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Volleyball drills

  • 1 player in the middle
  • Other players around it
  • Trainer throws 10 balls
  • Player must have at least touched each ball
  • Continue until all 10 balls have been touched


  • Make duos and place 2 duos on each side of the field
  • 1 duo has the ball


  • 1 duo serves
  • The other duo passes the ball
  • The non passer plays the ball with a backhand over the net
  • After 10 serves change positions
Emphasis is on the pass, so the service is secondary

  • Players with ball on P1 on field A.
  • Reserve player on P4 on field B.
  • 2 passers -P5 and P6- on field B.
  • 1 attacker on P4 on field B.
  • 1 attacker on P4 on field A.
  • 1 or 2 defenders on P5 -P6- on field A.
  • Hit/throw ball from field A -P1- to the passers on field B.
  • Take position of reserve P4 on field B.
  • Pass to attacker -P4- and at that moment the passers move to P1 and P6.
  • Attacker hits/plays the ball to the passers and takes the position P5.
  • Reserve becomes P4.
  • Pass the played ball and hit that ball to defenders on field A.
  • P1 on field A rushes under the net and takes the position of P4.
  • P4 plays the defended ball to P1, where it is caught.
  • Defender goes to P1 and connects behind and starts over.
drawing Warm-up real live
Pairs a ball.

  • 1 player bounces ball, other player tries to take it away without grabbing the opposing player. If successful, the role changes.
  • In pairs pass the ball from one side of the room to the other. Without running with the ball yourself. Who is the fastest? If it goes wrong, pick up where it went wrong.
  • Same, but then throw it. If it goes wrong then start again.
  • Ball in the middle of the room between the players. Players on the back line on coach's signal run to the ball. Who has the ball first?
  • Players one meter apart with ball in the middle on the floor. On signal from trainer. Hands on head/ knee/ shoulder/ or ball.
  • 1 of the two has the ball and holds it with two hands. Opponent has hands just above the ball. As soon as the other drops the ball, try to catch it before it hits the ground.
  • Place 2 chairs in the court on which 1 player takes a seat.
  • Others will serve.
  • Whoever catches the ball gets to serve.
  • The serving player takes his place on the chair.
drawing Targeted serving

  • Place 2 pawns at 6 meter distance
  • Place 2 servers with ball cart also 6 meters away
  • Place 1 ballcatcher by the cart and the other 2 by the pawns


  • Give quiet services on the pawns 10 times and then change
  • The 2 players at the pawns make sure the balls return
  • The player at the ball cart makes sure the balls get in
  • Make two teams of 5.
  • Positions 2 (2x), 4, 5 and 1.
  • Ball on P2.
  • Start by throwing ball with 2 hands from neck from 2 to 4.
  • Catch at 4 and throw with 1 hand to 1.
  • Catch and throw with 2 hands underhand on 3/6.
  • Walking from 2 to 4: sidestep.
  • From 4 to 5: backwards: shuffle.
  • From 5 to 3/6 and through to 1: fast walk.
  • From 1 to 2: fast walk.
  • Bra from 2 to 4.
  • Tight to 2 and there passes to 3/6.
  • Bra from 3/6 to 2 and resume.
Passing exercises:

  1. In a group of 5 players, the ball should be played to the setter at position 2, who then sets the ball to position 3 set. The catcher catches the ball.
  2. Play 2 against 2 with a net in between, where all passes must be underhanded and the ball must be passed between them at least once.
  3. Play out a rally: the trainer throws the ball on and the group handles the ball and plays out the rally.
Quality is important in every exercise, including movement after the action. The passer must move with the ball, the setter must move with the ball after the set, and so on.
  • Form two rows at the back line.
  • 1 ball per 2 players.
  • Players alternate playing to each other!
  • The last one tries to score the ball in the basket.
  • You may want to make this more difficult by placing basket past the net so they have to go under this.
  • All keys.
  • Everything underhand.
  • Alternate between keys/underhands.
  • Free choice; the last player scores by hitting the basket with an overhand shot.
drawing Warming up with ball mini
  • Row of players A at the 3-meter line with a ball.
  • 1 player stands at the net as a setter.
  • Player from row A keys to setter.
  • Setter plays ball BH into basket.
  1. spring in elbows.
  2. Extending elbows and pointing ball after.
  • Player at basket catches off and stands in row A.
drawing Playing overhand for beginners
  • Row in front of trainer behind 3-meter line. Trainer stands at the net.
  • Player keys the ball. Trainer plays/ throws it back.
  • Then player passes OH to trainer.
  • Trainer passes to 2. Player keys the ball over the net. Possibly into basket.
    1 point against basket - 2 points in basket.
  • Player retrieves ball and joins other group.

drawing Construction for beginners
  • Place a table at the 3-meter line with a mat on it.
  • 1 player takes a seat behind the table.
  • The row of players on the other side of the net.
  • Players play the ball over the net onto the table with mat. Can the player at the table catch the ball after 1 bots then 1 point may be put.
  • Who gets 25 points first?
drawing Warm-up with table and points rally