Volleyball drills
- Play the ball for yourself overhead,
- if it goes well, only do it underhand,
- and later on alternate
- Speed ladder is from the back line towards the net, in the middle of the field.
- Players move every round with a different movement pattern for the footwork through the speed ladder towards the net, then a block at position 3, move to position 2 or 4 (alternate) and a block again there.
- Then immediately step out to the defensive position on the 3-m line (with the cross move, immediately adopt a low stance and weight on the front feet).
- After the defensive position two options: either shuffle backwards towards the baseline or make a diving roll towards the baseline.
- Depending on the team and fitness level, increase the number of rounds the players have to make.
- 3 teams,
- 2 with ball at the net,
- 1 without ball at the backline flat on belly.
- Net player 1 hits ball, defender stands up and defends attack at about 6 meters,
- Afterwards short ball on 3 meter by net player 2.
- Repeat 2 series of 20 balls (so 10x attack and 10x short).
In pairs
- 1 with ball on the backline
- 1 without ball at the net facing the net
- make a block jump at the net (pay attention to a straight landing)
- after landing, turn around and defend short ball on 6m line
- Blocking with 2 groups of 5 players each
- 1 player on position 2, 1 player on position 3 with a reserve next to her
- 2 players with a ball on the other side of the net, on position 4, of which 1 reserve
- One of the players with a ball hits the ball and then throws or hits the ball slightly above the net edge towards the block
- As soon as the ball is struck, the blocking player moves from position 3 and joins the blocking player at position 2, after which the thrown or struck ball is blocked
- The player who threw the ball becomes a reserve, the reserve takes over position 3, the blocking player at position 3 takes over position 2, the player at position 2 goes to get the ball and becomes a reserve at the throw/strike
- Pay attention to the position of the hands/fingers and the connection of the hands
- 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
- 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
- Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
- 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
- 2x cross pass back and forth.
- stand on 3 metre line and then go back and forth to the net sideways 5 times
- 5x blocking
- 5x attack
- tap all lines from backline and dive back
- Walk 3x back and forth in a runner's pace to the net
- Walk 3x back and forth in double-step to the net, waving your arms as you walk
- Cross walk to the net 3 times (waving your arms)
- 3x back and forth sideways to the net
- 3x back and forth to the net, alternating between lifting your thighs and putting your heels against your seat
- The teams on the mats must conquer 4 pawns together without being tapped in x number of minutes
- Pairs on the 3 mats (can be extended to 2 pairs)
- 2 cops between the mats and pawns
- 9 Pawns about a field length of the mats.
Explanation of the game;
- The pair on the mat must conquer a pawn, hand in hand or otherwise connected to each other.
- The taggers will try to tag one of the two.
- If one of them gets caught, they have to go back to their mat and try again.
- The first to four cones wins. The team with the fewest pawns is the winner.
- Set a time limit for a number of minutes to keep the game going.
- Split the players into two groups.
- Each group on one side of the net.
- Pass the ball over the net from player A to player B by a block move.
- Player B moves sideways towards player C and passes again over the net, etc. etc.
- Meanwhile, player A can do a ground exercise while waiting.
- 3 to 4 players (team with 2 players), 1 ball, half field
- Net down and then game of catch the ball over the net
- Other tries to catch it
- The ball may bounce 1 time and then the other tries to catch it (may also catch it directly)
- After catching the ball throw it to the other player and smash it again.
- If the ball is not caught and is 'in' you have a point.
- 2 teams (6,8,10 or 12 players)
- 1 person in the field (inside 3m line).
- Other players stand behind the 3m line in the waiting room.
- T puts ball in play in field A or B.
- You may only play the ball overhand within the 3m line.
- After playing the ball step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
- If you make a mistake, make sure you have the ball safe and encourage your teammates.
- If all the players of a team are eliminated, you have a point.
- Idem only underhand play
- idem overhand play only outside the 3m line
- You lay down two steps.
- When the children have had both sets of stairs, they get a ball which they have to pass.
- This can be short, long or hit.