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Volleyball drills

15 minutes basket ball throwing

Exercise 1: throwing
  • run-up from cone position V to position III side A.
Exercise 2: throw 1 arm
  • run-up position II and catch ball with outstretched arm.
Exercise 3: with keys and intermediate key OH & TT.

Exercise 4: TB are replaced with ball , player runs on and keys to player at position 2.

Exercise 5: player at position 5.

Exercise 6: player chooses 2 or 5 - overplay to where he is not.
drawing Warming up
  • Two teams, whose players line up randomly in the field.
  • Ball is caught and thrown back the same way.
  • When the ball is thrown, the one who threw it goes to tap a wall.
  • The other players turn in the meantime.
  • Making a mistake means running around the field and rejoining the team.
  • After a while, players play instead of throw.
  • The one who played goes to tap the net and comes back.
  • There is still a run through and a run around in case of a foul.
  • Scoring can only be done between the three-meter line and the back line.

  • knock on the ball - turn hand through 25 x
  • Tap on ball - OH wrist up 25 x then hold up as many times as possible
  • Knock on ball - BH wrist held up 25 x then hold up as many times as possible
  • knock on the ball quickly 25 x clash
  • tapping on the ball quickly 25 x letting it collide, whip and snap , on the ground exercise holding balls up
  • swing through

  • dry practice 25 x
  • hitting ball that person is holding 25 x
  • throwing with tennis ball & catching 25 x
  • hitting with volleyball against wall 25 x

Open to setter
On raise - skirting - and put down mat to come down on.
  • get ready, jump off do no move 25 x

Open tosetter and hit
  • hit from elevation at the net, over the net 25 x everyone get their own ball

Run-up 1 step
  • dry to the net start on 1 leg 25 x

game run-up
  • 2 teams
  • 1 does approach from 1 step hitting the ball
  • other tries to hit the ball

Throw up the ball per 2
  • throw up with your striking arm, calmly hitting each other
  • H-M-L
  • L-M-R
Throw up the ball, run up and hit it over the net at position 4
  • Trailing the ball
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • You throw the ball up in front of yourself as high as possible with 1 hand.
  • Then you hit the ball over the net.
  • Pay attention to your technique: arm outstretched, pick up the ball at the highest point, keep stepping with your foot.
  • Throw the ball lower and lower until it is nice for you to hit.
  • Now throw the ball up again as high as possible with one hand but slightly forward, so that you can hit the ball from a jump.
  • Again you are going to throw lower and lower but you keep making sure you can jump.
  • Trainers throw high to the aerial and you have to attack it with a jump!
drawing Attacks on timing
  • 2 teams are made.
  • 1 team starts in the field, the other team stands at the side.
  • A ball is thrown into the field by the trainers. This MUST be played in 3x over the net.
  • If it is only passed once, then it is 2x no play -2x2=4x push-ups.
  • If the ball is passed 2x, it is 1x2=2x push up.
  • If the ball is played 3 times but goes out or into the net, then it is no point -3x2=6x push-ups-.
  • Once one team is out, the other team comes in.
  • The ball played over the net must be near the trainers so they can continue the rally.
  • The trainers may only play on when the team has played 3 times.
drawing In three across the net
  • A line is made on the 3-meter line.
  • The coach throws a ball toward the net.
  • The player must play this ball into one of the two baskets, preferably overhead.
  • After a few minutes the balls are no longer thrown high, but are played with a bounce via the ground.
drawing Upper hand ball stepping
  • 1 player in the middle
  • Other players around it
  • Trainer throws 10 balls
  • Player must have at least touched each ball
  • Continue until all 10 balls have been touched
  • Trainers stand at pos II and IV and throw 2 -high balls across.
  • Cones on the outside lines.
  1. Player A (IV) and B (I) in reception leave aside from player C attack at position IV.
  2. Player D, E, F behind cone.
  3. T1 throws to A, B runs in and passes to C, C drops to mat, B=>C, C retrieves ball and becomes F, D takes place of B.
  4. T2 throws to D, A runs in and gives pass to player B.
  • Cones in the middle.
  • Cones in the corners behind.
  • Trainers may choose where to throw to.
  • Trainers succeed from 6 meters -tight balls.
drawing Movement Thrill
  • 2 trainers throw 2 balls to player leaving from position VI at cone.
  • 2 people on target, per person throw two balls and put them back to trainers.
Cone position VI
1) to pos IV - 2 to pos II
2) to pos II to pos V

Cone position III
1) to pos V to pos I
2) to pos I to pos V

  • Orients to target.
  • Throws high.
  • OH play.
drawing Movement Thrill
  • Catching the ball from position 6.
  • Pass ball from position 6 to player at position 3.
    • Trainer throws the balls to.
    • Player catching the ball puts the ball in the ball box and connects.
  • Catcher throws the ball to position 4 and there a player comes to play the ball over the net.
Pairs a ball.

  • 1 player bounces ball, other player tries to take it away without grabbing the opposing player. If successful, the role changes.
  • In pairs pass the ball from one side of the room to the other. Without running with the ball yourself. Who is the fastest? If it goes wrong, pick up where it went wrong.
  • Same, but then throw it. If it goes wrong then start again.
  • Ball in the middle of the room between the players. Players on the back line on coach's signal run to the ball. Who has the ball first?
  • Players one meter apart with ball in the middle on the floor. On signal from trainer. Hands on head/ knee/ shoulder/ or ball.
  • 1 of the two has the ball and holds it with two hands. Opponent has hands just above the ball. As soon as the other drops the ball, try to catch it before it hits the ground.
  • Place 2 chairs in the court on which 1 player takes a seat.
  • Others will serve.
  • Whoever catches the ball gets to serve.
  • The serving player takes his place on the chair.
drawing Targeted serving