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Volleyball drills

  • Players divide into 2 teams.
  • Each team has its own mat that they must get to the other side as quickly as possible, by taking turns diving on it.
  • Whichever mat reaches the other side first, that team has won!
  • Three players on the back line.
  • At about one meter from the sidelines you put a pylon.
  • The other players stand around the field to pick up the balls.
  • The trainer at the net throws the balls into the field at a high speed.
  • It is up to the players to pass the balls back to the trainer, or at least to hit the ball.
  • Then the players join in again at the back, and so they keep running and looking at the ball.
  • The remaining players stand around the field to collect the balls played away and pass them back to the trainer.
  • Expansion:
  • Pawns further apart, throwing faster, hitting.
  • 2 teams(6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field.
  • Other players stand behind the back line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball underarm.
  • After playing the ball step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, make sure you have the ball safe and go and cheer on your teammates.
  • If everyone on a team has played away then you have a point.


  • A serves at B
  • B plays into C
  • C sets up and B plays over the net
  • Run after own ball
    on 6 and possible block
  • 2 teams stand in a large circle,
  • in the middle there are balls (1 less than the number of pairs)
  • Person A goes on the back of Person B
  • When the trainer says yes, A jumps off his back and runs around the circle.
  • In the meantime B has put his legs wide so that A can pass between them.
  • A goes between the legs of B and picks up a ball as fast as possible.
  • Etc. until there is a winner.
  • ladder (different variants)
  • under the net, trainer throws the ball, player passes it to the net
  • player puts ball back in box, taps wall and rejoins row at ladder


  • Make 2 teams of about 5 children.
  • Each team stands on one side of the field.
  • Place 5 balls on both 3meter lines.
  • When the trainer calls GO, everyone rolls the balls to the other side.
  • Who has the least balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.
  • push-ups (may also be on knees) (30 sec) 2x
  • 30 sec planking (straight back) 3x with 10 sec rest in between
  • 1 push-up position opposite each other with a ball in between and stretching the ball from left to left
    • 10x and 10x right to right.
  • 10x whole tummies
  • Pairs facing each other with a net in between
  • There is a cone under the net
  • Players play the ball overhead in front of themselves and then pass the ball to others
  • After playing, they tap the cone under the net and get back to their feetbutton
  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row at the right back
  • create with 4 pawns a virtual line where they have to stand behind
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field.
  • 1 of the 2 front rows calls LOS orIK (agree who takes short or deep)
  • This player passes the ball over the net to the previous player.
  • catch a round for the next player
  • If you did not have the ball, join the shortest row.
  • shout-6
  1. Plays the ball overhand to number 3,
  2. Is a reserve & takes the place of number 3,
  3. Passes to number 4
  4. Catch the ball and join behind number 5,
  5. Passes the ball to number 4, catches the ball and joins behind number 5, plays the ball overhand to number 7,
  6. Is a reserve & takes the place of number 7
  7. Passes to number 8,
  8. Catch the ball and rejoin number 1.

Addition: after catching the ball, touch the wall.

(In the 'overhand' rows/ at the passers if necessary reserve players)butterfly-exercise

  • Place a mat at random in each field.
  • On 2 sides stand a group to serve.
  • Serve on the mat.
  • Then run after your ball, tap the wall, and join the line on the other side.
  • Who hit the mat the most?
  • Players must serve from behind the back line