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Volleyball drills

in trios:

  • play 1 ball overarm, and throw 1 ball, both in the same direction
  • play 1 ball overarm, and throw 1 ball in the other direction. (for example play left, throw right)
  • play 2 balls overarm, same direction
  • play 2 balls overarm and throw 1 ball, same direction.

in pairs opposite each other:

  • keep 3 balls in the air while only keeping one ball in the hands at the same time.
  • keep 4 balls in the air while only keeping one ball in the hands at the same time.
  • 3 balls in total, with 1 ball thrown in between and both have 1 ball. Before you catch the ball thrown, you throw one of your own balls up, catch the bal thrown, throw it back, and catch your own ball etc.
  • play ball overarm, bounce 1 ball in between via ground.
  • play 1 ball overarm, play 1 ball over ground.
  • play 1 ball underhand, roll 1 ball with stretched arms over ground.

pay attention in the exercises:

  • Pass has to be high, so the player can catch 'overarm'.
  • Pass to right, right foot front
  • Pass to left, left foot front
  • 'Eyes' of the shoulder in playing direction

The exercise:

  • trios with 1 ball
  • 1 and 2 are next to each other, not too close to the net.
  • 3 is opposite 1 in the back of the field.
  • 1 throws straight to 3, and 3 throws diagonally to 2
  • 2 catches and then throws straight to 3 and 3 throws diagonally to 1.
  • so 3 keeps moving


  • trainer throws ball to centre player
  • Who passes to SV
  • SV sets up
  • Attacker plays ball SLIM over the net
    • so right over the net
    • OR in the back of the field in the corners
  • OPTION: the new playmaker calls HOOP (=wrong) or GOOD (=good) after the smart ball of the attacker
  • Attacker gets the ball and puts it in the box at trainer
  • Everybody keeps rotating one spot (walks after own ball)
  • Possibly place hoops (= opponents) where theyshould not play
  • Keep giving directions
    • play-tactical
  • player 1 at net centre forward
  • number; players centre back with ball
  • line of players on left (or right) forward
  • 2 baskets as obstacle/block on other side of the net
  • 2 players as defense on the other side of the net
  • player with ball throws to centre forward
  • centre forward sets up HIGH
  • left forward attacks
  • if hitting does not work: play SMARTLY over the net
  • if ball hits the ground in the field you score a point
  • defenders try to prevent this.
  • everybody keeps rotating
    • throwers becomes playmaker
    • playmaker joins line of attacker
    • attacker goes underneath the net and becomes 1st defender
    • 2nd defender takes the ball, walks underneath the net and joins line of servers


  • A first there is one tagger
  • The tagger has to tag as much children as possible.
  • As soon as someone is tagged, he becomes a crab.
  • The crab has to move on hands and feet with the belly upwards.
  • As soon as a crab has tagged a walker, the crab is free again.
  • After some time, someone else is appointed as tagger.


  • A serves B
  • B plays to C
  • C sets up and B plays over net
  • Walk after your own ball

  • player 1 at net centre forward
  • number; players centre back with ball
  • line of players on left (or right) forward
  • 2 baskets as obstacle/block on other side of the net
  • 2 players as defense on other side of the net
  • player with balls throws to centre forward
  • mid forward sets up HIGH
  • left forward attacks
  • if hitting does not work: play SMARTLY over the net
  • if the ball hits the ground in the field, you score a point
  • defenders try to prevent this.
  • everybody keeps rotating
    • server becomes playmaker
    • playmaker joins line attackers
    • attacker goes underneath the net and becomes 1st defender
    • 2nd defender takes ball, goes underneath net and joins line with servers


dribbling with the ball

  • walking and dribbling through the hall
  • Dribble on the spot with left leg front = right
  • Dribble on the spot with right leg front = left
  • dribbling alternately with left or right hand
  • Sit down and stand up while dribbling

dribbling and hitting the ball.

  • Hit the bal
  • Let it bounce 1x
  • Hit the ball etc
  • Idem, but now hit alternately with right and left
  • put a mat in every field on a random spot.
  • At 2 sides is a group to serve.
  • Serve on the mat.
  • Then you follow the ball and join the line on the other side.
  • Who has hit the bal the most?
  • Players have to try to stand as close to the end line as possible, but if that does not work they can stand closer to the net.
  • pairs with net in between and 1 ball
  • Make last 2 steps of attack run (large step + connecting step)
  • Throw ball up with both hands
  • and hit ball underneath the net 
    • 1 hand points to the ball
    • the other hand hits
    • clamp wrist around ball
  • The other catches the ball and does the same.
  • Line of players A  (+- 4 players) in the middle of a field with a ball
  • Player 1 is centre forward and is properly thrown ball by first player from line A
  • Player 1 plays ball overarm in the basket
    • bend elbows
    • stretch elbows and point after ball 
  • Player at the basket catches and joins line A.
