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Volleyball drills

  • There are 3 players at the net and 1 player in the field.
  • The outer persons, the leftmost and the rightmost, play/throw a deep tight ball.
  • The person in the middle throws a short ball. (or the other way around).
  • The player in the field passes all 3 balls and shuffles to the next spot.
  • the coach is at the net.
  • 1 person in the field.
  • the trainer throws difficult balls
  • the person in the field has to touch the balls 3 times in a row.
  • if he/she does not do this, you continue until he/she succeeds.
  • The rest of the players stand around the field to catch the balls and put them back in the cart.
  • 2 against 2, only throw.
  • When you've thrown the ball over the net, run around the pawn.
  • Block with 2 teams,
  • One player on each side of the net.
  • One player plays a ball, just over the net.
  • The other must block it.
  • Pay attention to the position of the hands/fingers.
  • On the right, two players at the net,
  • behind them 1 player for the defense.
  • The 2 net players make a block move.
  • After coming down the coach plays a short ball to the blocker.
  • This ball must be played to the SV who will catch it overhand.
  • The SV then throws the ball into the ball carrier.
  • Defender goes in line for blocking.
  • Middle blocker becomes right blocker.
  • Right blocker becomes defense.
  • One complete tem in the field. In game position.
  • Let the team serve.
  • Trainer catches the ball. As soon as he catches the ball, everyone else stands.
  • Look at the position of the players, and adjust if necessary.
  • As the trainer, mimic an attack, and at each position look at where the players are standing and correct.
  • Then do this with the team's attack.
  • Rotate one position, and possibly players in.
  • Repeat this until all players have been in all positions.
  • Just replay in 4-player teams. Throw the ball at the net and the other player plays over the net.
  • overhand and underhand
  • Pairs face each other.
  • The player at the net plays the ball, left right, front and back.
  • The player in the backfield brings the pass nicely to the net. 5 min and then change position, again 5 min
  • Trainer hits on row MA.
    • A pass is made to SV at 2,5.
    • Playing set up in basket.
    • Player under the basket to make a catch.
  • line of players behind the back line
  • First player lies down on his belly
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net
  • hits the ball and throws the ball
  • player stands up and passes to midfielder/SV
  • SV catches or grabs the ball and passes to trainer
  • passer becomes SV
  • try to keep a high tempo

  • 2 teams,
  • 1 person in the field
  • other on the other side of the net.
  • Person stands randomly somewhere in the field,
  • server has to look for him in the field.
  • 2 groups,
  • each group must pass in 10 and count out loud.
  • Falling down = start over.
  • Out of the field = ball for other team.
  • Up to 3 points