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Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique

  • One player stands on the left front side and comes walking up to the middle (after a hit on the ball from the trainer) and gives a set up for or behind the back (trainer indicates).
  • Trainer throws the ball to the trainer or one of the players at the front of the court.
  • Set up a basket on the right and left side in front of the court where the ball has to be played into.
  • After the set up, fetch the ball.
  • Two persons one ball and one tennisball.
  • One plays the ball overhand and the other throws the tennis ball to the other.
  • This can also be done underhand.
  • Pairs facing each other with a net in between
  • Overhead smash,
    • start on the 3,
    • with every good ball 1 step back,
    • to the backline
  • Two one ball
  • Overlap
    • one time for yourself and
    • then pass

Setup: Each player has a ball.

Everyone walks through each other, bouncing a ball, and carries out the following tasks.

Signals + command

  • On 1: bounce the ball to the right.
  • At 2: bounce the ball to the left
  • At 3: ba with both hands on collision
    • Follow your way with the other hand.
  • Pick up the ball with 1 or 2 hands after bounce
  • Leave your own ball behind after bounce as quickly as possible to intercept another ball

More leaning towards keys:

  • After dribbling ball catch own ball above head, then throw ball into air again without letting ball drop under eyes.
  • Same as before, hold for 1 second
  • Same as first, shorten contact
  • Idem, but first catch the ball, then touch it away
  • Ditto, but with double key

Game Form 1B:


  • The serve: the ball is thrown into play with both hands.
  • Catching the ball with both hands above the head.
  • Throwing the ball in front of himself (without dropping below the level of the eyes) and then overplaying it with an overhand touch.


  • 2 feet out of the field, where the player wants: left - right - back
  • Variation: touch a cone each time the ball crosses the net.


  • Throw the ball back where you caught it (do not run with the ball in your hands).
  • Do not hold the ball in your hands for more than 2 seconds.
  • Standing still when the ball is caught (and perhaps aiming).

Form 1C:


  • Picking the ball out of the air with one hand, making one collision and a second collision through a basketball dribble with one hand, high enough to play overhead. (One or two control keys may be used to play).
  • Picking should be done as high as possible.


  • 2 feet out of the court, where the player wants (left - right - back)
  • Variant: move one of the two tennis balls placed on the 2 cones (at the back of the field).

Formation: 2 balls per 4 players



  • Player A (bowling motion) rolls the ball to player B (the ball must pass between the 2 cones!!).
  • Player B picks up the ball, bounces it 2 times and then plays it in a bow to player C.
  • Player C holds a hoop and puts the hoop down at the spot where the ball is going to collide. The ball is caught after 1 collision. Player C grabs the ball and joins player D at the back.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one place.


  • Player A throws the ball under the net to player B.
  • Player B catches the ball, bounces once high, does a control key and then bounces to player C.
  • Player C catches the ball low to the ground in the correct reception position and runs to D to join the back of the line.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.


  • Player A throws the ball (bowling motion!) over the net to player B.
  • Player B plucks the ball out of the air, bounces 3 times (must turn around during those 3 bounces to face player C) and then tips the ball to player C.
  • Player C does reception for himself and joins player D.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.


  • Player A calmly strikes the ball underhand over the net to player B.
  • Player B plucks the ball out of the air, does 1 control bounce, then does control keys until fully turned facing player C and then plays the ball player C.
  • Player C does reception for himself, catches the ball and joins player D.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.

In a line-up with 2 players facing each other, key the ball over the net after 2 dribbles and 1 high rebound.


Possible variations:

  • Play the ball after bumps
  • Playing the ball after picking
  • Playing the ball after catching without bots
  • Play with 2 balls

Note: depending on the level we can differentiate and let the better players play with a handicap.

variation on Kings Court: winners move to winners field, losers move out and 3 new players move in.

  • 3 players per half (whole field)
  • trainer puts 1st ball in field of new team
  • max 2 plays per half
  • no smashing, no jumping, no lobs
  • communication per team is a necessity
  • The whole field must be defended (is feasible).
  • balls coming from the other side are not hard but placed.
  • there's a line,
  • they throw the ball to the playmaker,
  • who plays the ball to the attacker.
  • who plays(!) not hit. over the net.
  • Later you can attack.


  • 2 players with backs to each other with ball
  • A stands on backline runs to net gets high ball thrown to bra over net.
  • Walk backwards around the pawn on the backline and forward again to play the high ball over the net.
  • Side pass to side to other half 2 balls.


  • A cone; catching the ball at the right height
  • Catch the ball at the right height and throw it back.
  • Throw the ball up, fellow player plays it back overhead.
  • Pass the ball overhead to each other; stop if it is not correct.