make another attack.
- Trainer can indicate where the balls should be hit, determine the pace of set-ups or that passer should do attack coverage immediately after first pass to then pass the second ball.

- 2x longitudinal half-field groups (about 6 per side)
- 1 server
- 1 setupper
- 1 row of passers
- Throw on passer, passer to setup, attack straight on
- Hit passer (in court)
- Server blocks with it
serve -> passer (after block)
passer -> setup (after attack)
setup -> service
3 groups of 4 players.
Phase 1:
Phase 1:
- 2 with ball on serve.
- 2 in court.
- Start with serve and reception to mat.
- Non-reception player catches ball on mat and goes to serve.
- Serving player enters the backfield.
Phase 2:
- Phase 1 + pass is given and passed to mat -> targeted.
- Player who skips moves to serve.
- Mat can be moved to transfer to other direction.

Practice overhead serve.
Adjust as needed by trainer.
Adjust as needed by trainer.
- Points of attention:
- Feet in the correct place - under the shoulders.
- Hold the ball in front of you with your non-dominant hand.
- Prepare your hitting hand - arm it.
- Throw the ball up in a straight line in front of you, about 30 cm forward and 90 cm up.
- Take a final step forward, toward the ball, and use your whole body to skip the ball.
Start from pelvis ==> shoulder ==> elbow ==> hand. - Try to hit the ball with an outstretched hand.
- Serve from position 1 diagonally to position 1.
- There is a passer who passes to a playmaker, if he catches the ball within 2 steps you get 1 point.
- Faulty service is point off.
- Which team reaches the 15 first, if this takes too long you can lower it.
- In this exercise taking turns serving is recommended.
- Server becomes passer, passer becomes catcher, catcher becomes server. rotate on own side.
- If possible reserve server, then reserve passers.

- Serve from position 1 to position 5.
- There is a passer who passes to a playmaker, if he catches the ball within 2 steps, you get 1 point.
- Faulty service is point off.
- Which team gets to the 15 first, if this takes too long, you can reduce the number.
- Server becomes passer, passer becomes catcher, catcher becomes server. passing on own side.

Practice on defense, technical attack and drop balls.
- Practice defensive techniques.
- Improve technical attack techniques.
- Practice with drop balls.
- 1 side with block.

Storage practice with reaction.