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Volleyball drills

  • On one side of the net, a pair stands at the 3-meter mark
  • Field A on 2 and 3 and on field B on 3 and 4
  • Distribute the remaining players on the side
  • Start on field A at P2 on 3 meter line with 1 ball
  • Start throwing diagonally to P3
  • After throwing tap own 7 meter-line and connect with P3
  • P3 plays to P3 and P3 to P4
  • Then pass to OH or BH
  • If possible move to the back line
Extra: with more players also use the other net positions
drawing Warm-up: throwing - line running
Game flow:
  • 1 row of pots where exercises are done around/over
  • Players do the exercises in pairs and keep looking at each other.
  • Fast forward - backward movement between the pots: 2 forward, 1 backward.
  • Lateral left-right movement: 2 forward, 1 backward.
Players follow each other in quick succession:
  • slalom sideways displacement
  • slalom around alternating left and right
  • Knee lift left leg over pots / right leg
  • Jumping push off with both feet together over pots with intermediate jump
  • Jumping both feet together over pots without intermediate jump
After the pots continue walking to the end of the field and return along the sideline.
drawing Warming up foot displacement
Starting position:
  • Net hangs at 1.10 meters - 1.50 meters
  • 2 teams on each side of the net.
  • Ball is passed underhand
  • Ball is caught after a collision
  • Run to the net for a key throw
  • Smash / overhead attack over the net.
  • Catch after bots.
  • serve phase
    • overhand serve
    • catch without collision
    • additional action
  • receptive phase
    • Pass-throw to partner at the net. Partner runs to the net.
    • Reception to the net.
  • pass
    • throw up for yourself + pass to attacker
    • direct pass to reception.
  • attack
    • catching ball + attack
    • do not catch ==> direct attack on pass
  • Ball is played in from AVH position 4.
  • Playmaker departs from position 1.
  • Upon throwing up the ball from position 4, the playmaker departs, runs in and passes to the basket.
drawing Gamekeeper & reception
Exercise 1:
  • Key your ball up.
  • Bounce 1x and then dribble 2x.
  • After the last high dribble key up again.
  • When dribbling, alternate between left and right hands.
    • Note! Dribble Left = Right foot in front. Dribble right = Left foot forward.
Exercise 2:
  • Same as exercise 1 but with 1 single dribble.
  • Button up 2x, let collide 1x.
    • Note! Play your ball high enough above your head. Do not lower it.
Exercise 3:
  • Same as exercise 3 but with single key.
  • Key up and catch your ball. Keep your ball in the air by tapping it 3x with your right hand. Then key up again.
Exercise 4:
  • Same as exercise 1 but tap your ball with the left.
  • Key against the wall instead of up.
  • You tap the ball back 3x with your right hand.
Key against the wall and catch your ball. Tap the ball 3 times and key against the wall again. The one who can do that the longest without the ball falling to the ground has won.
Per 2 or 3 players.
  • Player at the net with ball on a mat, this is the zone to be played to.
  • 2 players in the backfield. Take turns playing the ball back to the net player.
  • After contact by the back player, the 3 meter line is touched with quick movement.
  • Overhand/underhand contact only.
  • No more catching the ball.
drawing Warm up and ball control
  • No training backward pass, so finish this way only when certain.
  • Ball thrown in from 2 to 6.
  • Reception to 3.
  • Ball is passed to 2 or 4, call for behind!
  • Other side turns the wrong way and we make the point!
  • Pass through every time!
drawing False pass and attack
  • 2 pass to the same side and attack.
  • Focus on the pass.
  • When the pass is given, leave with your run-up.
  • Exercise can also be adapted with explanation false pass:
    • always run up but the pass goes backwards to the other player. Opponents rotate their position and stand completely wrong as a result.
drawing Set-up: attack
  • Each side of the field 1 pass
  • Players throw in trap from 2 to 6
  • 6 passes to 3
  • Pass into basket
drawing Set-up exercise with basket
2 working groups:

Group 1 with trainer:
  • Make 2 Trios.
  • 1st trio goes behind 7 meter line on belly.
  • Trainer with ball carrier in corner of field.
  • Trainer claps on ball and immediately plays down field.
  • First ball must be played in 3 meter zone, non-reception player catches ball in pass position
  • other players stand on attacking home the moment ball is caught and call for pass.
Group 2
  • 3 players with ball at the net.
  • Others go to work, starting in corner of field
  • Get short ball first, far ball and back a short ball.
drawing Defense - attack home
1 player works, 4 pass balls.
  • Worker starts at the net in block position.
  • Block over net as start signal of exercise.
  • Worker makes 1st 3rd time move & ball is passed in from position 4.
  • Worker goes to retrieve short ball from position 1.
  • Worker taps player in position 2 and brings ball back that is thrown into the court.
  • Worker retrieves short ball from the ground from position 5.
drawing Condition and displacement
  • Players start opposite each other at the net with 1 ball.
  • Ball is thrown under the net during a lateral move. Staying low is important.
  • Blue player leaves towards the back line.
    • jumping exercise on the bench
    • Sprint between the 2 cones
    • Back towards the net through speed ladder
  • Red player departs diagonally to the back line
    • Dive to the corner of the field
    • Hopping step with high knees from cone to cone
    • Side plank movement across mat
    • Ball waiting for players under the net and continue around the court
  • Both players reconnect on the other side of the field and start another round.
3 - 5 rotations.
drawing overhand + V