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Volleyball drills

Goal of the exercise:

Increase speed and agility.

Explanation of the exercise:

Teams stand behind a pawn. Player 1 runs to the next pawn, goes around it and runs back. Player 2 can start when player 1 is back. The team that finishes first wins. Different forms: sprint, frog jump, tide, knee lift, hopscotch, wheelbarrow, sprint with ball, overhead play and underarm play.

XL Challenge:

Place a balloon on centerline. At the sign of the trainer you have to sprint to the balloon and then dive and blow very hard. After being tapped the next player can blow away the balloon. The player who is first to blow the balloon over the backline wins.

Duration of the exercise:

10-15 minutes.

Over rope ladder, shuffling pawns

Around pawns, bouncing with ball.

Sprint to the hoop with the ball, bounce to the pawn, jump rope 5 times, to the opponent's hoop and back to the group.

Bring the ball between the legs to the other side.

Jumping buck. First one starts as a buck, second one over it, also in buck etc.

  • first throw over the ball (throwing-movement)
  • just replay with 2 teams
  • Overhand and underhand: short ball oh and long ball oh (15 times each back and forth)
  • Variant: in the back 1 time in front of you (10 times each back and forth)
  • Variant: in front of the team, play forwards once (OH and then BH); player who runs to and fro always touches the ground before the ball is played (10 times each backwards and forwards)

One ticker in the middle of the field. The rest stand on the lines of the field and may only move across the line.


  1. Nose to the net
  2. Nose to the left wall
  3. Nose to the back wall
  4. Nose to the right wall

The ticker may move throughout the field.

  • group of 4-6
  • choose a word beforehand with about 6 to 7 letters (e.g. serve)
  • the first serves on a place in the field
    • You can also place a number of mats or hoops.
  • the others must serve on the same spot
    • The 1st one also joins in.
  • If this doesn't work out they get a letter.
  • if you have the whole word you are finished
    • possibly play bra against the wall or something
  • Again with someone else as first.

There is a compass and he gets the assignment to go to the mentioned spot. (depending on the number of players).

  1. In pairs. 1 works the other has rest
    • bench up and down with 2 legs at the same time (3x 20 - if you can)
    • bench up and down, alternating left and right (3x 20)
  2. Push-ups, remember that their backs are straight
  3. Abdominal muscle:
    • ball in your hands, legs up and try to touch the toes with the ball (30x)
    • Place ball on the ground left and right of your body with your arms stretched out (both 30x)
  4. Stand between 2 lines and move LAY and touch the side lines
  5. Tipping: individually through the field

2 or 3 against each other sprinting. Whoever wins is finished.

the two of us. 1 works, other has rest

  1. going up and down bench with 2 legs at the same time
  2. bench up and down, alternately left right
  3. another bench exercise(s)
  4. Push-ups, remember that they have their back straight
  5. Absorbent muscle: arms crossed, legs up, shoulders up 20 cm
  6. Stand between 2 lines and move LOW and touch the side lines
  7. Jump over buddy and after landing crawl through the legs of your buddy

This exercise is for sv only.

SV: The trainer throws the ball towards the sv area. The SVs play the ball into the front left basket. The other SV catches the ball and counts the times the basket is hit or passed (better). After 15 balls the players change.

In the second series the trainer makes the ball harder to play.

The other 5 players will do the exercise 'bounce and play in 3 times on 1 side'.

1. Exercise starts with everyone (5 players) making 3 passes each to the sv position. The sv runs in and plays the ball bravely to the outside. There stands 1 player to catch the ball. He calls right or wrong. After catching the ball throw it to the player next to the trainer. 2 Other players stand behind the passer. After 3 times 1 position turn.

When everyone has been through the same thing again but then set up in the middle.

Points of attention: quick start of the sv (run in), playing brace and good pass.

2. After that line up in the back and pass a ball that is thrown/striked by the trainer. Set up by incoming sv. Left front or in the middle stands attacker who hits ball. Chasing the ball and throwing it in the box.

Attacker indicates who is coming: outside or centre.

  1. Extend your arms out to the sides with your fists clenched and your thumbs up.
  2. Bend forward with your left leg extended until your upper body is completely horizontal while balancing on your right foot. Move your left leg and torso as one.
  3. Do the same with your right leg while balancing on your left foot.
  4. Repeat these movements several times, alternating between your left and right legs.
