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Volleyball drills

  • Explanation:
    • 2 teams of 3 players
    • Per team 3 volleyballs (different balls so you can tell the difference, 2 'baby' and 1 'normal' ball)
    • The team must play the 'normal' ball over the net in 3 times and meanwhile the 'babies' are thrown over.
    • Each player may only touch the 'normal' ball once!
    • (When a player has played the 'regular' ball, he gets a 'baby' thrown to him)
  • Starting positions:
    • Mid-back has no ball. Mid-back has no ball (he passes the ball to the distributor).
    • Distributor gives a set-up on the outside.
    • 3rd player plays the ball over the net. (At first do not attack, only if it goes well!)
drawing Don't drop the baby
  • The goal is to play the ball in threes. This requires the commitment of every player.
  • So line up three players.
  • They solve a thrown ball (by the trainer), by playing in threes.
  • The first ball is passed to the upper-position.
  • The 2nd player, who has the job of upper-player, runs to the upper-place.
  • The 3rd player then prepares for the attack.
  • At first keep the ball on one side of the net, by not actually hitting the 3rd ball, but catching it.
  • Then 3 other players move in to do the same.
  • On the other side of the net, the same is practiced with the other half of the team.
  • After a while, when the ball is regularly played in threes, the ball is actually played to the other side.
  • The team on the other side then plays the ball back in threes.
  • And so on; play over as long as possible.
  • No scoring, it's about playing in threes.
  • This exercise trains the split step.
  • Players line up behind the back line.
  • Trainer or player stands at the net.
  • One by one the players walk in from the back line.
  • When the trainer hits the ball, the player makes a split step.
  • Then he gets the ball on a random spot next to or in front of him.
  • Player passes back and retrieves ball if necessary.
  • After that the player closes in at the back.
drawing Splitstep
  • On both sides of the field 2 players come in.
  • There is a pass, setup and attack (from 3 meter line).
  • When side A has attacked, these two players circle off and two new ones come in.
  • Side B defends the attack by the same pass-setup-attack, these players go to the back line and two new players enter.
drawing Pass-setup attack
  • Organization:
    • Divide group into trios.
    • All on field A and trainer on field B.
  • Implementation:
    • 1st trio enters the field for a service pass.
    • Trainer serves and the trio passes to p2/3 where one of the three catches the ball.
    • Then comes trio 2, etc.
    • Build out with setup and attack from position.
    • Still later 1 trio is defending and we play out the rally.
  • Organization:
    • Split group into trios with one hoop.
    • They stand on field A at p1.
    • Trainer with the balls on field B.
  • Execution:
    • Player hold the hoop together.
    • Trainer hits ball.
    • Trio must try to bounce the ball through the hoop.
    • Retrieve ball and hand it in to Tr.
    • Next trio.
  • In addition to ball lane recognition, they learn to work together and communicate.
  • Make 2 teams
  • T (coach) throws ball to or serves on the straight.
  • Action 1:
    • Player runs in and passes
  • Action 2:
    • Player runs in and is ready for the set-up
  • Action 3:
    • Player gives a pass to position 3
  • Action 4:
    • Set-up at position 4
  • Player tries to knock a pawn off the bench by smash.
  • Pawn off the bench?
  • Twosome gets 1 point.
drawing Pass - smash - hit pawn
  • Learning to pass to playmaker (position 2) with movement towards the ball.
  • Line up at position 1.
  • Players there have a ball in their hands.
  • Player A plays to player B at position 3.
  • Player A moves sideways to position 6.
  • Player B plays the ball back to position 6.
  • Player A plays the ball (preferably) BH to the korf basket at position 2.
  • Player B catches the ball and joins the line at position 1.
  • Player C moves into position player B.
  • Player A moves to player C's position, position 3.
  • On the other side of the net you can practice the same.
  • Later on, alternate with player instead of basket, place of throw, position of return and position of pass.
  • To learn to always pass to the distributor.

drawing Pass to playmaker (M. Kool)

Combination of playing overhand, blocking and defending in teams of 4.

  • At the net play 2x overhead, 1x for yourself and the next ball to the defense.
  • Defense plays ball back underhand. (wide)
  • After playing overhand block 2x at the net.
drawing Combination of overhead, blocks and defense

Combination of playing overhand, blocking and defending in teams of 4.

  • At the net play 2 times overhead, 1 time for yourself and the next ball to the defense.
  • Defense plays ball back underhand. (wide)
  • After playing overhand block 2x at the net.

Extension of the exercise:

  • Instead of playing the second ball overhead, hit it in a targeted way.
drawing Combination of overhead, blocks and defense
  • On one side of the field there is a six in full formation.
  • On the other side are 3 players.
  • Behind the 3 players stand the servers.
  • Exercise:
    • Servers serve the ball, the 6 team defends this ball and plays out the rally.
    • The 3-man team may defend and also rally.
  • Point count:
    • Service error, 1 point for the team that was set up.
    • Ball on ground by the 3 team, point for the essayed team.
    • Good service, but rally won by 3-player, point for 3-player.
    • IF 3-TAL has 3 points three move on, if TEAM has 12 points, 3-tal and all servers must push up 5x.
drawing 3 against 6 (practise rallying)
  • This exercise can be done in 3 or 4 teams.
  • Minimum number of players is 6 and maximum 8 per available field.
  • In a 4-player team, two players on each side of the net.
  • Use during the exercise half a net width per 3-4 team.
  • In a 4-player team:
    • 2 players on each side.
    • The ball is thrown over the net at the start.
    • Player A plays the ball for himself and at the 2nd contact he gives a set-up for player B.
    • Player B tips the ball over the net with 1 hand.
    • Player C plays the ball for himself and then gives a set-up for player D.
    • D tips the ball over the net.
    • After a team has played the ball over the net the players change places.
  • In the case of a 3-player team:
    • 2 players on one side of the net and the other player only on the other side.
    • Player C has the ball and throws it over the net to the 2 team.
    • Player A plays the ball for himself and at the 2nd contact he gives a set-up for player B.
    • Immediately after giving the set-up, player A goes under the net.
    • Player B tips the ball over the net with one hand.
    • Player C plays the ball for himself and gives a set-up for player A.
    • Player C goes to the other side of the net immediately after giving player A a set-up.
    • Player A tips the ball over the net to player B.
    • Player B plays the ball for himself and gives a set-up for player A.
    • After giving the set-up player B goes under the net.
  • Expansion:
    • Possible mandatory blocking of tip ball by player not doing the passing.tip-ball-over-the-net