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Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique

  • Organisation: Make three teams with one ball.
  • Execution:
    • 2 players stand opposite each other at approx. 5m.
    • The third player is "distributor" and stands to the right of the passer.
    • Player 1 plays brace to 2nd player and he passes the ball to the right, where the Sv is standing.
    • This gives player 2 a setup, which is attacked on player 1.
    • Meanwhile, Sv runs to the right side of player 1 to receive the pass there.
drawing Overhead in threes
  • Organisation:
    • 3 players on p2, p3 and p4.
    • 2 players on p5/p6 and p6/p1.
    • Other players with ball on p6.
  • Execution:
    • BH to p4 and follow ball, from p4 BH to p5/p6, follow ball backwards.
    • From p5/p6 OH to p3 and follow through, etc.
    • At p2 catch and connect to p6.
drawing Forward-backward
  • On both sides of the field 2 players come in.
  • There is a pass, setup and attack (from 3 meter line).
  • When side A has attacked, these two players circle off and two new ones come in.
  • Side B defends the attack by the same pass-setup-attack, these players go to the back line and two new players enter.
drawing Pass-setup attack
  • Player starts serving, straight through, on the other side a defender is passing.
  • The passer passes to the trainer.
  • After service the player runs directly to position 5, where the trainer throws a ball for passing at 2-3.
  • Fixed playmaker, gives set-up on the outside.
  • After passing, the player makes an attack.
  • 2 blockers, defense behind the block and defense at left back.


  • The attacker becomes outside blocker.
  • Outside blocker becomes inside blocker.
  • Inside blocker goes to defend behind the block.
  • Defender behind the block starts defending at left back.
  • The left back picks up the ball and connects with the servers.
drawing Defence and attack after serving
  • Learning to pass to playmaker (position 2) with movement towards the ball.
  • Line up at position 1.
  • Players there have a ball in their hands.
  • Player A plays to player B at position 3.
  • Player A moves sideways to position 6.
  • Player B plays the ball back to position 6.
  • Player A plays the ball (preferably) BH to the korf basket at position 2.
  • Player B catches the ball and joins the line at position 1.
  • Player C moves into position player B.
  • Player A moves to player C's position, position 3.
  • On the other side of the net you can practice the same.
  • Later on, alternate with player instead of basket, place of throw, position of return and position of pass.
  • To learn to always pass to the distributor.

drawing Pass to playmaker (M. Kool)

Combination of playing overhand, blocking and defending in teams of 4.

  • At the net play 2x overhead, 1x for yourself and the next ball to the defense.
  • Defense plays ball back underhand. (wide)
  • After playing overhand block 2x at the net.
drawing Combination of overhead, blocks and defense

Combination of playing overhand, blocking and defending in teams of 4.

  • At the net play 2 times overhead, 1 time for yourself and the next ball to the defense.
  • Defense plays ball back underhand. (wide)
  • After playing overhand block 2x at the net.

Extension of the exercise:

  • Instead of playing the second ball overhead, hit it in a targeted way.
drawing Combination of overhead, blocks and defense
  • In preparation for attack on p3.
  • Organisation:
    • Player on 2/3.
    • Trainer with ball pit on p5/6.
    • Other players on 3m-line p3.
  • Execution:
    • Trainer throws ball and player on 2/3 gives a setup on3.
    • Player on 3m-line runs in and catches ball and delivers it back to Tr.
    • Have player on 2nd/3 set up 5 balls.
    • Make sure the setup stays short on the p3 and not on the p3/4.
  • Expansion:
    • No more catching but attacking.
  • 2 teams.
  • Per team one pawn and tennis ball.
  • Player 1 catches the tennisball of player 2.
  • Player stands still and in the right position while catching. (Hands in front of/above head, point of pawn towards nose.)
  • 10x and then change.

drawing technique upper hand training with pawn + tennis ball
  • 1 player stands in the field and gets 10 balls from the trainer.
  • Balls must at least be touched but the focus is on quick movement, being ready and passing overhead/underhand. (trainer makes sure balls can be hit).
  • Other players stand around the field and make sure balls get to the trainer.
  • And of course encourage the player who is doing the exercise.

  • Ball route:
    • Player 1 serves to player 3.
    • 3 passes the ball on 2/3 to player 4.
    • Player 4 gives set-up.
    • Player 3 comes for the attack.
    • He hits straight ahead or diagonally.
    • Agree on beforehand.
    • Server (player 1) defends this ball.
  • Walking route:
    • After player 1 serves, player 2 serves.
    • Player 3 and 4 exchange tasks.
    • When one side has served twice (player 1 and 2).
    • Player 3 and 4 start serving.
    • Player 1 and 2 attack and defend.
drawing Exercise 4 - Corona training
  • 2 on 2, each side passes, gives a setup and then an attack behind the 3 meter line.
  • The game is played on the whole field.
  • The ball is introduced through an overhand service from the field (the ball must return to the field quickly, so serve directed at a defender where the ball lands).
drawing Exercise 5 - Corona training