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Volleyball drills

  • 2 meters from the net and serve slowly to each other.
  • Throwing up is important.
  • Foot position: left for right (RB)
  • 2 hands in the air, 1 hits the ball full and the other points to the ball.
  • 2 checkers and coach is at midfield.
  • Checkers start at the net
  • as soon as they are served they run to the back
  • Trainer coaches the ball to himself!
  • 2 servers on the other side who take turns serving.
  • after serving sprint to the net, collect ball from trainer.
  • Change after 15 balls.
  • One row of players on each side of the net
  • Serve straight to the mat.
  • Touching is 1 point!
  • Follow your ball and then join the other side in the row.
  • Concentration (bouncing the ball 2x and actually doing it)
Two teams. One team is going to serve and one team is going to stand randomly in the field opposite. Serving alternately. If you serve on a player, he must leave the field. Who has hit the most players within a certain time? If both teams serve for example 2 minutes.
Two teams with one ball and a net in between. Serve each other calmly. The other stands in the field and tests the ball for himself and catches it.
2 teams with 1 ball. One team drops the ball from high and just after the bounce the other team has to catch the ball. Exchange.
  • Hang the net diagonally and put the children on the big one together
  • The small ones at the low net etc.
  • Trainer holds ball in the air and player makes run up and knocks ball out of your hands.
  • Don't focus on a nice ball, it's about the run up and wrist movement.
  • 3 teams.
  • A and B stand at the net and C faces A.
  • A throws ball to C, C hits to B and B plays bra bl past the net to A.
  • If it goes well A also plays bra to C and so on.
  • If it doesn't go well then A takes off and starts again.
  • Pay attention to the fact
    • the right leg is in front during the setup
    • that the right leg is fixed
    • and use energy from the left foot
  • Turn after 10 x
2 benches opposite each other with goalkeeper in front of the bench. 2 teams who, by sitting low and looking, hit the ball with a flat hand to score. Ball may not go up.
  • Practice attacking the net with hoops on the ground.
  • Every child has a piping bag in his hand and hands it over in the air.

The goal of the core is, that the players can play the ball far overhead

  • The players face each other in pairs and play overhead
  • Hands well above the head, from the legs, body stretching and point towards the ball when releasing
  • The players stand further and further apart from each other.
  • Then we form two rows diagonally across the field and we play BH, chasing your ball

drawing Core 1  Overhead (kta)
  • Pass the ball overhead to each other in a snake-like figure
    • Two rows of players that face each other.
    • No. 1 plays the ball straight over and connects at the end of the snake.
    • Nr 2 plays the ball diagonally over and connects to the end of the snake and so on. 
  • Hang on as long as possible (field around!)? 
drawing Overhead snake