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Volleyball drills

  • players serve
  • trainers walk around with a ball and throw random balls to players.
  • as soon as a player has served he has to be ready to handle an eventual ball from a trainer.
  • this is only about being ready after the service.
  • start at the back line (or choose other lines)
  • tap 1 line to the front
  • back to the starting line -> touch it
  • 2 lines forward -> touch
  • 1 line back -> touch
  • 2 lines forward -> touch
  • etc


  • row of players with the trainer
  • The first one pushes the ball into the trainer's hands.
  • player stands in line left or right
  • players can play BH and/or OH
  • is about PLAY and DIRECTaction

If the exercise runs well:

  • then the receiver can play the ball bra along the net
  • Also run after your own ball again
  • Receiver catches ball and joins in line with trainer

Goal of the exercise is :

  • play the ball in the back
  • after servicxe directly to the front

  • 2 teams of 2
  • players may only stand and move in the front part of the field
    • unless you are serving: this is done from the back line.
    • server must walk to the front directly after service
  • the backfield does count, but you are not allowed to come as a player
  • so when the ball is played into the backfield, it counts as a point
    • in front of course also just
  • (maybe the field should not be cut in half, but the line should be moved backwards...)


  • 2 players are standing not too far from each other and pass the ball with 1 stretched arm
  • so left of the body with left arm and right of the body with right arm
  • this exercise is a preparation for service pass arms next to the body

play 3 against 3

  • 1 player at midfield
  • 2 defenders
  • Walk slowly to the other side of the hall.
  • One player indicates with a "yes" that the other players have to do an assignment.
  • Another player gives the orders on the way back.
  • The exercises are:
    • Tap the ground
    • Turn around your own axis
    • Jump up
    • Walk backwards
    • Heels (6 times)

  • On your hands and feet, at the command backwards on your hands and feet
  • Start with short dribble step (tripplings) to field 2, then continue to knee lift (high tripplings), to field 3, then hop and stretch jump (stretching the body). Remember arms --> 2 times back and forth
  • Squats with arm swing, bend through the knees (weight back as if sitting on a chair) swing the arms down and as soon as you come back up with the arms, the body also comes back up to the toes.--> 10 times tempo, 10 times easy, 5 times super slow
  • Handwalk. Put the hand flat on the ground and walk as far as you can with your hands in front of you, walk back with the hands to below the shoulder, press up then walk with the feet to the hands

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.
  • Trainer throws the ball to the midfielder
  • He passes to SV
  • SV gives setup
  • Striker plays ball SLIMLY over the net
    • so just over the net
    • OR in the back of the field in the corners
  • OPTIONAL: the new player calls HELL (=fault) or GOOD (=good) after the smart ball of the attacker
  • Attacker gets the ball and puts it with trainer (in the box)
  • Everybody turns 1 place (runs after their own ball)
  • If necessary put hoops (= opponents) where they should not play.
  • Give instructions all the time
    • playing-tactically

These exercises can be done in many variations.

  • 2 equal groups of 5 to 6
  • relay. so which group finishes first?
    1. speed ladder
    2. under 'mat on benches
    3. 10x skipping rope
    4. slalom through poles
    5. climb over a cupboard
    6. 3x push-ups
    7. 10x jump with 2 legs on bench
    8. touch the next one
    9. ATTENTION: to smuggle is to start over with the part (not the whole course of course)
  • There is one ticker.
  • Approximately 2 to 3 balls per 6 players.
  • The scout must try to catch the participants without a ball as soon as possible.
  • The persons who have a ball cannot be tagged.
  • They must however be social and throw the ball to the person who is about to be tapped!
  • If someone is tapped, then that person becomes the ticker.