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Volleyball drills

  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8. Every time this player comes in the middle a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.

2 teams.

  • Throw the ball quickly and tactically over the net with the aim of hitting the ground within the lines before a defender can grab it.
  • If you succeed in doing so, you earn 1 point.
  • You have to throw the ball immediately after catching it, holding the ball is not allowed.
  • Extension 1: After each action turn 1 position clockwise.
  • Extension 2: After each throwing action, walk to the net and touch it before you can go back.
  • Game to e.g. 5 points or best of 3/5/7 or certain fixed time.
  • Make 2 teams of about 5 children.
  • Each team stands on one side of the field.
  • Place 5 balls on both 3meter lines.
  • When the trainer calls "GO!" everyone starts throwing the balls to the other side.
  • Who has the most balls in his field after 3 minutes, is lost.
  • Beware: the ball may only be thrown overhand, no key and no underhand play or throw, only overhand!
Gather on sideline, then:
  • Across and back (2x)
  • Sideways to the other side and back (1x)
  • Cross pass to the other side and back (1)
  • Lift your knees across and back (1x)
  • Heels to the other side and back (1x)
  • Arm swing forwards, backwards (1x)
  • Frog jump to the other side and back (1x)
  • Crossing to the other side and back (1x)
  • Sideways hop across to the other side and back (1x)


  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8 each time. Each time this player gets in the middle, a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.
  • Two teams one ball
  • 1st players ready to stop the ball
  • 2nd players ready to roll the ball
  • When the ball is rolling, player one has to stop it with:
    • Stops ball with right hand 5x
    • Stops the ball with the left hand 5x
    • Stops ball with foot 5x
    • Runs around and sits for the ball and lets ball roll between the legs 5x
    • Runs around it and lies down in front of the ball and holds the ball still with arms extended 5x
  • With a pair
  • One player behind the back line lies on his/her belly
  • Other player at the net hits and throws the ball
  • Player stands up and passes the ball back
  • catches or takes the ball and repeat this 10 times
  • try to keep a high tempo

  • With a pair
  • One player behind the back line lies on his/her belly
  • Other player at the net hits and throws the ball
  • Player stands up and passes the ball back
  • catches or takes the ball and repeat this 10 times
  • try to keep a high tempo

  • 2 teams(6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field.
  • Other players stand behind the back line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball underarm.
  • After playing the ball, step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, the opponent gets a point.


  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8 each time. Each time this player gets in the middle, a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.
  • Players divide into 2 teams.
  • Each team has its own mat that they must get to the other side as quickly as possible, by taking turns diving on it.
  • Whichever mat reaches the other side first, that team has won!
  • Three players on the back line.
  • At about one meter from the sidelines you put a pylon.
  • The other players stand around the field to pick up the balls.
  • The trainer at the net throws the balls into the field at a high speed.
  • It is up to the players to pass the balls back to the trainer, or at least to hit the ball.
  • Then the players join in again at the back, and so they keep running and looking at the ball.
  • The remaining players stand around the field to collect the balls played away and pass them back to the trainer.
  • Expansion:
  • Pawns further apart, throwing faster, hitting.