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Volleyball drills

One ball per player

  1. One ball touch. other ball roll
  2. One ball pass, other ball collide
  3. One ball push. throw other ball
  4. Idem 1) and 2) but with jumped set-up


  • Trainer strikes ball at pos 1,6.
  • Players bring the pass --> SV --> AV.
  • Other side defends ball and completes rally
  • Space through on both sides
drawing Attack from defense.
  • 2 pairs on both sides of the net with 1 ball
  • The ball is played back and forth in threes;
  • The back player passes, the front player sets, the back player comes in and plays the ball easily over the net.
  • The players at the other side do the same
  • Front and back players rotate every time the ball is played over the net.
  • After that, a simple attacking stroke and possibly a hard attacking stroke can be added.
drawing in 3 with 2 pairs and the net (M. Kool)
  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row at the right back
  • Create with 4 pawns a virtual line where they must stand behind
  • Trainer stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field
  • One of the two front row players calls LOS orI (let's agree)
  • This player passes the ball over the net to the previous player.
  • Catch a round for the next player
  • If you did not have the ball, join the shortest row

  • shout-7

Goal : block displacement + reaction speed

  • A blocks at the net. (Start pos. 4/2)
  • After each block, A defends the ball from B, then from C --> D.

Extension : Someone can also throw in a ball from the other side of the net. A blocks the ball and then defends B's ball.

drawing Block warm-up

Goal: improve condition in combination with attack/block/defense

T throws a total of three balls to SV.

  • T throws ball to SV.
  • SV gives a set-up pos 4 , where A attacks. Immediately after the attack T throws a ball, A defends ball back to C.
  • After defense T, throws ball 2 to SV. SV 2é pace to A --> attack, C throws ball --> A defended back.
  • T throws 3e ball to SV. Sv set-up to pos. 2, A attack on pos. 2, after attack Ball defend.

On the other side of the net.

  • B same as A.
  • B tries to block A's attack.
  • After each block, defend ball from T2.
drawing Attack vs block condition building.

Goal attacking after physical and mental strain.

  • T1, T2 & T3 throw at high speed a ball each for A1, A2 and A3 respectively.
  • A1 pos. 4 --> attacking towards goal, after attacking around the cone and again attacking towards the mat.
  • A2 pos. 2 idem
  • A3 pos. 3 idem

Other players take care of ball safety. After 5 attacks change.

drawing Attack warming
  • A and A1 play their ball to SV1 and SV2 at the same time.
  • SV high ball.
  • SV1 & 2 exchange places + pas s to the corner, where A & A1 attack.
  • SV, Block on attack from A & A1.

Intention is to load the playmakers. Pass to position 4.

drawing Gamekeepers on top
  • Place three coloured pawns around a player.
  • Make sure these pawns are about 1 meter from the player.
  • A player with a ball is standing outside the circle.
  • He calls out different colours, which the player in the circle has to touch.
  • When the player with the ball calls 'BAL', the player gets an attack to defend.
drawing Tapping pawns

Place 1 or 2 ladders in a row, to create an exercise on length.

Perform a number of variations, starting with easy exercises and slowly working your way up to more difficult ones. Continuously ending with a 10 meter sprint

  • Start simple, with 2 feet continuously in the ladder.
    • Short quick movements
  • Next,
    • 1 foot outside ladder,
    • 2 feet inside ladder,
    • 1 foot outside the ladder.
  • hopscotch,
    • 1st box: only left foot.
    • 2nd compartment: both feet.
    • 3rd box: right foot.
    • etc
  • jump off your left foot, onto the left side of the ladder.
    • --> to the other side of the ladder, landing on your right foot (one square further).
    • Jump to the end in a slalom fashion.
  • Stand horizontally with your hands in the ladder.
    • And go sideways through the ladder, hands together continuously in one compartment.
  • Do it again, but with a push-up between the different squares.
  • Lateral knee lifts through the ladder
  • Place a pawn/stack of hats in every odd ladder square, which must be jumped over.
    • Continuous jumping, using both feet (arms in the air)

Reception Drill:

  • 2 balls per 3 players.
  • Player A serves, immediately after the serve the server throws the second ball to the server,
  • Player B takes reception to the distributor.
  • The distributor is the one who runs after the lost balls, the server tries to play a good number of balls to the receiver.
  • Passing after, either 1 minute, or 15 receptions, or 5 + receptions (with max of e.g. 20)

Buildup options:

  • storage:
    • throw underhand,
    • overhand,
    • private storage,
    • float serve,
    • attack stroke,
    • plinth serve
  • reception:
    • catch-and-throw,
    • mandatory underhand,
    • compulsory overhead,
    • start from knee up,
    • start 2m left of centre,
    • start at 3m,
    • start at 8m...

Circling around the field, doing something different each time.

  • Cross pass
  • knee lift
  • heels/buttons
  • sprint