Volleyball drills
- 6 players in the field in position as if an attack is coming.
- Trainer on the other side. Hits ball and calls free ball.
- He throws the ball to the other side. Meanwhile, the players take up their positions.
- The rest of the players start blocking for example.
- no one is to go into the three yards,
- including the ball
- position 6
- position 4
- position 2
- rotate through in high tempo,
- trainer plays 2 tricky ball to player on position 6,
- this one plays ball to first 4 then 2.
- everybody keeps on turning.
- 6 goes to 4,
- 4 goes to 2
- and 2 joins the line at pos. 6
- 3 players start serving
- 6-team plays rally, emphasis on aggressive 3rd ball
- is not allowed in the 3 meter zone.
- Trainer plays SV to
- The SV distributes plays left/right
- Attackers must go full force against 6.
- Three defends and rallies.
- per line of players: 3 pawns and 3 hoops
- Players move between the lines (variation)
- after the last pylon, immediately exercise hoops (ladder)
- Calm walk - inside/inside, outside/outside.
- Faster pass - inside/inside, outside/outside.
- connecting pass - in hoop. high low
- Cross pass - 2 feet inside/2 feet outside
- sprint with turning around the pylon,
- Face forward,
- start on the right,
- then start crossing to the left
- inside/inside,
- outside/outside
- Playing smash with fixed SV
- Make 3 rows starting at 1, 6, and 5.
- throw the ball from 6,
- SV plays attack from 1 and 5, on 2 and 4.
- If the attack is on the right, the players on the left must jump and immediately backwards for another try.
- SV occasionally plays backwards.
- Retrieve balls and join other row.
- 3 players on 1,6, and 5
- defend balls of the trainer
- after 3 balls, they move up and a new player joins, on 5
- Other players catch balls in the ball pit
- other players position themselves at the side of the field at 1 and 6
- Trainer plays the ball on 3 defenders, at the moment of passing the ball the outfield players have to catch it on 2 and 4 which the trainer plays.
- 3 players at the net with a ball
- they play alternately short and long
- defenders move from right to left
Goal: improve the prick ball, high at the net.
- 4 against 4.
- Trainer throws the ball from pos. 6 in such a way that the midfield and possibly the left and right front have to prick the ball.
- Try to push the ball down with 2 hands, big hands.
- Also push left and right.
- Opposite 4 team, also try to pick up/block the ball.
- 4 against 4
- up to 15 points
- 3 games
6-team plays out the rally:
Trainer plays:
- free ball over the net.
- At that point, everyone runs according to the arrangements.
- Left and right forwards who are at the net, ready for the block, walk to the back, to help with the pass, and to be ready for the run-up attack pass.
- ball to SV in own half.
- This divides the game to the left and right.
- Opposing team (6 team) responds to the attack.
- SV connects with li/re in front to block. li/re who does not need to block moves to the back.
- Libero covers the block.
- Changeover, free ball/attack.
- Turn over, turn over with fixed SV.