Volleyball drills for technique strength
as fast as possible the hoops from front to back and back to front.
as fast as possible the hoops from front to back and back to front.
- 10 pylons
- 16 hoops
- Create two rows of pylons with enough space between them for one player to lie on their back.
- Place 8 hoops around the first pylon of each row.
- The first player grabs the first hoop and places it behind them over the next pylon.
- The next player grabs the hoop and places it behind them again until all the hoops are placed around the back pylon.
- The team that first puts all the hoops around the back pylon wins.

- Have the group lie down in a large circle.
- All players go into plank position.
- Call a name of one of the players, this player must run a lap over the legs of the other players as fast as possible (3x).
- Rest.
- The players lie on their backs and tap their ankles 40x (20x left and 20x right).
- 10 setups.
- 120 seconds wallsit.
- Stretching and stretching in the circle.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.
Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.
Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.
Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.
Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.
- Divide the team into groups on the back line
- Put obstacles throughout the field such as fences, ladders, hoops, cones
- Have the players walk to the back line and back
- The group whose last player is back and the rest are sitting has won
Various strength exercises:
- 20 seconds of planks straight.
- 20 seconds of planks left.
- 20 seconds planks right.
- Recline: tap left shoulder, tap right shoulder, slap behind back and again. 5 x.
- 10 squat jumps.
Repeat all exercises 3x.
Place 3 benches parallel to each other.
- Players line up.
- 1 at a time.
- 3 rounds.
- Jump 1 leg on 1 leg off.
- Jumping over bench.
- Jumping on bench.
- 10x Squad
- 15x Leap Squad
- 10x left lunge
- 10x right lunge
- 25x Abdominals
- 30 sec plank
- 15 sec side plank
- 15 sec side plank
- Code warm-up game.
- You make 2 or 3 groups.
- You come up with a code of about 8 numbers. {depending on the condition of the team}
- Say my code is 11325543.
- 1- 2 x run to the net and back.
- 2- 5x abs.
- 3- 5 times blocking.
- 4- 2 x dive.
- 5- 20 seconds in sitting position against the wall.
- The pair tries to decipher the code.
- They do 1 of the 5 exercises, then come to the trainer to see if the number is correct.
- If yes:
- May they try to guess the next one.
- If no:
- They have to choose another number to guess the code.
- Who deciphers the code first, wins.
- All exercises last two minutes.
- Exercise 1:
- Place the bench and step on the LEFT side and step off the RIGHT side.
- Exercise 2:
- Place a cupboard and walk over it and over it again.
- Exercise 3:
- Bench down here and With your hands LEFT and RIGHT.
- Exercise 4:
- Place the bench and do a sit-up with your feet under the bench.
- Exercise 5:
- Put a bench down and let your LEFT and RIGHT leg go along the bench. (so through your knees)

Goal: improve condition in combination with attack/block/defense
T throws a total of three balls to SV.
- T throws ball to SV.
- SV gives a set-up pos 4 , where A attacks. Immediately after the attack T throws a ball, A defends ball back to C.
- After defense T, throws ball 2 to SV. SV 2é pace to A --> attack, C throws ball --> A defended back.
- T throws 3e ball to SV. Sv set-up to pos. 2, A attack on pos. 2, after attack Ball defend.
On the other side of the net.
- B same as A.
- B tries to block A's attack.
- After each block, defend ball from T2.

Goal attacking after physical and mental strain.
- T1, T2 & T3 throw at high speed a ball each for A1, A2 and A3 respectively.
- A1 pos. 4 --> attacking towards goal, after attacking around the cone and again attacking towards the mat.
- A2 pos. 2 idem
- A3 pos. 3 idem
Other players take care of ball safety. After 5 attacks change.