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Volleyball drills

  • The 2 throwers stand on the boxes and the attackers walk on the ground.
  • The throwers and attackers try to knock over the pylons or throw off attackers at the opposing team.


  • You are not allowed to defend your pylons, you can use chalk to make a circle in which the pupils are not allowed to stand.
  • As a thrower and as a declarer you can choose to aim at the declarer or at the pylons.
  • The defender is not allowed to fend off but if he catches the ball the thrower is out and a new thrower has to come in
  • When a player is thrown out, he/she has to sit on the waiting bench, when a pylon of the opposing team is knocked down, all the keepers can go in again.
  • Throwers cannot be thrown off.
  • When the opponent's pylons have been knocked down, you have won the game, or when all of the opponents' helpers have been removed.


Play fanatically in threes. After you play the ball, walk to the other side and connect. Player A plays to player B and connects with player B at the back. Player B plays to player C and connects with player C at the back. Etc.


  • 1 with ball at the net,
  • 1 without ball on the backline, flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7meter line,
    • Then short ball on 3meter line.
  • Dumbbell torso rotation is good exercise for improving core rotational speed.
  • First of all, you need to prepare a dumbbell. Initially, you need to hold a dumbbell in the right hand.
  • After that, you should touch the ground in front of the left foot. Now, it's time for you to explode from low to high.
  • Finally, you'll have the dumbbell above the head on the right side.

Pay attention in the exercises:

  • Pass must come high so player can catch the ball 'overhand'.
  • Pass to the right, right foot forward
  • Pass to the left, left foot forward
  • Eyes" of the shoulders in the direction of play

The exercise:

  • 3 pairs with 1 ball.
  • 1 and 2 stand next to each other, not too close to the net.
  • 3 faces 1 in the back of the court.
  • 1 throws straight at 3 and 3 passes diagonally to 2.
  • 2 catches and throws straight on to 3 and 3 passes diagonally to 1.
  • So 3 moves around all the time.


  • 2 teams at the net with 1 ball each
    • 1p without ball behind the backline lying flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7 meter line,
    • then short ball on 3 meter line.
  • The players start by throwing the ball over, close to the net (within 3 m).
  • After throwing the ball, each player walks around the pawn at about 5 m and to the other side.

  • Variation
    • One of the players then decides how the ball will be passed and how the players will move around the pawn.
    • The other players imitate this player.


  • throw the ball with 2 hands
  • catch with 1 hand
  • change hands 3 times
  • throw the ball with 1 hand
  • catch with 2 hands
  • 3x
  • throw the ball with 1 hand
  • catch with 1 hand
  • 3x right + left

Equipment: cones + tennis balls

  • 2 pairs; per pair 1 tennis ball and 1 pawn
  • A throws the tennis ball with a bow to B
  • B catches the ball using the overhand technique with the cone
  • If this goes well -> alternate short ball/long ball
  • and/or sideways movement, i.e. throw to the left or right of the person


Improve fitness and warm up


Run in circles


Run in circles around the field(leave about 2m between them)

  1. when trainer claps 1 time - pump 1 time
  2. when trainer claps 2 times - sliding dives
  3. when trainer claps 3 times - a block jump
  4. when trainer claps 4 times - turn around and short spurt

4 game forms for warming-up for youth teams.

Game form 1: ( Korfvolley )

  • Theme of the training: Playing above the head
  • Explanation:
    • A game of Korfball, same rules, but it is only allowed to score with an overhand ball.
  • More difficult:
    • The ball must be pinned by a team mate.
  • Easier:
    • Draw a circle around the basket, where only the attacking team is allowed to go.
  • Scoring:
    • 1 point for every ball scored
    • 2 points for a teammate who passes the ball to the attacker.

Game form 2: ( Basketball volleyball )

  • Theme of the training: Playing with hands
  • Clarification:
    • Make 1 group per basket and throw the ball under a left or right angle from under the basket.
    • The players have to play the ball underhand in the basket.
  • Harder:
    • Hit the ball in a controlled way instead of throwing it in.
    • Catch the ball before it hits the floor via the basket.
  • Easier:
    • Throwing the ball straight instead of in an angle.
    • Reduce the distance to the basket.
  • Point count:
    • 1 point for every scored ball
    • 2 points for a passed ball
    • 3 points if the ball is caught in follow-up.

Game form 3: ( Tennisvolley )

  • Theme of the training: attack
  • Explanation:
    • Tension the net at tennis height and make teams of 3 or 4 players.
    • The ball must be played back and forth and smashed into the ground on your own side.
    • The receiving side may not let the ball bounce first.
    • Turn over every time the ball is played to the other side.
    • You will see that this is a very difficult exercise when the ball lane recognition is not in order.
  • Harder:
    • Jump on attack
  • Easier:
    • No spin
    • Ball may not end within 3 meters
  • Point count:
    • 1 point for every scored ball

Game form 4: ( Trefvolley )

  • Theme of the training: Defence
  • Explanation:
    • Game of dodgeball where all the defensive techniques of volleyball are allowed as defence.
    • Player throws the ball to his opponent, who tries to defend the ball so his teammate can catch it.
  • Harder:
    • Field must be divided into front and backfield, catching teammate must be in the frontfield.
    • Thrown ball must be a batted ball.
  • Easier:
    • Throw with 2 hands from the neck.
    • Throw with 2 hands from the chest.
  • Point count:
    • 1 point for every ball defended


  • The warm-up for youth should be playful and always with the ball.
  • Do not warm up too much, stretch, play volleyball immediately.