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Volleyball drills

In each field 1 passer, 1 catcher, 1 reserve and 2 server.
With 12 players place 2 passers and always let the inner passer go to midfield

Serve, reserve, pass, catch and serve. Chasing your ball.


  • Walk slowly to the other side of the hall.
  • One player indicates with a "Yes" that the other players have to do an assignment.
  • On the way back another player gives the assignments.
    The assignments can be made up by the players themselves. Until everyone has been.
  • Squats with arm swing, bend the knees (weight backwards as if you are sitting on a chair) swing the arms downwards and as soon as you come up with the arms again, the body comes up to the toes.
  • Handwalk. Put your hand flat on the ground and walk as far as you can with your hands in front of you, walk back with your hands under the shoulder, press up and walk with your feet to the hands
  • Loose twist and stretch + penalty bench

Play the ball underarm.

  • Accent on foot position (wide and 1 leg before and after the pass)
  • Arms straight and still when passing - right leg before and after the pass - step out on the left for the follow-up action
  • Also use the knees

Two teams in the length of the field.
Pass the ball at the net 10 times at 6 mtr and the player at 6 mtr passes the ball back.
Coach each other when things are not going well and indicate whether the ball is good or not.

Make 3 or 4 teams (depends on the amount of players).
1 player on 7mtr line and 2 at the net.

  • Player 1 plays the ball overhand to player 2 (7mtr).
  • Player 2 plays the ball underarms to player 3 (net)
  • Player 3 plays the ball overhand again to player 1.

If the exercise is running player 1 can hit the ball overhand (quietly).


  • 10x push-ups (may also be on knees)
  • 35 sec planking (straight back) 3x with 15 sec rest in between.
  • 2 pairs 1 has the ball and stands and the other lies on his back with his feet on the upper legs of the other
    and taps the ball 20 x and then change.

Make 3 or 4 teams (depends on the amount of players).
1 player on 7mtr line and 2 at the net.

  • Left front plays the ball overhand to player 2 (7mtr).
  • Player 2 plays the ball underarm to player 3 (net)
  • Player 3 plays the ball overhand again to player 1.

If the exercise is running player 1 can hit the ball overhand (quietly).overhand-underhand-game-like

1. 4 x back and forth (forward and backward
) 2. 3 x back and forth with quiet block jump and backward shuffle3
. 2x side defense stance4
. Handwalk heavy (make long (stretch), walk on your hands to the front, 3 counts, back with your hands 1x push up again with your feet to your hands walk. And then one more time. (to the net and then calmly walk back to the backline)
5. Lunges, step out trunk resting to the left and right movement.
6. Rollercoaster in 2 groups who is first on the other side.
7. 3x 45 seconds planks (15 counts of rest)
8. 1 minute air cycling

  • 3 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 3 times to the net, behind 3 metres, to the net and sprint back
  • 2 x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks upper body straight 2x back and forth
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive stance sideways
  • 3x standing fast footwork 9 meters, then sprint to 3 meters
  • 10x push-ups (may also be on knees)
  • 40 sec planking (straight back) 3x with 15 sec rest in between
  • lie on your back, 1 minute
  • 10x whole belly exercise
  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.

The purpose of the core is that the players can play the ball overhead.

  • The players stand in pairs facing each other and play overhead.
  • Hands well above the head, from the legs, stretch the body and point to the ball
  • The players stand further and further apart.

  • Then we form two rows diagonally across the field and we play BH, chase your ball


  • Triplets 1 ball.
  • Two on the backline 1 with ball at the net.
  • The ball is thrown in one half of the field, the passer has to call and the other one is going to catch it.
  • The players may only pass to their own side.
    • If the passer succeeds in catching the ball they both get a point.
  • If all passes well the passer has a point (be strict on the pass).
  • After 10 balls they rotate.

If the back players get the ball to the net player, they earn an extra point.