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Volleyball drills for technique serving

  • Divide the group into 3 groups
  • 1st group on 1 side of the net on the back line
  • 2nd group other side at position 1-5-6
  • 3rd group waiting room

  • 1st group serves 3x on the same group
  • 2nd group defends, must be in threes, these balls and attacks. All positions are allowed.
  • 3rd group waiting room

  • 1st group --> to the waiting room
  • 2nd group --> serve
  • 3rd group --> defend/attack
drawing Serve and pass in threesomes
Targeting the mat:
  • One player stands on each mat.
  • First serve straight through,
  • then serve diagonally,
  • then short serve.
  • Whoever has had all the mats first takes over a spot from someone on the mat or switches after an agreed time.
drawing Storage focused serving
Divide the group into two.

TR stands on the passers' side and catches the pass --> who has 15 points first
  • Team A serves starts
  • Other team B passes --> 2/3 here stands the TR
  • Change of servers and passers. Pay attention because now the TR is also going to catch on the other side of the net.
Point count
  • Good serve that scores --> + 1 point
  • Good pass that TR catches and scores --> + 1 point
  • Wrong serve that goes out or enters the net --> - 1 point
  • Foul pass --> - 1 point
drawing Serve and pass with change from both sides
  • Side one saves, defend on other side and try to score point against blockers with outs.
  • Other 2 who do not have to save, can come in to defend in backfield.
  • Have passers alternate as 'chameleons'.
drawing Storage - defense with fixed pass door
  • Place 2 chairs in the court on which 1 player takes a seat.
  • Others will serve.
  • Whoever catches the ball gets to serve.
  • The serving player takes his place on the chair.
drawing Targeted serving
NOTE: the ball must always be played in 3s
  • Serve --> defense/pass and 3-meter attack --> play out rally
With odd number of players:
  • leave the SV on 1 side --> after x number of balls the SV moves to the other side
  • Player in the waiting room, side of the field, and after each attack the most right player goes out.
  • One moves up and the reserve player comes in from the left.
Which team has 10 points first.
drawing 3-meter attack from both sides

  • Place 2 pawns at 6 meter distance
  • Place 2 servers with ball cart also 6 meters away
  • Place 1 ballcatcher by the cart and the other 2 by the pawns


  • Give quiet services on the pawns 10 times and then change
  • The 2 players at the pawns make sure the balls return
  • The player at the ball cart makes sure the balls get in
TR on 1 side with ball box.
1 SV which changes regularly.
1 fixed passer which changes regularly -if libero present, this passer will continue to pass-.
The rest will attack 52/C and MID

With more players:
  • Multiple defenders.
  • Blocking
  • Instead of TR a player can pass the ball.
  • On the side of the TR/ player setting up the ball put an extra player who puts the attacked ball in ball box and then goes to defend.
Defending - attacking - catching ball in ball box - defending.

drawing Beating with pass from the TR
Need: tennis balls - small hand balls - volleyballs

  • Have the players store against the wall.
  • Pay attention to:
    • Leg position.
    • Ball in front of hitting hand.
    • Swing arm well back.
    • Strike with palm.
  • Where it begins to succeed switch to volleyball and possibly have it saved over the net.
  • 3 servers on one side of the net.
  • 2 rows of the remaining players.
  • From both rows 1 into the court. So a total of 2.
  • Servers take turns serving.
  • 2 players in the court pass the ball to the other player, who set the ball, 3rd ball over it.
drawing Playing 3rd
  • One always serves with a command and then runs after the ball.
  • Players move from A to B, B to C and C to D, then start over again.
  • Serving on the mat is 2 points, serving near the mat 1 point and serving incorrectly 1 point off.
At the end, who has the most points?
drawing Serving with assignments
  • Service is made from position 5 on a pair; p/l & libero.
  • After service, this person goes to defend at position 5.
  • Side-out must be scored by attackers at position 3, 4 or 6.
  • After the side-out, the coach hits balls from position 4 into the diagonal, which are defended by players at position 4, 5 and 6.
  • From the defense again the attack must be scored. Rally is played out, after which everything starts again.
Points of attention:
  • Block shields position 1 and 2. After the pass/defense cover -don't do nothing-.
  • Make good choices in game distribution.
  • Efficiency training: 20 balls 10 x service & 10x defense.
When everyone has had their turn in this way, we do the exercise in mirror image.
  • Serve from position 1, block at position 3 and 4. Shield position 4 and 5.
  • Defending at position 1, 2, 5 and 6.
  • Attacking at position 1, 3 and 6.