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Volleyball drills

  • 2 benches side by side (A and B) 3 to 4 meters apart
  • Players face each other on the bench
Course of play
  1. The A players throw the ball to the B players, who defend the ball overhead and play it back to the A player in 1 contact.
    • 15 times
  2. Same as 1 but the other way around.
  3. The A players throw the ball to the B players, who defend the ball underhand and play it back to the A player in one contact.
    • 15 times
  4. Same as 3 but the other way around.
  5. Idem 1 tem 4 but with the bench reversed (narrow side up)
Finish by passing the ball to each player until the end of the row.
Only completed when full row is finished.
drawing Defending in unstable position
  • Games are played on a half court
  • 1 person in storage
  • 1 person with ball at the net
  • 2 people in reception
  • 1 pass
  • After a certain time, the game changes to another formation (mirror image)
Course of play
  • Ball is served over towards 2 reception players
  • Reception is taken towards pass
  • Pass plays a short ball towards the reception line
  • Reception goes back to pass and pass to attacker
    • H & O attack from outside
    • M attacks 1 or 2 at poor reception
  • Player with ball at the net throws a deep ball over the net, it comes back to the pass and attacker (sowiso on corner) attacks
Pass Storage - Reception - Reception - Storage
drawing Storage + Reception + Pass
  • players distribute themselves around the field.
Game flow
  • Players perform different fitness/agility exercises for 1 minute.
  • After this, they move on.
  1. Air field hockey per 2
  2. Pistolsquad from the chair
  3. Medicine ball toss in situp position per 2
  4. Push off with 1 foot on the bench and switch sides/foot in the air.
  5. Cone + medicine ball move from hoop
  6. Color tapping + reception
drawing Warming Rotation
  • Making trios
  • 1st trio goes behind the 7m line on belly
  • Trainer with ball carrier on other field
  • Trainer claps on the ball and immediately plays the ball over the net
  • Players must get up quickly and play the ball back over the net in no more than 3 contacts
  • Next trio is ready
  • Trainer can determine the difficulty
  • Field A.
    • Players on 7 meters P1(row) and 1 player on p2
    • Reserve on p2
  • Field B:
    • Trainer with ball carrier on 3 meter line
    • Players on p1 and P5 (both on 3 meter line) and on p6
  • Trainer throws ball up high.
  • Player on p1 passes to P2 gets setup on 3 meter line and plays overhand to p5 or p1
  • Underhand play up and catch at trainer.
  • Run:
    • P6 to reserve P2;
    • P2 to backup P5b or P1b
  • After catching reserve P1a
drawing Playing arch ball underhand
  • Field A.
    • Players on 7 meter P1 (row) and 1 player on P2
    • Reserve on P2
  • Field B:
    • Trainer with ball carrier on 3 meter line
    • Players on P1 and P5 (both on 3 meter line) and on p6
  • Trainer throws ball up high.
  • Player on P1 passes to P2 gets setup on 3 meter line and plays the ball overhand to P5 or P1
  • Underhand play up and catch at trainer.
  • Run: P6 to reserve P2; P2 to reserve P5b or P1b
  • After catching reserve P1a
drawing B6. Arc ball OH games
  • Attacker stands at the block
  • Trainer throws a ball at position 4
  • Attacker plays the ball to the playmaker at the net
  • Playmaker plays to the same attacker
  • Attacker attacks
drawing coming off the block and then making an attack
  • 3 players with ball at 3 meter line
  • 2 players without ball at 7 meter line
  • Remaining players defend on other field
  • Player on 3 meter-line throws the ball upward
  • Player on 7 meter-line runs in and attacks the ball in jump
  • Defending and catching
  • Catcher throws up
  • Offender attacks
  • Attacker defends
  • Making duos with 1 ball
  • Distribute across the 2 fields
  • Player with ball stands on the 3 meter line
  • Player without ball at the 7 meter line
  • Player on 3 meter line throws ball straight up
  • Player on 7 meter line runs in and catches the ball above the front zone
  • After 5x change and make 3 series
  • Pay attention to outlet before 3 meter line
  • Without brake pass
as fast as possible the hoops from front to back and back to front.


  • 10 pylons
  • 16 hoops

  • Create two rows of pylons with enough space between them for one player to lie on their back.
  • Place 8 hoops around the first pylon of each row.
  • The first player grabs the first hoop and places it behind them over the next pylon.
  • The next player grabs the hoop and places it behind them again until all the hoops are placed around the back pylon.
  • The team that first puts all the hoops around the back pylon wins.
drawing Hoop race (abs)
  • players stand in a pre-arranged playing field with a ball
Course of play A
  • Players bounce through each other while dribbling.
  • Players try to touch another person's ball (1 point)
    • Variant high, low, right, left dribbling continue to be added during the game
Course of play B
  • Players start at the back line (half of the group)
  • Run while dribbling to the 3 meter line - 6 meter line - middle line
  • Group 1 rolls their ball from the center line under the net and tries to catch up with a dive.
  • From the moment the 1st half has reached the center line the 2nd group leaves
Course of play C
  • Players bounce through each other while dribbling.
  • Players try to knock the ball of another person off the field (only then a point)
Course D
  • Players start at the back line (half of the group)
  • Run while dribbling to the 3 meter line - 6 meter line - middle line in a sideways motion
  • Group 1 rolls their ball from the center line under the net and tries to catch up with a dive.
  • From the moment the 1st half has reached the center line the 2nd group leaves
  • Exercise is repeated in mirror image. (left & right)
  • Have the group lie down in a large circle.
  • All players go into plank position.
  • Call a name of one of the players, this player must run a lap over the legs of the other players as fast as possible (3x).
  • Rest.
  • The players lie on their backs and tap their ankles 40x (20x left and 20x right).
  • 10 setups.
  • 120 seconds wallsit.
  • Stretching and stretching in the circle.