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Volleyball drills for technique serving

  • 3 servers on one side of the net.
  • 2 rows of the remaining players.
  • From both rows 1 into the court. So a total of 2.
  • Servers take turns serving.
  • 2 players in the court pass the ball to the other player, who set the ball, 3rd ball over it.
drawing Playing 3rd
  • One always serves with a command and then runs after the ball.
  • Players move from A to B, B to C and C to D, then start over again.
  • Serving on the mat is 2 points, serving near the mat 1 point and serving incorrectly 1 point off.
At the end, who has the most points?
drawing Serving with assignments
  • Service is made from position 5 on a pair; p/l & libero.
  • After service, this person goes to defend at position 5.
  • Side-out must be scored by attackers at position 3, 4 or 6.
  • After the side-out, the coach hits balls from position 4 into the diagonal, which are defended by players at position 4, 5 and 6.
  • From the defense again the attack must be scored. Rally is played out, after which everything starts again.
Points of attention:
  • Block shields position 1 and 2. After the pass/defense cover -don't do nothing-.
  • Make good choices in game distribution.
  • Efficiency training: 20 balls 10 x service & 10x defense.
When everyone has had their turn in this way, we do the exercise in mirror image.
  • Serve from position 1, block at position 3 and 4. Shield position 4 and 5.
  • Defending at position 1, 2, 5 and 6.
  • Attacking at position 1, 3 and 6.
  • Passer starts at position 5, with foot on the three-meter line.
  • Ball is thrown up and hit from position 1 other side.
  • When thrown up, the passer may move.
  • Catcher runs in from position 4 to 2/3 and takes place on the mat.
  • Pass on mat is 1 point, catcher then serves from 1 to 5.
  • In the zone is 1 point, on the mat is 2 points.
  • Then retrieve ball and attack.
  • Whoever gets to 15 points first wins.

  • Same, only now with 2 regular players, who take turns starting from position 4.
  • An attacker is now added.
  • The passer and passer make room for the new passer.
  • The one who attacked serves again.
  • The one who attacked goes to defend in the straight and then goes to block.
  • The one who blocked becomes the reserve passer.
  • Points can be gained by good pass, good service, score in attack or good defense, block can catch ball.
  • Who will reach 20 points first?
Divide the group in two

  • Servers take turns serving:
  • Servers start serving, defenders --> pass to SV (pass MUST be good)

  • Defenders (3 in the field and 3 waiting) --> after each pass the player with the waiting room switches
  • TR is on the 2/3 position and he decides to whom the point goes.
  • A good serve is a point BUT if the defenders pass this serve better the point goes to the passers

Group in two, attack and defensive side

  • 1 player throws the ball up to the SV
  • SV plays to Diagonal and 52 (alternately)
  • Attacking

  • TR stands on 2/3
  • Defenders pass the attack to the TR --> pass MUST be good

Two groups.
  • One group is on one side of the net, the other on the other side.
  • Both groups hit.
  • When the ball is in the net or out the person must sit down in the other group's court.
  • The person's teammates must now hit their ball to the 'dead fish'.
  • If the person can catch the ball, they may return to serve.
  • After a certain time the trainer calls stop and whoever has the least 'dead fish' has won.
  • Divide the team in pairs.
    • Player 1 stands on the backline of the court and player 2 stands on a random spot on the other side of the net.
    • The intention is that player 1 serves the ball into the hands of player 2.
    • Player 2 is not allowed to step aside. If player 1 serves underarm into the hands of player 2 he gets 1 point.
    • Overhand? --> 2 points.
  • Change after 10 balls.
  • The team with the most points wins.

  • 1 server, on the other side of the field 3 passers, with behind them again 3 passers who are ready.
  • The server taps the ball, the passers run to the middle line, run backwards and the server serves.
  • Play 3 times, everyone on the field.
  • Change positions.
  • Then with back to server, taps the ball, passers run into the field after which the server serves.
  • Player starts serving, straight through, on the other side a defender is passing.
  • The passer passes to the trainer.
  • After service the player runs directly to position 5, where the trainer throws a ball for passing at 2-3.
  • Fixed playmaker, gives set-up on the outside.
  • After passing, the player makes an attack.
  • 2 blockers, defense behind the block and defense at left back.


  • The attacker becomes outside blocker.
  • Outside blocker becomes inside blocker.
  • Inside blocker goes to defend behind the block.
  • Defender behind the block starts defending at left back.
  • The left back picks up the ball and connects with the servers.
drawing Defence and attack after serving
  • Preparation:
    • Hang a ribbon from the net at the spot where the playmaker wants the ball in his hands.
    • The ribbon is the target for the passers.
  • Three passers stand in the backfield and one player stands at the net.
  • The passers are served continuously, and the servers MUST score.
  • (low over the net and as deep as possible; when the passers change their position, the servers have to react to that).
  • A pass is sent to the server who taps the ball through, gives a set-up or catches the ball (in case of a pass that cannot be handled).
  • The trainer intercepts the set-up; if the exercise is going well, an attacker can be added.
  • After 10 individual good passes a passer may change with a server of his choice.
  • Working in 2 pairs, 1 stands behind the court, the other stands on the other side with the hoop.
  • Side A serves 5 times a concentrated tight float service through the hoop held above it by the other.
  • After that change.
  • Then one more time but then the hoop is held half a meter above the ground elsewhere in the field.
  • Do move and also on position 3/4 conflict zone.