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Volleyball drills

  • Trainer gets the ball from player 1
  • Trainer throws the ball to SV and calls on the position where the attack will take place. ( position 2 or 4).
  • Attackers on position 2 or 4 finish the attack, go get the ball themselves.
  • Player 1 goes to position 3 (SV).
  • The attacker who finished the attack goes back to the starting position.
  • 4 players per half.
  • player 1 throws the ball to SV at position 3.
  • SV try to play the ball into the basket.
    • hitting the basket = 1 point
    • in the basket = 3 points
  • After the exercise turn in the direction of play.

Depending on the number of players.

Party form:

  • 4 against 4
  • 5 against 3 (or 4 with the trainer)
  • 6 against 2 (or 3 with the trainer)

Order to play the ball at least 3 times, via the set-up of the distributor. 2nd ball distributor must be overhand.

Warming up (1)

  • Relay in pairs, at the net 2 dice per pair.
  • Sprint to the net, roll the dice and add up the number of dots.
  • Sprint back and touch the next one and he/she adds up the number until you have 56.
  • You have to get the exact number, so at 52 you have to throw 4.
  • The one who has 56first, wins.
  • playmaker, attackers, 1 ball
    • SV only plays the ball high outside
      • Attacker hits and retrieves own ball
    • SV only plays the ball fairly flat outside
      • Attacker hits and retrieves own ball
    • SV only plays the ball far outside
      • attacker hits and fetches own ball
    • SV only plays the ball high midfield
      • attacker hits the ball and fetches own ball
    • SV only plays the ball fairly flat at mid
      • attacker hits the fast ball and fetches own ball
    • SV plays the ball just before the 3-metre line
      • attacker hits the ball and picks up own ball

Part 1

  • The players are divided into two equal teams.
  • The balls are distributed equally on both sides of the net.
  • The aim is to have as few balls on your own side as possible.

The way to pass the balls / course of play:

  1. Roll
  2. Throwing (overhand, underhand, one arm)
  3. Storage (underhand, overhand)

Part 2

  • The trainer places a ball on the half way line.
  • On either side of the net, a line of players stands at the back line.
  • At the signal of the trainer they run to the ball, whoever has it may keep it.

Which team collects the most balls?


  • The players on both sides of the net are numbered (so that 2 players of the 2 different teams have the same number)
    • Storm at sea: if your number is called, you must try to get the ball as quickly as possible and get back behind your line (= point + safety for the opponent).
    • If you are tapped by your opponent when you have the ball in your hands, you have to drop the ball (you can pick it up immediately afterwards and continue playing).
  • The trainer puts several balls on the middle line and everyone plays against everyone else and tries to collect as many balls as possible. (Several times, not as many balls as players, can also be played with a time limit, ...)
  • The whole team sits against the wall
  • The first one runs from the wall to the net and back and then sits against the wall again,
  • Then the next player can run.
  • They are not allowed to stop until the whole team has walked back and forth once.
    • Afterwards the same exercise but with planks instead of sitting against the wall.

  • 4 teams of which 2 at the net and the other 2 at the back of the field
  • B throws the ball to A
  • A plays the ball back to B
  • B plays ball UPHANDS to C
  • C plays the ball UNDER HANDS to D
  • D catches the ball
  • D throws the ball to C
  • C plays the ball UP to B
  • B plays the ball UNDER HANDS to A
  • A catches the ball
  • etc


  • Trainer throws the ball high on the (right) front.
  • On the left front side a player comes in and sets up on the outside (in a basket).
  • Watch the set-up:
    • ball up
    • stretch your legs
    • Point the ball well after the set up
  • Set upper stays a few (10) balls. other kids pick up the balls.
  • Then everyone with attack.
  • A team has to score 10 points by passing the ball.
  • Trainer throws no easy balls.
  • If the 2-squad doesn't do their best, they lose the points gained so far.
  • The other player collects balls.

Goal of the exercise:
Ball carrier must learn to act quickly after set-up and find new ball

Explanation of the exercise:

  • Playmaker exercise.
    • Five on one side of the net.
    • On the other side, you could also have 5.
    • Front left and front right both have a ball.
    • Playmaker stands in the middle.
    • The left back and right back bring the pass.
  • The first ball is thrown by the left back towards the left back.
  • At the moment the left back touches the ball, the right back throws the ball to the right back.
  • If you have more players, you can choose to change the one who passed with the one who is on hold.
  • In this way, the passes reach the defender immediately after each other.
  • The pass from the left back is played by the distributor to the left front.
  • Immediately after the set-up, do not follow the ball but look for the other pass from the right back and set-up the set-up for the right front.
  • Many ball contacts for the playmaker.
  • Pairs facing each other with a net in between
  • Overhead smash,
    • start on the 3,
    • with every good ball 1 step back,
    • to the backline