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Volleyball drills

  • Two pairs are made.
  • The players face each other. Player with ball has his back against the net, player without belly is in the middle of the square.
  • Player with ball knocks on the ball, at this moment the player at the back stands up quickly because the ball is thrown into the field and must be caught overhand or underhand.
  • The ball is thrown back to the player at the net in an arc underhand/overhand and starts over.
  • We do this 5 times each.
  • In the middle of the field a large square is made with 4 benches. Here 2 players stand.
  • All balls are distributed in the hall and the other players are waiting for the trainer.
  • When the trainer says start, the players must try to get as many balls as possible into the square.
  • The 2 players who are in the square throw the balls back out again.
  • After 1 minute the trainer checks how many balls are still in the square.
    • You may only throw 1 ball at a time in or out of the square!
  • Storage -> reception -> pass to 4 (diagonal) alternating with 2 (street) -> defence with 2
  • Variant: attack on 4 (street) alternating with 2 (diagonal) 7
  • Receptionists always turn around
  • After 2 good actions turn around
drawing 1


  • Player A throws ball over the net.
  • Player B or C passes the ball over the net.
  • The other player quickly runs under the net and sets up the ball for the same player who passed.
  • This player tries to get a pawn off the bench with overhand play or a hitting move.

Which pair or team has knocked the most pawns off the bench after X number of minutes?

  • Grouping into 2 groups,
  • Each group gets a small mat and the opponents must try to hit the mat with a ball.
  • If they hit the mat they get a point.
  • If the mat falls, the opponent gets a point.
  • free ball is brought in by reception player
  • then the pass is given
  • and the attacker attacks in a defined zone.
  • Point system:
    • out: -1,
    • net: -1,
    • in: 0,
    • inside the box: +2
  • Free ball -> pass -> diagonal attack:
    • 3 blockers,
    • 2 defenders who choose between 5/6 or 1/6
    • and 2 attackers on 4 and 2 who attack diagonally.

  1. in quiet walk 3x back and forth to the net.
  2. overhead lungescooling-down-4
  3. calf muscle (stand on bench and alternately push your heel down, do not force)cooling-down-4
  4. upper legcooling-down-4
  5. shouldercooling-down-4
  6. calmly dribble to the net 3 times.

1) running (on stockings
) 2) stretching

1) Shoulder pumps2
) T-Y-90/90 exo (arms lifted outstretched)
3) planks 1'
4) superman 16x5
) deadbug6
) planks 1'

  • Jumping up on the couch,
  • then jump off high,
  • down on his knees and
  • then jump up high again

Play fanatically in threes. After you play the ball, walk to the other side and connect. Player A plays to player B and connects with player B at the back. Player B plays to player C and connects with player C at the back. Etc.


  • 1 with ball at the net,
  • 1 without ball on the backline, flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7meter line,
    • Then short ball on 3meter line.