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Volleyball drills

  • per 3, 1 ball
  • 2 cones per trio on the width of the volleyball field.
  • player a runs in throws the ball high, player b runs in catches underhand and throws the ball high again, player c runs in and catches the ball underhand
  • adjust to bra, reception or combinations of
drawing warming up OH/BH

Ball War

  • Divide the group in 2
  • Give everyone a ball
  • At the signal of the trainer you roll your ball to the other side
  • Then you have to roll the balls back to your side
  • At the end of the game you have to make sure that there are as few balls on your side as possible

The emphasis here is on sitting low, which is useful for pass triangulation

  • The trainer hits the ball as a signal for the front 2 players to come into the field.
  • The trainer throws the ball over the net
  • 1 of the 2 passes the ball and the other catches it.

  • Possible extension by throwing harder and harder or playing in 3x over the net.
drawing Core 1 fit
  • One player stands in the middle of the field,
  • three/four players stand around it.
  • These players must get the ball to the one player, making it as difficult as possible.
  • Important technique is underhand/overhand and I-call.
drawing Korea
  • Coach is on top,
  • 4 ladies on defense.
  • Coach hits ball over net.
  • The ladies only defend, the rest collect balls.
  • Have team line up individually with ball facing wall in center of room.
  • Practice for a few minutes with overhand serving.
  • Pay attention to a tight hand, stepping out, straight back and throwing up the ball.
  • One player at the net, the other on the 7-metre line.
  • The one at the net throws a short ball on the 3-meter line, then on the 7-meter line and so on.
  • First catch and throw the ball, if this goes well, you can continue to play.
  • Important that they stand still during the pass and do not wave their arms.
  • Three players at the net with ball.
  • Take turns to throw a ball to the passer,
  • who moves up one person at a time.
drawing Pass sideways
  • The aim is for the team to pass to position 3 (midfield).
  • Place a mat at this position.
  • One person stands on the mat to catch balls.
  • Team line-up on one side of the field.
  • Rest + trainer on other side.
  • Team members of trainer serve ball, pass correctly (person on mat must be able to set up ball with both feet on mat) = point for passer. Pass wrong is change of person who passes wrong with server.
  • After a few minutes/balls rotate positions.
  • If necessary, trainer throws really balls in the field. Possible to extend game with set-up and play over net.
  • Play a game of volley tennis against each other.
  • At lower levels the ball is allowed to bounce once, at higher levels it can be played in one go.
  • As soon as you lose a point you have to run circles around the court.
  • Until 2 remain, these play a final.
drawing Volley tennis
  • divide into 2 groups of 5
  • 1 player on each side on position 5
  • 1 player under the basket
  • the ball is thrown over the net and the passer plays the ball into the basket.
  • after that you join the group on your own side of the net.
  • extension with on 1 side the playmaker who plays the balls backwards after which the attacker hits the passer.


Divide group into two/three teams.

1. Row back line, 1 ball, roll ball, ball just over 3 meter line - pick up (the faster you roll, the sooner you win)

2. Rows of back line, 1 ball, run to net, throw and catch short over net (4x)

3. Rows of back line, 1 ball, run to net, two meters distance, throw ball into net and catch

4. Lines at wall, 1 ball, 5x ball overhead against wall

5. Lines at wall, 1 ball, 3x throw ball underhand against wall, pass against wall, catch, etc.

6. Drive at wall, 1 ball, 3x throw ball from distance against wall (throw hard and far)