Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique
- Four players make a large square.
- In the middle is E.
- These players are the link between two triangles.
- In both triangles the ball goes around.
- And E plays the ball overhead in those two triangles.
- With more than one player, change corner players.
- Variant 1: E can choose to whom he passes the ball back.
- Variant 2: The corner players play overhand to each other, but underarm to E.
- Three players stand in a triangle.
- The one who does NOT get the ball moves to the opposite side next to the other player.
- Again, the one who does not get the ball moves.
- Start simple by first playing the ball up in front of yourself and then serving one of the other two players.
- The one who does not get the ball moves to the other side
- Later on, make it more difficult by taking away the play-up part
- Finally, you pass in front of yourself and hit the ball in a controlled way.
- Super exercise for getting very tired very quickly.
- Four players, three of whom make a large triangle.
- One player stands in the middle.
- The ball is played by someone from the triangle to the middle.
- This middle player plays one of the other two players in the triangle.
- One player from the triangle who does NOTHING must now switch with the middle player.
- In short, the one who does nothing, switches with the centre.
- Group split into two groups of 5, field divided into two halves'.
- on each side a bench on the back line with cones on it. (opposite sides)
- 3 players leave on the back line, 1 reserve, 1 service on other side of the field.
- A serve is given to the three players: reception - pass - touch over net.
- when the player has played the ball the players walk to the side where the bench is: reception - pass - hit to the cones
- Which team hits the most cones off the bench?
- 1 player with ball at the net, 2 without ball on the 3 meter line.
- Nets player plays ball BH halfway the field and no.1 shuffles backwards and plays back BH.
- Then no.2. etc.
- Change 3 times after that
- 1 player at the net and 2 on the backline.
- The net player passes to the net player on the 3 metre line. no.1 comes running and passes to the net player and then no.2.
- The ball is played overhand along the net, after playing go around the pylon and join at the other side
- The ball is passed in the middle, after playing it, the player blocks it 2x, after that around the pylon play again
5 hoops distributed over the field:
- 1 in the corner at position 1
- 1 in the corner on position 5
- 1 in the corner on position 2
- 1 in the corner at position 4
- 1 on the 3 meter line - in the middle of the field
A on pass:
- Self-touching - A plays back - attacks/allies on returned ball
A on pass:
- Passing to right post - someone on position 5: himself passes to A - A passes and attacks
At the centre: someone stays on to pass the ball to the centre
- Each player has a ball.
- The pair plays one ball overhead and simultaneously throws the other ball tightly back and forth.
- The trio plays one ball overhead clockwise from player to player and throws the other two balls tightly counterclockwise from player to player.
- Each player has a ball.
- The pair plays one ball overhead and simultaneously throws the other ball tightly back and forth.
- The trio plays one ball overhead clockwise from player to player and throws the other two balls tightly counterclockwise from player to player.
Each player has a ball.
- The 2 team transfers one ball overhead and simultaneously throws the other ball tightly back and forth.
- The 3 team plays one ball overhead clockwise from player to player and throws the other two balls tightly counterclockwise from player to player.
- The 4 team plays straight ahead (oh, bra), after playing cross with the one next to you.
- player 1 stands pos. 3 SV
- players stand in line, throw ball to SV
- this player plays the BH to the throwing player,
- this player plays the BH far over the net,
- ball is caught by the player,
- everybody except SV keeps on running after the ball.
- variation:
- Player 3 stands on different spots on the field.
- On a mat. pos. 4/5 and 6