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Volleyball drills

  • Three teams.
  • Trainer. (white triangle)
  • Players. (red triangle)
  • Trainer throws balls towards the backfield.
  • Players do not run from the net until the trainer throws.
  • Players try to get the ball over the net 3 times.
  • Change with 3 new players.

drawing turn & burn
  • Exercise to practice posture and movement when playing underhand.
  • Players (red circle) shuffle stepping around the pawn in position for underhand play.
  • Players then go under the net and play the ball back.
  • 10x then change.
drawing practice posture underhand
  • Player starts with block jump at the net.
  • Player then moves into position to defend a ball.
  • Player passes the batted ball through the trainer to the catcher.
  • Player shuffles around the pawn and defends the next ball.
  • Catcher joins the line outside the field.
  • Defender goes to catch.
drawing stance underhand, defend at high speed
  • On each half of the pitch there are 2 benches, in the width of the field.
  • Start with slalom around the benches, from half court to half court and back again.
  • Instead of walking between the benches, do the connecting pass with the bench.
  • Idem cross pass.
  • Jump over the benches.
  • Balancing over the benches:
    • Move left and right leg next to the bench.
    • 1x 2-person and 3x 3-person per bench.
    • Skip step alternately.
    • 2 feet equal.
    • Li/re on, li/re off.
    • Various other exercises.
  • Organisation:
    • Training ring on p4.
    • Players in line on P1 and 1 player on p4.
    • Tr with ball pit on p5.
  • Execution:
    • Tr throws on at P2.
    • Player runs in off p1 and plays the ball through the hoop on P4.
    • Catch and put in the bin.
  • Variation:
    • Tr on the other side and pass on p5.
    • Now after the pass a setup through the hoop.
  • 1 row behind the left or right buildup.
  • Everyone with ball.
  • Player 1 left or right structure in start with ball diagonally towards pawn for penalty line.
  • 1 pawn on the middle of the build-up with 1 player without the ball behind it.
  • Player 2 runs diagonally behind player 1 and receives the ball.
  • Player 1 makes a 0 pass if player 2 doesn't pass in time otherwise make the change on speed.
  • Player 2 shoots at goal.
  • Player 1 walks backwards to the pawn in the middle of the build-up to receive the ball and shoot at the goal.
  • Repeat until everyone has been there.

  • Objective:
    • Develop ball sense, be able to control ball close to your body.
  • Everyone has their own ball, can be combined with a warm-up.

  • Let the ball bounce on your right fist.
  • Up to maximum eye level.
  • Arm is stretched out and is almost horizontal.
  • Stay in one place as much as possible.
  • Later on, alternate bouncing with your left hand.
  • Now do the same while following the yellow lines in a certain pattern.
  • The person in front chooses the route (watch out for rear-end collisions!); who wants to take this role? (requires even more concentration and a sense of responsibility a la captain's role)

  • Play the ball with only your right hand above your head, up to a maximum of 30cm higher than your hand
  • Your upper arm is pointed 45 degrees upwards and your forearm 45 degrees in the other direction; this brings your hand above your shoulder again.
  • The ball is played mainly with your wrist and forearm; stay in one place as much as possible.
  • Later on, alternate with the left hand.
  • Afterwards also in pattern.

  • Play the ball in a fixed routine for yourself, for example:
  • Square:
    • Underhand R, overhand R, overhand L, underhand L, underhand R, ...etc. (change later to the right)
  • Cross:
    • Lower hand R, upper hand L, upper hand R, lower hand L, lower hand R, ...etc.

  • In teams of four (preferably) with each its own ball.
  • Stand in a square; all equally spaced.
  • Throw the ball to the next person and catch the ball that is thrown to you.
  • First throw underhand and catch underhand; then throw abovehand and catch abovehand.
  • Then expand by passing 1 ball.

  • Choose a spot opposite the wall.
  • Sit in front of the wall with your feet against the wall.
  • Play overhead against the wall. (Ball just above eye level)
  • Pay attention to the movement of the wrist and a little bit of the forearm.
  • The ball will only bounce about 10cm this way.
  • If necessary, extend the game by slowly standing up, playing standing up for 10 seconds and then sitting down again.
  • Let them play a route along the wall: bounce briefly (10cm) and play overhand (right).
  • At the end of the route, take a distance of 2 meter from the wall and keep on playing overhand while walking left until the beginning of the route, close to the wall.
  • Everyone in line; if you lose the ball, pick it up and go back to the line.
  • 3 numbers, that means that every time the teams change, since there are 11 players.
    • Don't make a fuss about getting the players ready, I don't want to see the same teams every time. Everyone counts for himself.
  • Trainer puts the ball in play, on the side where points are made, this can be done in different ways.
  • Also, the ball is put into play at a high rate when the teams need to rotate.
  • Starting with the no-go area to score points.
  • The 3-yard line.
  • So hopefully they are smart enough not to defend in the 3 meter area.
  • Free play, full out, have it all.
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".

Trainer throws balls

  1. Sv plays set-up
  2. Attackers attack over the net. Go and get the ball. On the other side of the net
  3. Place ball in ballcarrier
    • Also perform with set-up to position 2
    • Also perform with alternating set-up to position 2 and position 4.
  4. Trainer throws 6 balls on different spots.
  5. Sv must always return to home position.


  1. Pass the ball from pos 6 to pos 3.
  2. Run in, turn + set-up to pos 4, then cover.
  3. Idem but set-up to pos 2
  4. Idem but on pos 6 first CT, then play the ball forward and now after turning in play a jumped set-up.


Three balls per two players.

  1. Throw your own ball and catch it again.
    • Third ball is tested over and over again
  2. Same as in jump pass
