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Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique

  • Play the ball for yourself overhead,
  • if it goes well, only do it underhand,
  • and later on alternate

With this exercise the players learn to play 'smart'. just over the net or in the back corners

Per 2:

  • Player A stands at the net, player B lies on the 3-meter line.
  • At the moment player A throws up the ball to test, player B stands up.
  • Player A plays BH to player B, player B does OH to player A.
  • Player A gives a pass to player B, player B tries to play into a hoop.

The hoops represent the number of shots that must be drunk.

  • Hoop 1 = 1 shot
  • Hoop 2 = 2 shots

Variation 1
: Player A plays the first ball via a technical attack.

Variation 2:
Player B plays the ball with a hard overhead contact over the net.

  • 2 teams (6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field (inside 3m line).
  • Other players stand behind the 3m line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball overhand within the 3m line.
  • After playing the ball step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, make sure you have the ball safe and encourage your teammates.
  • If all the players of a team are eliminated, you have a point.
    • Idem only underhand play
    • idem overhand play only outside the 3m line
  • variation on Kings Court with 3 players per team:
  • only play overhand and play over the net,
  • all 3 players of the team have to play 1 time
  • and there is a second ball in the team which has to be passed between the 3 players of the own team (to play bra).
  • Trainer brings ball easily to the new team.
  • Every ball on the ground is a foul.
  • Tactics (where to play the ball),
    • bra technique,
    • communication between the players.
  • 2 players with 2 (different) balls.
  • 1 ball is only passed overhead about 3-4 meters,
  • The other ball is thrown over in the opposite direction.
  • The players move from one sideline to the other sideline.
  • If this is done hand over hand with 2 balls, the task is completed.


  • Try to serve the pawns from the bank. Team that empties the bank first wins
  • this is an exercise in a kind of game form. In the opposite field a bench (or cupboard) has to be placed with a number of pylons standing on it.
  • Children stand divided:
    • in a line with the trainer with a ball in their hands (1);
    • at the mv position (2);
    • at the left front (side) position (3);
    • 2 children behind the bench/cabinet to catch the balls (4);
    • after play passing from 1 to 2 to 3 to 1
  • child 1 gives the ball to the trainer who passes the ball to child 2
  • child 2 gives a setup on the outside to child 3
  • child 3 plays the ball brace over the net and tries to get as many pylons off the bench as possible
  • after child 3 has played the ball, the ball is turned over.

(extension > hitting the ball)

Which team has hit/played the most pylons off the bench after X number of minutes?

  • 2 balls/2 people
  • Player 1 has 2 balls, which she throws over in turn,
  • Player 2 catches both balls. The roles are then reversed.
    • Option 1: The balls are thrown over with increasing difficulty.
    • Option 2: the first ball is caught bra, the second ball in split.


  • 1 ball/ 2 persons
  • Player 1 bounces the ball under the net,
  • Player 2 picks up the ball from the air and dribbles under the net.
  • Player 1 and 2 exchange places.
    • Option 1: ball is thrown over.
    • Option 2: the ball is plucked out of the air, then a high bounce and the ball is pushed over.


  • 1 ball and 1 hoop/2persons
  • player 1 tries to get the ball in the hoop,
  • player 2 drops the ball in the hoop and catches it in split position.
    • Option 1: person 2 may choose where the hoop is.
    • Option 2: after catching the ball in the split position, the ball is built up.


  • 2 balls/2 people
  • Player 1 has 2 balls, which she throws over in turn, player 2 catches both balls.
  • The roles are then reversed.
    • Option 1: The balls can be thrown over with increasing difficulty.
    • Option 2: the first ball is caught bra, the second ball in split.
    • Option 3: player 1 catches ball under net, person 2 throws ball over net.


  • 1 player who runs in when the ball leaves the court.
  • Ball leaves from person standing deep in the field (same side as SV).
  • SV turns in and must key ball into the hoops, which is where otherwise attacker will be.
  • If in the hoop, put point on scoreboard.
  • If next to it, put point on other side.
  • Fetch ball and join at the back to key ball in.
  • Difference between points = number of abdominal muscles afterwards.