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Volleyball drills

See picture. Each 3 (or 4) players 2 balls. 2 players at the net a few meters apart, other player(s) in the backfield.

  • Exercise 1: Players take turns throwing the ball, player in the backfield plays the ball back underarm.
  • Exercise 2: First ball comes deep, 2nd ball comes short
  • Exercise 3: Throwers stand a little further apart and throw straight: player with ball on the sideline throws deep, other short. Passer moves left/right.

After x-number of balls or after some time swap places.


  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row at the right back
  • 1 catch
  • Pass left and right
  • Pass to receiver
  • Ball in ball bin, join shortest row
  • Passer becomes receiver

  1. Passing, overhand pass
  2. Pass, underhand pass
  3. Tackle, underhand pass
  4. Tackle, pass, set, attack
  5. Tackle, pass, set, attack straight, with block
  6. Tackle, pass, set, placed ball diagonally, within 3 meters (blockers come off the net), pass to trainer
  7. Pass, set, attack (shot) straight ahead, with block and line player
  8. Pass, set, jump ball, with 3 meter defender
  • players form pairs
  • 1 player stands ready to defend the ball, other player stands behind with a ball
  • at a moment the player in the back throws the ball with a small curve over ( left or right ) the player in front.
  • This player tries to get the ball up for the second bots ( fist under the ball or ducking ).
  • The intention is that players react to an unexpected situation.
  • Place 3 pawns around a player.
    • 1 to the left, 1 to the right and 1 behind (working player)
  • Another player, with the ball, is going to indicate to which pawn the working player has to move (good posture = hands loose in front of the body).
  • At an unexpected moment, the player with the ball throws the ball (preferably not too easy) and the intention is that the working player defends the ball.
  • Repeat this a few times and then change players.
  • 2 teams
  • play the ball 3x and then throw it over
  • when you have played the ball tap the back line

1) Short / deep ball --> back player plays back underhand (20x then change) 2)

Left / right ball --> play back underhand (20x then change)


) Everything

mixed left / right, deep / short

Just play with a pair of under and overhands.

Possibly with assignments after the game:

  • Tap a line
  • Knee on the ground
  • Two hands on the ground
  • Turn around
  • ...


  • A throws to B
  • B plays into C
  • C sets up and B plays over the net
  • Run after own ball

  • Four men on the back line.
  • The rest stands around the field to pick up balls.
  • One by one they enter the field and get a ball from the trainer.
  • They have to touch the ball otherwise they get another one.
  • When they are finished they come in at the back.
  • Start slowly and make it harder.


  • See picture.
  • Take turns throwing the ball.
  • After throwing the ball touch the back line and walk to the next spot.
  • Throwing good?
  • Then everything underhand.
  • Later all above hands.
  • jump up from a crouch as far as possible,
  • from the line to the net and back.
  • Player T.A. from the net:
    • 3 teams on the back line on the belly
  • Player gives slap on ball, 3 players stand up and trainer attacks one of the trio defends, nr. 2 setup and nr. 3 attacks
    • then next 3 team
  • Andre side are 3 blockers.
  • Slide through per 3 team