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Volleyball drills

  • Organization:
    • Field A:
      • Sv on p2.
      • Attackers on 4 and start at the net.
      • Trainer throws in balls.
    • Field B:
      • Block on p2 and Libero on 5.
      • Explanation SBS6. (Stand still, Block Stroke arm to P6)
  • Execution
    • Tr throws on, setup and attack at 4.
    • Block blocks the strike arm and the libero defends the attack if necessary.
    • Block stays in place for 5 attacks.
  • Expansion:
    • Field B:
      • Block on p3 connecting to attack on P2.
      • If the block is gone before the setup is given, the Sv may play the ball over the net at p3.
  • Players form threesomes.
  • Per trio two players at the net with a ball.
  • Player A hits the ball (overhand) for a pass before the backline.
  • Immediately after that B throws the ball on the three meter line.
  • Player C makes a pancake and plays the ball back.
  • After 10 times the players turn one spot (A becomes C, B becomes A, C becomes B).

drawing Pancake - 2
  • This exercise trains the split step.
  • Players line up behind the back line.
  • Trainer or player stands at the net.
  • One by one the players walk in from the back line.
  • When the trainer hits the ball, the player makes a split step.
  • Then he gets the ball on a random spot next to or in front of him.
  • Player passes back and retrieves ball if necessary.
  • After that the player closes in at the back.
drawing Splitstep
  • Organisation:
    • 3 players on p2, p3 and p4.
    • 2 players on p5/p6 and p6/p1.
    • Other players with ball on p6.
  • Execution:
    • BH to p4 and follow ball, from p4 BH to p5/p6, follow ball backwards.
    • From p5/p6 OH to p3 and follow through, etc.
    • At p2 catch and connect to p6.
drawing Forward-backward
  • Organization:
    • 2 groups, 1 on each half.
    • Service from p1/p6 on 2 passers on P5 and P6.
    • Catcher on P2.
  • Execution:
    • Service on the 2 passers, call "loose".
    • Server passes to other court.
    • Pass to p2/3 and catch.
    • Catcher goes to serve.
    • Passer runs ball behind.
drawing Service on 2 passes
  • Organization:
    • Making triplets
  • Implementation.
    • Three players enter the field.
    • Coach throws/strikes ball into backfield.
    • Three players must pass ball back to trainer.
  • Objective:
    • 1 player calls "loose" and goes for the ball, plays it only upwards.
    • 2nd player makes sure the ball goes to the 3m-line, where the 3rd player plays the ball to the trainer.
  • Option:
    • 3rd player plays the ball to the trainer, 3rd player plays the ball to the trainer, 3rd player plays the ball to the trainer, 3rd player plays the ball to the trainer.
  • Organization:
    • Players on p2 and p4.
    • Other players in 2 rows on 3m line p3.
  • Execution:
    • The first two players walk to the net and block together on p3.
    • Then they sidestep or walk to p2 or p4 and block together with the player who is already there.
    • The original player on p2 and p4 make a roll/dive and join in the other row.
drawing Preparatory exercise Blocking
  • On both sides of the field 2 players come in.
  • There is a pass, setup and attack (from 3 meter line).
  • When side A has attacked, these two players circle off and two new ones come in.
  • Side B defends the attack by the same pass-setup-attack, these players go to the back line and two new players enter.
drawing Pass-setup attack
  • Organization:
    • Divide group into trios.
    • All on field A and trainer on field B.
  • Implementation:
    • 1st trio enters the field for a service pass.
    • Trainer serves and the trio passes to p2/3 where one of the three catches the ball.
    • Then comes trio 2, etc.
    • Build out with setup and attack from position.
    • Still later 1 trio is defending and we play out the rally.
  • Organization:
    • Split group into trios with one hoop.
    • They stand on field A at p1.
    • Trainer with the balls on field B.
  • Execution:
    • Player hold the hoop together.
    • Trainer hits ball.
    • Trio must try to bounce the ball through the hoop.
    • Retrieve ball and hand it in to Tr.
    • Next trio.
  • In addition to ball lane recognition, they learn to work together and communicate.
  • Organisation:
    • Square formation.
    • 2 players in the "attack".
    • 2 players defend and set up.
  • Execution:
    • Ball is hit diagonally to the 2 players in the back.
    • From the pass the other defender gives a setup also diagonally.
    • This one too is immediately attacked again on setupper, etc.
  • After a few minutes functions change.
  • Make sure you can work with 3 teams, or 2 teams.
  • Players must move at a high pace.
  • Player 1 starts on the baseline, sprints towards the 3 meter line.
  • Here the ball is thrown to the player by player 2.
  • Player 1 has to play a playable ball to player 2.
  • After that player 1 sprints back to the backline, taps player 3, and sprints again to the 3 meter line.
  • 10 playable balls, and then change.