Volleyball drills for technique strength
- Lie on your back.
- Legs at 90° angle.
- Weight in each hand.
- Raise your arms.
- Extend left leg along with right arm.
- Extend right leg along with left arm.
- Etc
- Sitting position against the wall.
- Legs in an angle of 90°.
- Every 20 seconds you get a ball thrown to you
- Underhand pass
- Back to sitting position against the wall.
- Step on the bench, move your right foot along the bench, just not touching the ground, so bend your left leg. Then do the same with left foot.
- Stand next to the bench, one foot on the bench, jump up over the bench, and land on the other side, with the other foot on the bench, back and forth. To the front. Especially with the hands up
- 2 feet next to the bench, jumping up with 2 feet on the bench. Land on the bench. 2 feet next to the bench again.
- 2 feet on one side, next to the bench. Drop off, land on the bench with 2 feet, then land on the other side, and back again.
- 2 feet next to the bench, jump over the bench in one go, land on the other side, and back again.
- 2 feet next to the bench, face towards the bench, drop onto the bench with 2 feet at the same time, land, and return back.
- Jumping over the benches in width, bench one, bench two and third jump up.
- Move weightball from backline to 3m line
- Hurdle jump (3x) and move to wall and curtain
- Per 2: sit-up with weight ball
- Planks
- Jumping on and off bench
- two people one goes on the hands in plank position.
- The other one lifts the legs up.
- The person who lifts up the legs lets go of one leg at a time.
- If fat does happen then a point for the person who holds the legs.
- Split the group into pairs.
- The pairs will work through a number of stations, where different tasks have to be performed.
- Station 1: A slalom through several poles, with an underhand pass at the end of the slalom.
- Move as fast as possible between the poles.
- Station 2: One player lies down on the backline, while the other stands at the net with the ball.
- Player at the net hits the ball.
- Player in the backfield then stands up, and defends a hit ball at 7 meters, or a prik ball at the 3 meter.
- Station 3: Player stands in front of a trampoline, behind player 1 stands a second player with 2 tennis balls.
- One tennis ball is thrown into the trampoline, player 1 catches it before it hits the ground.
- The second tennisball is thrown quickly after it.
- Station 4: Simple, good block jumps, paying attention to the technique.
- Station 5: Reflex training: player stands with arms outstretched, a ball in each hand.
- Player 2 faces the other player, and reacts to the release of one of the balls.
- Do not make the distance between players too great to begin with.
- Each station has a working time of 1 minute.
- Two people are going to push a mat together from one side to the other and back again.
- Do not lift up.
This exercise is incorporated into each workout and the numbers are gradually increased
- Sit-Ups
- Crunches
- Leg Raises
- Plank
- all the players sit in a circle on one half
- everyone has a ball
- keep your legs stretched above the ground
- 1st exercise = everyone passes the ball to the left
- 2nd drill = everyone passes the ball to the right
- 3rd exercise = do the same with a couple of "medizin" balls or 1 or 2 "medizin" balls in between
- now in plank position or push-up position
- 1st exercise = everyone rolls the ball under themselves to the next player through / left around
- 2nd exercise = everyone rolls the ball under themselves to the next player through / right around
- 3rd exercise = now the ball may also be rolled to another player e.g. to the other side

- All squatting against the wall in 90 degrees.
- After 1 minute I throw a ball and you play it back underhand.
- Team of two with ball, sitting opposite each other on the mat
- Person A holds ball above head with both hands and moves to supine position while tapping the ground with ball backwards with outstretched arms
- Person A moves to sitting position and hands the ball to person B
- Person B goes to the supine position and taps the ground with the ball backwards
- and so on
May also be with bended knees