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Volleyball drills

  • Cabinet part at good height.
  • Push off with 2 feet and jump to the back of the box.
  • Variation: after jumping backwards, to pass the attack ball.
  • Variation: after jumping from the box, block on smash, backwards to pass the attacking ball.
  • Pairs stand on 2 and 3.
  • First a block single (pay attention, after block jump down and back, for defense), then calmly back to the net, then second jump together on 2, so 3 connects.
  • Then connect under the net, group.
  • Other side the same, only trainer smashed against the block at second jump.
  • Right: right big step, quick li/re connect for jump.
  • Think about the arm movement.
  • At the big step, arms forward; at the small step, arms backward to take up position (arching) and to smash.

Variation: throwing a tennis ball

Attacking pass, from pylon, right, front centre, back.

how does a system work

  • 2 players with the ball at one side of the net on the 3 meter line, throw the ball in turn
  • 1 player on the opposite side on the 3 meter line, this player makes the action
    • walks to the net and plays the ball oh high to the player from whom the ball came
    • runs backwards to the 3 metre line
    • sessions of 10 movements and change
drawing OH under the net
  • per 3, 1 ball
  • 2 cones per trio on the width of the volleyball field.
  • player a runs in throws the ball high, player b runs in catches underhand and throws the ball high again, player c runs in and catches the ball underhand
  • adjust to bra, reception or combinations of
drawing warming up OH/BH

Ball War

  • Divide the group in 2
  • Give everyone a ball
  • At the signal of the trainer you roll your ball to the other side
  • Then you have to roll the balls back to your side
  • At the end of the game you have to make sure that there are as few balls on your side as possible

The emphasis here is on sitting low, which is useful for pass triangulation

  • The trainer hits the ball as a signal for the front 2 players to come into the field.
  • The trainer throws the ball over the net
  • 1 of the 2 passes the ball and the other catches it.

  • Possible extension by throwing harder and harder or playing in 3x over the net.
drawing Core 1 fit
  • player 1 stands pos. 3 SV
  • players stand in line, throw ball to SV
  • this player plays the BH to the throwing player,
  • this player plays the BH far over the net,
  • ball is caught by the player,
  • everybody except SV keeps on running after the ball.
  • variation:
    • Player 3 stands on different spots on the field.
    • On a mat. pos. 4/5 and 6

  • Play a game of volley tennis against each other.
  • At lower levels the ball is allowed to bounce once, at higher levels it can be played in one go.
  • As soon as you lose a point you have to run circles around the court.
  • Until 2 remain, these play a final.
drawing Volley tennis
  • The attack is from the outside.
  • The intention is to attack in the direction of the mats.
  • It's also possible to jump in the hoops.
  • Players come in from position 1.
drawing Targeted attacks.
  • Player on left front with ball.
  • Throws ball to pos 5. Building up attack, then covering.
  • T throws short ball to one of the players.
  • Set up attack again and cover.
  • Turn 1 place.
  • Attacker left gets 2 balls.
  • One in the coach's basket, joining the queue with the other ball.
drawing Covering attack