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Volleyball drills

  • There is one scapegoat and one victim.
  • The other players stand in groups of two, spread over the room.
  • The groups of two stand behind each other, with their faces in the same direction.
  • The scapegoat tries to tap the victim.
  • The victim may join a group of two at the back, but then the first one in line becomes the new ticker and the old ticker becomes the new victim.
  • If the scapegoat can tap the victim, the roles are also reversed.
  • The whole team sits against the wall
  • The first one runs from the wall to the net and back and then sits against the wall again,
  • Then the next player can run.
  • They are not allowed to stop until the whole team has walked back and forth once.
    • Afterwards the same exercise but with planks instead of sitting against the wall.

  • 4 teams of which 2 at the net and the other 2 at the back of the field
  • B throws the ball to A
  • A plays the ball back to B
  • B plays ball UPHANDS to C
  • C plays the ball UNDER HANDS to D
  • D catches the ball
  • D throws the ball to C
  • C plays the ball UP to B
  • B plays the ball UNDER HANDS to A
  • A catches the ball
  • etc


  • Trainer throws the ball high on the (right) front.
  • On the left front side a player comes in and sets up on the outside (in a basket).
  • Watch the set-up:
    • ball up
    • stretch your legs
    • Point the ball well after the set up
  • Set upper stays a few (10) balls. other kids pick up the balls.
  • Then everyone with attack.

Trainers throw ball to over the net and player:

  • Throw ball into field let it bounce and step over it.
  • Catch oh the ball
  • Catches bra the ball
  • Catches the ball sitting down
  • Catches the ball with 1 knee on the ground
  • Lies down on the ground and drops the ball on the buttocks


  • Pairs facing each other with a net in between
  • Overhead smash,
    • start on the 3,
    • with every good ball 1 step back,
    • to the backline

Line up: several rows in a row behind the back line.


  1. Sloth: sit with your back to the other side, legs extended. Pull with your hands to the other side.
  2. Seal: flat on belly --> pull forward with hands to get to the other side.
  3. Spiderman: on all fours, always moving the opposite hand and foot together: LH + RV & RH + LV
  4. Bearwalk: on your hands and feet to the other side
  5. Monkey walk: let your hands + arms hang down, almost to the ground (like a monkey) and so to the other side.
  6. Peacock: stepping, quietly, every time bringing leg/knees up until they form a right angle with the upper body.
  7. Kangaroo: same as peacock, but faster/more like skipping.


  1. Instead of doing it as a relay/race, the players can also walk around and on a certain signal perform the movement that belongs to a certain animal.
  2. You can do the exercises on a whole field or on half a field.

Formation: circle/rectangle (on half a field)


  1. Dribble with right hand
  2. Dribble with left hand
  3. Alternate dribbling
  4. While dribbling, try to kneel down (knee by knee) --> sitting --> lying down

In pairs throwing the ball over in combination with body balance.

  • Stand on 1 leg (solo exercise)
    • Throwing with 2 hands
    • Throwing with 1 hand

=> after each throw of the ball tap the ground (= bend forward + arms stretched = so tap the ground) + every 5 balls change legs per exercise

  • Now throw the ball over with 2
    • With 2 hands: pass from the neck via a bounce to the other
    • With 1 hand: throw hard & tight.
    • With other hand: throw hard & tight.

=> After action: each person has 2 jars + 1 tennis ball. When they have thrown the ball to the opponent, he/she moves the tennis ball from one pot to the other.

Per 2, each has a letter A or B. We walk through each other and on the signal A goes B tapping or vice versa, the trainer decides.

Walking Variations:

  • Walk backwards
  • Move sideways
  • Cross pass
  • Hopping
  • Heels against seat
  • Knees up
  • ...

Tap variations:

  • Crawling through the legs
  • Hare over
  • Walk around the person
  • Tapping the heels
  • Performing a clap game/routine

Game Form 1B:


  • The serve: the ball is thrown into play with both hands.
  • Catching the ball with both hands above the head.
  • Throwing the ball in front of himself (without dropping below the level of the eyes) and then overplaying it with an overhand touch.


  • 2 feet out of the field, where the player wants: left - right - back
  • Variation: touch a cone each time the ball crosses the net.


  • Throw the ball back where you caught it (do not run with the ball in your hands).
  • Do not hold the ball in your hands for more than 2 seconds.
  • Standing still when the ball is caught (and perhaps aiming).

Form 1C:


  • Picking the ball out of the air with one hand, making one collision and a second collision through a basketball dribble with one hand, high enough to play overhead. (One or two control keys may be used to play).
  • Picking should be done as high as possible.


  • 2 feet out of the court, where the player wants (left - right - back)
  • Variant: move one of the two tennis balls placed on the 2 cones (at the back of the field).