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Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique

The purpose of the core is that the players can play the ball overhead.

  • The players stand in pairs facing each other and play overhead.
  • Hands well above the head, from the legs, stretch the body and point to the ball
  • The players stand further and further apart.

  • Then we form two rows diagonally across the field and we play BH, chase your ball


  • 3 teams 1 ball.
  • A and B stand at the net and C stands opposite A on the backline.
  • A plays ball to C, C plays BH diagonally to B.
  • Meanwhile A moves opposite B and then A plays the ball BH to C.
  • After 20 x passes turn over


3 teams A B C

  • A plays BH to B
  • B plays BH backwards to C
    • The elbows are outwards when playing backwards.
  • C plays BH to B
    • C has to play and stretch from the knees
  • after 10x 1 spot turn


  • Pay much attention to the following accents:
    • Make sure that the player stretches completely and points the ball 'behind'.
    • And when playing backwards, make sure the elbows are well apart and extended backwards as well.

Play fanatically in pairs.

Then in 3 teams

  • 1 at the net
  • other 2 on 2 sides in the back of the field
  • B throws the ball to A
  • B passes under the net
  • A plays the ball UNDER HANDS to C
  • C plays the ball UNDER HAND to B
  • B catches the ball
  • B throws the ball to C
  • B passes under the net
  • C over the net to A


Two rows to the net. Pass the ball along the net. When you've played the ball, walk to the other row via the pawn.

What do you have to think about?

  • everyone plays individually BH ball against wall
  • watch the technique of the hands
  • they learn control over the ball
  • if possible give a height (net height + a little) where the ball will hit the wall roughly

In pairs:

throwing in (throw over 2 arms, 1 arm left and right, bounce idem, hit)

Overlap, 40X

pass underhand 40X

work in the back of the field: left-right, backline short ball (possible diving)

  • 2 teams where one side is bowled and the other side is passed and a set up is given.
  • Set up hits the basket then 1 point, set up in the basket 2 points.
  • Teams compete against each other who has the most points.
  • Players with ball throw the ball over the net;
  • Player on the other side tries to touch the ball in the basket.
  • Take ball and pass.
    • Variant: -Underhand in the basket


  • Players with ball throw the ball to the passer.
  • The passer tries to catch the ball in the basket.
    • Variant: Players with ball touching the ball to the passer


  • in 2 rows over the net.
  • You play the ball and join your own row.
  • When you're finished you go to the field next to it.
  • Here you have to play overhand into a basket.
  • Only if you succeeded you may return to the main field.
  • 4/5 players per group.
  • Right back passes to right front who passes to the other player.
  • This player catches the ball and closes the row.
  • Chasing the ball.

Play the ball overhand

  • keep your hands above your head at all times
  • catch the ball
  • arms 'spring in
  • and throw/play straight up by stretching the arms
  • Alternate between overhead and underhand