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Volleyball drills

  • There is 1 playmaker, 1 person throwing balls. numbers to put in the hoops. 
  • The playmaker sets up the ball for the attacker who smashes or pricks the balls in the hoop. 
  • You can place the hoops on the positions you want, as you are going to train your team. 
  • Try to have them play in sequence. 
  • and once they are used to it 
  • you start calling out hoop number in which they have to smash/prick the ball . 

Focus of this exercise is the service pass.

Start serving calmly, raise pressure in the course of the exercise.

  • A serves to B
  • B passes to C
  • C catches, and joins position D
  • D serves or E
  • E passes to F
  • F catches and joins position A


  • A takes 3 steps into the field, after the pass/set up follows a controlled straight attack, which A defends himself .
  • A catches ball, and gives it to a reserve server on position A
  • Idem for D

8 Players: reserve on serving position
10 players: position reserve on serving position and pass
12 players: 2 reserves serving position, 1 reserve pass position
14 players: 2 reserves on serving position and pass


These exercises are done in pairs 

  • Exercise 1:
    • Person 1 is at the net with a ball, 
    • person 2 starts at the 3-meter line. 
    • Person 1 hits the ball and person has to run back and play the ball back to person 1. 
    • 10x per person.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Person 1 is on the 3-meter line with a ball. 
    • Person 2 is going to block at the net, and then turn around to play the short ball by person 1. 
    • 10x per person.
  • Invite parents
  • Introduce
  • Regels & agreements
  • Expectations on both sides
  • Matches & coaching
  • Any announcements

Put the coordination ladder in the middle of the field.

Build up slowly, and players have to go as fast after each other as possible
through the ladder. But safe. If you see they follow each other too quickly, call the players yourself one by one.

Exercise 1
player 1 place both feet in one box but not at the same time, but 1 by 1.
So for example first left and right in box 1, and then left and right in box 2. And as fast as possible.

Exercise 2
Zigzag side-step
player 1 is standing next to the first box.
1 player puts right foot in the box and then left, then right foot out and left out.
2 then with left in box 2 followed by right
3. with left besides box 3, followed by right and then right in box 3 followed by left, and then right out the box again followed by left etc... until the end of the ladder

Exercise 3
In Out
player 1 puts the left foot in the first box and closes with right foot.
player 1 puts the left foot outside box 2 left of the box and right foot outside the 2nd box right of the box.
And back 1 by 1 in box 3, until the end of the ladder.


Hip rotation feet on the ground.

  • Lying on your back with the arms spread to the side, knees bent and toes towards the shins.
  • Let the knees fall to the left and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Move back to the center line and let them fall to the right.
  • Do this 5x per side
  • Attention points
  • Shoulders have to keep on the ground, knees together.
  • pull in your navel and knees cannot touch the ground.

Hip rotation feet of the ground.

  • Almost the same as last exercise but now the upper legs are in a right angle to the hip.
  • And the knees in an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Now, let fall 3x per side, but the knees still not touch the ground.


  • Lie on your stomach with the arms next to your body.
  • Move your right foot to your left hand and reverse. 4x per side.
  • stand up, and loosen up from top to bottom.
  • Start with the neck to shoulder, arms, hips (already loosened up), knees and ankles.

Players divided over two sides (max 6 per side on the long side line)

  • begin with easy running around own side. (side line -net line-side line-back line)
  • after 3 rounds, the trainer is going to assign tasks.
  • This is done on the net line and end line on the side line kids keep running.
    1. closing step (sideways)
    2. cross step (sideways)
    3. knee lifting (forward)
    4. Heels/buttocks.
    5. Rotate right arm forward
    6. Rotate left arm forward
    7. Rotate right arm backwards
    8. Rotate left arm backwards
    9. take a sprint.

Game to conclude the training. This exercise combines the two nice concluding exercises King of Court and Smashball. 

Played in pairs. In case of an even number of players, the pairs will remain the same, in case of an odd number two different team members are constantly in the field.

  • One pair begins in the "king's field" and the other team at the other side of the field, the other players are waiting at the side for their turn.
  • The team that begins on the other side of the field gets a ball served by the trainer, is played together three times to attack the "king's field"
  • The rally is played until a point is scored.
  • If the team on the other side scores a point, it takes the place of the team on the "king's field" and their place is taken by a new pair.
  • If the team on the "king's field" scores a point, both pairs remain, and the team on the "king's field" is thrown a (hard) ball by the trainer which is defended and then the rally is finished.
  • This offers an extra chance for the other team to get to the "king's field", while the team on the "king's field" can score an extra point.
  • If the team on the "king's field" scores this point again, the other side changes team, and the service begins again.

This game seems a bit hard for the pupils at first, but the teams that have payed this game always want it as concluding game..

This game can be played with every 4 exercises you can come up with.

1. Make pairs to do exercises.
2. every pair gets a note with 4 boxes in which they can write a code with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4
3. the trainer makes a code, this can be 4 different figures (4231) or repeated figures (2233)
4. the players have to do the 4 exercises in sequence of the code they have written down. When they have done all 4 exercises, they have the code checked by the trainer, who notes how many are correct and how many are not.
5. the players write down a new code, and again are going to do 4 exercises in the order of their code.

For example
Exercise 1: sprint 5x up and down between 9m
Exercise 2; block left, rotate, block middle, rotate, block right with pairs opposite each other and two times up and down
Exercise 3: sitting on the bench, ball is thrown, return underhand while getting up. Both player throw 5x, catch 5x
Exercise 4: 10x sit-up | 10x push up | 10x knee 90 degrees - jump

The first pair to crack the code wins.

  • quintet with 1 ball. 1 player is at the net
  • Opposite him/her is a trio next to each other
  • If the ball thrower throws a ball to the middle, the middle player passes the ball back and everybody remains.
  • If the ball is thrown left, the player passes the ball back and changes left for mid 
  • If the ball is thrown right, the player passes the ball back and changes right for mid 

Which trio keeps this up the longest.
If a ball is missed, the player that made the mistake leaves the field, and a new player comes in the middle.


  • Player A throws the ball over the net.
  • Player B or C passes the ball over the net.
  • The other player quickly runs underneath the net, and sets up for the same player that passed.
  • This player tries to hit a cone from the bench with overarm player or a hitting movement.

Which pair or which team has hit the most cones from the bench after an X number of minutes? 

To make sure that players learn to play in a rhythm, the ball has to be under way for 2 seconds each time (21-22). 

  • All players will try to play synchronously at the same time.
  • This starts with overarm.
  • The next form is that the player in the back field is going to play underhand and the player on the net overarm.
  • In this way it can be extended.

he most important thing is that the players keep the ball in the air for 2 counts.