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Volleyball drills

  • Four players stand in a square, play around and turn their bodies well in the direction you are playing to.
  • Play anti-clockwise, making sure the right foot is in front
drawing Playing overhead and turning under the ball
  • This can be done in threes or fours.
  • One player in the middle for threes, two in the middle for fours.
  • Two players have a ball, one near the net and one near the back line.
  • Player (red) in the middle stands a maximum of two meters in front of a player with the ball.
  • Player with ball throws to centre, who passes back and moves to other player who just threw the ball.
  • Next player throws ball to centre player (white), who passes back, then moves to other player.
  • After ten passes change position.
  • In a four-team team, two players in the middle who pass at the same time and change position to pass.
drawing Move to the ball, pass
  • Individual exercise to improve ball feeling with one hand.
  • Each player has 1 volleyball, mini volleyball, tennis ball, juggling ball (or for advanced players a non round object; a light plastic container or light bottle for example, but can be used with anything).
  • The goal of the players is to keep the ball in the air by hitting it as many times as possible with only one hand.
  • Have the players count how many times they can do this per the 2 minutes per task.
  • Possible assignments:
  • - Underhand lobsmash
  • - Over your head
  • - Hit your leg afterwards with the hand you played with
  • - Clap your hands after touching them
  • - Lying down -> sitting -> standing (and back)
  • - Raising your knee/heel
  • - Against the wall
  • - In pairs one player under, the other over the net=
    Be creative! =
  • Possible exercise for several people. (see image)
  • One or more in the middle, the rest around it.
  • Setters play the ball somewhere around them, the rest have to make sure that the ball is returned to setters in X number of times.
  • Agree on how many times the ball can be played.
  • Exercise stimulates:
  • - Communication
  • - Reflexes
  • - Ball sense

drawing Ball pats 1 hand
  • Course:
  • Start at the ladder.
  • Shuffle to the middle of the net.
  • Make a block jump -> to the right and another block jump.
  • Slalom around the poles.
  • Shuffle around the pawns.
drawing Course
  • Coach plays ball to playmaker.
  • Three attackers and only one block.
  • Three defenders .
drawing Defence with single midblock
  • Warming up
  • Ground exercises
  • Set up in threes, chase the ball
  • A to C, C to B, B setuo to C, C to A, A to B, B set up to A etc.
  • Attacking three positions.
  • Other side of the net, three blockers.
  • Coach throws ball to libero.
  • After attack: block position three.
  • The one who blocked on position two or four: get ball and attack.
  • Position three takes over that spot.
  • Two teams on both sides.
  • After every well played ball, turn in three.
  • Pass obliquely if you don't have a complete team.
  • Half of the team lined up at position 2.
  • Other half of the team with ball at position 5.
  • Just start throwing in and chasing the ball.
  • Extend with passing at position 5 and overhand at position 2.
  • Then expand further by adding exercises like blocking at the net, diving etc.
  • All players stand outside the court behind the back line.
  • They throw the ball up at their own pace/height and serve over the net.
  • Extend: Practice targeted serving.
  • Put 1 or 2 hoops in the field and let the players serve to them.
  • You can practice with:
    • Overhand serve
    • Underhand serves
    • Float serves
    • Jump serve
  • Lie on your back.
  • Legs at 90° angle.
  • Weight in each hand.
  • Raise your arms.
  • Extend left leg along with right arm.
  • Extend right leg along with left arm.
  • Etc
  • Sitting position against the wall.
  • Legs in an angle of 90°.
  • Every 20 seconds you get a ball thrown to you
    • Underhand pass
    • Back to sitting position against the wall.