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Volleyball drills

Servicepass training for 4 to 12 persons4
2 servers at the servicepoint.
1 passer1
(dynamic) same as static but dancer plays ball on receiver. Passer plays to off-setter. (server becomes reserve, reserve becomes passer, passer becomes receiver etc.)

6 persons.
2 servers3
(static) see four persons
(dynamic) server serves the ball and runs after his/her ball.
Passer passes the ball to the receiver. The player on the right becomes the server and the server
moves in on the left. Catcher becomes server. If this does not work out 1 passer becomes reserve.

Extend with fixed sv and extra player on pos 4, who will attack. Passer becomes attacker, when pass is wrong the passer goes away.

Extend with blocking.


  • Three players on the back line.
  • At about one meter from the sidelines you put a pylon.
  • The other players stand around the field to pick up the balls.
  • The trainer at the net throws the balls into the field at a high speed.
  • It is up to the players to pass the balls back to the trainer, or at least to hit the ball.
  • Then the players join in again at the back, and so they keep running and looking at the ball.
  • The remaining players stand around the field to collect the balls played away and pass them back to the trainer.
  • Expansion:
  • Pawns further apart, throwing faster, hitting.
  • 2 teams(6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field.
  • Other players stand behind the back line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball underarm.
  • After playing the ball step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, make sure you have the ball safe and go and cheer on your teammates.
  • If everyone on a team has played away then you have a point.
  • 2 teams stand in a large circle,
  • in the middle there are balls (1 less than the number of pairs)
  • Person A goes on the back of Person B
  • When the trainer says yes, A jumps off his back and runs around the circle.
  • In the meantime B has put his legs wide so that A can pass between them.
  • A goes between the legs of B and picks up a ball as fast as possible.
  • Etc. until there is a winner.

2 players stand about 3 metres apart and play the ball to each other.

Variant with 3 players

  • Same exercise, but one player stands between
  • the other two and acts as distributor.
  • Defense always goes to the player in the middle who then sets up the other player.
  • This player passes the ball back to the other player who passes to the playmaker, and so on...
  • After a while the middle (defender) player is changed.
  • 2 players each side of the net.
  • Player throws the ball over the net.
  • is passed to the distributor and
  • then set-up and
  • then quietly over the net.
  • Other side passes it back to the distributor and so on.
  • Extend this to a complete 3-meter attack.
  • 6 players stand on position in the field.
  • The rest on the other side. Save and occasionally bring in a fast ball by trainer.
  • After 5 times turn around.
  • or let the team save by themselves.

This exercise is for the pass and playmaker.

  • 1 must save
  • 3 passers
  • 1 playmaker

The game proceeds as follows:

  • service
  • Ball is passed to the distributor. Distributor must play the ball into the basket.
  • Players turn except for distributor.

Power round

  • 15 situps
  • 20 sec planks
  • 15 burpees
  • 30 runs (pushup stance, bring knees to elbow on opposite side, fast pace)
  • from back line to 3 meter line
  • shuffle back
  • Make an attack (without the ball)
  • back to 3 meter line
  • 3x blocks
  • Dive back to backline
  • you have 2 passers on ra and la
  • trainer throws/serves the ball over the net to the 2 passers.
  • after having called loose, pass the ball to sv on 2/3
  • sv gives set up to lv
  • someone on the other side of the net tries to block and otherwise retrieve the ball
  • move up one spot at a time

Hole 1

  • Start on back line (2 players, rest of the field is empty)
  • Play over 3x with pass, set-up, attack.
  • Pass under the net (keep playing).
  • Hit the antenna with the swing.
  • Failed to start again at the back line, succeeded to go to hole 2.

Hole 2

  • Hit the ball from the backline into the net.
  • Person 2 "fishes" and gives set-up (2 plays).
  • Person 1 comes forward and plays overhands against the antenna.