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Volleyball drills

Attacking. Trainer throws the ball to the playmaker (who comes in just like with the team line-up). Distributor gives set-up and attacker hits box who stands 4 meters behind the net.

Buckle up

  • Just tilted due to different lengths of children.
  • Preferably make groups with equally sized children.
  • Trainer has ball in hand and player takes ball out of hands.
  • It doesn't matter how they hit the ball, just pay attention to the run up!
  • 2 against 2 half field (or slightly larger than half)
  • Field 1 serves
  • If you score you move to field 2
  • You have to play in 3 teams
  • If field 2 scores, it may stay and the serving side joins the back of the group.
  • The one who stays on field 2 has a point
  • The one who does not press the button(LOS CALL) has to go to the net ON TIME.
  • Preferably 4 teams of 2 but that depends on the size of the group.
  • Otherwise on 2 fields (at least 3 teams per field)

3 teams with 1 ball. Player a and player b stand next to each other at the net and player c stands opposite a. A throws the ball to c and c plays underhand to b. c moves opposite b and then passes the ball to a. If you succeed you may continue to play, but it must be concentrated and neat!

2 teams with 1 ball. Player a throws 10 balls to the left and right of player b. Player b moves and plays back underhand.

Play the ball up for yourself. Can you make it 10?

Player stands at the net with bucket above his head, may move a little but do not bend over. Trainer stands on the backline with a row of players with the ball next to him. Trainer throws ball randomly in the field and player puts ball in bucket. Make it more and more difficult.

  • Trainer stands at the back of the field with a row of players with the ball behind them.
  • A player is standing at the front left and she comes running to the middle.
  • At the front right a player is standing near the net with a bucket on her head.
  • Trainer throws the ball to the centre.
  • Player comes in and plays ball bravo past the net into the bucket.
  • Good leg forward.

3 rows about 1.5 meters from the net. Serve 3 at a time and then get the ball yourself and join the back of the row again.

Increase distance

Team formation. Also here we take a field of level 3. Per trainer 1 team. Trainer throws the ball over the net and the team catches the ball and throws the ball over the net again. Then turn around immediately and keep looking at the opponent/trainer. The line-up is a bowl

  • Trainer throws the ball to
  • Player catches the ball OH with hands and arms extended and
  • then throws directly over the net onto the mat.
    • Flowing movement.
  • Ball must be caught with hands and not pressed against body.


  • bra now


  • Trainer now throws alternately BH or OH

One ticker and one runner. When you are out you have to stand with legs wide and when someone crawls under you, you are free again.