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Volleyball drills

  • just replay in pairs
  • overhand and underhand
  • 2x running
  • 2x sideways
  • 2x cross pass
  • 2x heels buttocks
  • 2x knee lifts
  • 10/15 count planks
  • 20 sit-ups
  • 10 push-ups

6 players stand in competition position in the field, other players stand with the trainer on the other side.

It will be a game, the intention is that the 'small' team gets 3 points. So the ball must have fallen 3 times on the ground on the other side. The 6 who are on the other side play the ball easily back to the other side.

The field is divided into 6 sections, 1-2-3 etc.

The trainer calls out a number each time and the children run to this compartment. The last one to arrive in the compartment is out and sits on the bench.

Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Step under the net.

Sideways past the net with head under net edge.

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.

Run back to starting position.


  • players serve
  • trainers walk around with a ball and throw random balls to the players.
  • as soon as a player has served he has to be ready to deal with a possible ball from a trainer.
  • this is only about being ready after the service.

Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Step under the net.

Sideways past the net with head under net edge.

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.

Run back to starting position.


  • Exercise bra.
  • Pass over. 1 or 2x for yourself, then turn and play backwards.
  • Stand close together.
  • Is about control

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.
  • players in certain position, trainer calls START and players sprint 3 to 4 steps to a line/net
    • players in 'athletics start' position
    • players on their stomachs with head in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with feet in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with dominant hand stretched forward
      • at the start they roll to the dominant side 1x, stand up and sprint

Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Step under the net.

Sideways past the net with head under net edge.

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.

Run back to starting position.
