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Volleyball drills for technique system

Team formation! New in square!

  • 2 against 2 half field (or slightly larger than half)
  • Field 1 serves
  • If you score you move to field 2
  • You have to play in 3 teams
  • If field 2 scores, it may stay and the serving side joins the back of the group.
  • The one who stays on field 2 has a point
  • The one who does not press the button(LOS CALL) has to go to the net ON TIME.
  • Preferably 4 teams of 2 but that depends on the size of the group.
  • Otherwise on 2 fields (at least 3 teams per field)
  • Play a game with as many own teams as possible
  • pay attention to the rules of the game:
    • BONUSPUNT: if played in 3s
    • but can also play in 1 or 2x if it is not possible to play in a different way.
    • STIMULATE so play 3 times
  • Possible 3rd team goes against 1 or 2 trainers
    • adjust the rules for trainers in such a way that it is somewhat equivalent.
    • e.g. trainers must play in 3

Competition with only catching and throwing and to emphasize the turning.

  • They have to keep looking at the opponent!
  • Knowing their position must become automatic.

2 teams working separately with the trainer.

  • Trainer throws the ball over the net
  • Team handles the ball.
  • Pay attention when turning around that they keep looking at the opponent!
  • So move well.
  • 2 teams working separately with a trainer.
  • Trainer throws the ball over the net and team handles the ball.
  • Pay attention when turning around that they keep looking at the opponent!
  • So move well.
Team is lined up. Coach throws random balls into the field. Players have to determine who the ball is for. Attention on release/chanting. Do not chase a ball that is not for you.
Trainer stands at the back of the field with a row of players with the ball behind them. A player is standing at the front left and she comes running to the middle. At the front right a player is standing near the net with a bucket on her head. Trainer throws the ball to the centre. Player comes in and plays ball bravo past the net into the bucket. Good leg in front. ('net leg' is in front), pass...
  • It’s another exercise that helps volleyball players develop foot speed.
  • Uphill acceleration sprints involve sprinting on an uphill incline.
  • You should perform sprints for a certain distance a set number of times.
  • It’s a good idea to experiment with sprints.
  • Set a number of repetitions, distance as well as the duration of break for sprints.
  • Split jump lunge is the volleyball exercise that offers a great way of strengthening glutes, quads and hips.
  • So, this exercise will have a huge positive impact on your vertical jump.
  • It’s worth noting that this exercise requires some balance as well as a lot of strength from a lower body.
  • It’s very important for you to take the right position before starting a split jump lunge.
  • You should keep your knee directly over your foot.
  • On the other hand, your knee shouldn’t go over your toe.
  • Then, you need to drop down into the lunge.
  • Now, it’s time for you to push both your feet simultaneously and switch legs.
  • Lastly, you should gently land on the floor keeping your feet wide.
  • You should also raise the opposite arm of your front leg while landing.


This exercise is  fun in the warming-up and improves the communication between players.

  • 2 teams of 3 persons.
  • 2 persons of each team have a ball. 
  • Can also be done with 4 players and 2 balls, 3 players 1 ball, does also depend on the level of your players
  • C has a ball and throws in to one of the teams. 
  • The goal is that the ball is played over the net in 3 times, in which each person can touch the ball once.
  • The one who plays the ball, cannot hold another ball and nobody can hold 2 balls, and no ball is allowed to touch the ground.
  • Emphasis is on communication (before and during the game) 
  • Give the assignment to the teams that they must agree on a strategy how to solve problems? 
    • For example, the name of the person receiving the ball is called, agreements how to play, etc.

It is a good exercise to look at the solutions the players come up with themselves to solve this difficult problem, or whether they know that to win it is useful to pass to a player who already has a ball and a guarantee for fun in the exercise :-)

  • Depending on the level of your players, you can make this game harder by having the last ball calmly.
  • If you play this with multiple times, then change the team that lets the ball drop for a different team.
  • Teams themselves keep score, and a team scores when the other team drops the ball.
  • Form your (core)team , 
  • the remaining players are on the other side of the net 
    • moneytime: it is 20 against 20, play to 25
    • give your core team a handicap if the remaining players are few, for example only attack diagonally