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Volleyball drills

  • In pairs, facing each other, start at the cone.
  • Place cones in the middle.
  • One cone per pair
  • First time backwards to the sideline.
  • Return forward.
  • Tapping and kneeling in reception position, waiting for the signal.
  • On command move sideways to the sideline.
  • Same side back.
  • Wait through the knees.
  • Third time knees up, back against seat.
  • Knee sit next to the cone, right leg to leave.
  • 4th time, very fast kick to the other side.
  • Lie on your stomach on the line and kick back.


  • Trainer throws the ball to the middle player
  • He passes to SV
  • SV gives setup
  • Offender plays the ball SLIMLY over the net.
    • so just over the net
    • OR in the back of the field in the corners
  • Place the hoop and force the player to play there (in 1 corner at a time). Afterwards with defender in that corner. Catch own ball and pass to trainer.
  • Attacker catches the ball and puts it with trainer (in the box).
  • Everyone turns 1 spot at a time (runs after own ball).
  • Give instructions all the time
    • playing-tactically-3
  • the coach is at the net.
  • 1 person in the field.
  • the trainer throws difficult balls
  • The person in the field has to keep them off the ground (5 balls).
  • if he/she does not do this, you continue until he/she has succeeded.
  • The rest of the players stand around the field to catch the balls and put them back in the cart.

1 ball/ person

  • everyone plays ball individually BH against wall above a line
  • players count each other
  • keep score


Improve reaction time and speed + go for the ball


Players have to grab balls


  • Row 1 players ready to play ball
  • Row 2 players behind trainer with ball
    • Front pushes trainer ball in hand and joins row 1
  • Trainer throws ball into field and player from row 1:
    • Runs towards the ball, lets it bounce 1x, 1x OH and then catches it
    • Runs to the ball, lets it bounce 1x, 1x BH and then catch
    • Runs to the ball, let it bounce 1x, 1x OH, 1x BH and then catch
    • Runs to the ball, does not bounce, and touches it anyway : diving
  • Connect with ball in the back of line 2
  • High tempo and adapt to the player.


Improve fitness and warm up


Run in circles


Run in circles around the field(leave about 2m between them)

  1. when trainer claps 1 time - pump 1 time
  2. when trainer claps 2 times - sliding dive
  3. when trainer claps 3 times - tapping the net
  4. when trainer claps 4 times - sprint a whole circle around the field
  • place 2 skirting boards.
  • start as low as possible (1 layer)
  • Skirting boards one 'attack run' apart.
  • if necessary put down hoops
  • they jump with 2 legs onthe first skirting and land with both handsup
  • off the skirting board and then an attack run on the 2nd skirting board
    • short, long, connect, drop off. (rhythm: 1....2.3)
    • Pay attention:
      • push off with 2 legs
      • arms swing backwards during the big step
  • finish on the skirting-board with both hands in the air (if necessary, clap your hands)
  • after that 2 block jumps at the net.
    • Pay attention to side steps
  • then around the pawn and trainer throws a diving ball
    • Watch out for sliding on the belly
    • Get the ball and put it in the bin.
    • Join the back of the line for jumping
  • On both sides of the net 1 person in the field.
  • throw the ball over the net, try to score
  • Get back in line.
  • Touch the back line after you have been there.
  • If this goes well try underhand
  • With a pair 1 ball,
  • First play up for yourself, then play to your pair. Overhand and underhand combination doesn't matter.
  • After 5 minutes play above and underhand.
  • 2 teams serve each other calmly over the net (Overhand)
  • Distance can be increased when the ball goes over the net in a controlled way.
  • Throwing up is important, so concentrate!

  • After this serve on positions in the field where there is a mat.
  • Throwing up is important so concentration is necessary!

Goal of the exercise:
Looking for the ball in space.

Explanation of the exercise:
Everyone should stand in a circle. One person is crouching in the middle. This person counts to 20. Count the first 10 out loud and the last 10 in your head. When you reach 20, shout "Boom" very loudly. In the meantime the ball goes round in the circle. At 'boomer' the person who has the ball must throw the ball very high into the air. The yeller will have to catch the ball/bomb.

Adjustment per level:

CMV 1/2 small circle ball catchingCMV
3/4 Larger circle ball catchingCMV
5/6 Large circle ball passing and catching.
Extra Difficult! Players do not throw the ball around but play the ball around.

  • the trainer stands at the net
  • 1 person in the field
  • the trainer throws difficult balls
  • The person in the field has to touch 3 balls.
  • If she does not touch the ball, you continue until she succeeds.
  • The rest of the players stand around the field to catch the balls and put them back in the cart.